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    Who are the NERD fund donors Mr Snyder?

    Raise the curtain.

    Lord Frederick Stephen Upton of Whirlpool, The Smartest and Most Hardworking

    By Corinthian Scales, Section News
    Posted on Fri Aug 05, 2011 at 02:13:56 PM EST
    Tags: Fred Upton, Smartest, Hardest Working, Whirlpool Trust Fund Baby, All-around Centrist A$$clown Millionaire Elected Class Calling Himself A Republican (all tags)

    No.  I didn't make that up.  That is the egocentric propaganda that greets you on Upton's 'spotlight' bio from his Lefty coalition.  Anyway, on to common threads of the elected 'Ruling Class' taking us all on a ride down the potholed road to serfdom.  Pay particular attention to Mark Matson at roughly 1:30 into this.

    Indeed, all bailouts are immoral.  Matter of fact, they're nothing more than a subversion of our Bankruptcy Law.  So, Lord Frederick Stephen Upton, the smartest and most hard working, what says you about this debt ceiling 'bailout' scheme?

    August 1, 2011

    Upton released the following statement after the vote:

    After 31 consecutive months of double-digit unemployment, failure to act is not an option for Michigan families. [STOP]

    Just act?  Do anything like you did with Wall Street?  Sorry, Lord Frederick Stephen Upton, the smartest and most hard working, but now you're just sounding like some startled teenage girl who got caught by her father with her panties down on the living room couch with her boyfriend.  Lord Frederick, you are the problem.  You are neither smart nor hardworking to rectify this debt you incurred or your other vastly overreaching government policies.  Complicit in those unemployment figures and debt?  Yes.  Working hard to cover said fact that you had hand enabling?  Yes, at any cost just to maintain the two and a half decades of that coveted elected 'Ruling Class' position over the hoi polloi.

    Lord Frederick Stephen Upton of Whirlpool, The Smartest and Most Hardworking .. possessor of the almighty journalism degree from the noblest U of M ... mocking and ridicule is most certainly earned, and deserved.

    Michigan Congressional District 6 voters, embarrassed yet?

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