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    Who are the NERD fund donors Mr Snyder?

    Raise the curtain.

    Grab A Seat, This Will Be Great Fun To Watch

    By Corinthian Scales, Section News
    Posted on Wed Aug 31, 2011 at 12:31:23 PM EST
    Tags: Governor Snyder, Debbie Stabenow, Battery Innovation Act, NITC-DRIC Bridge, Communist China, Public-Private Partnerships, NGO, Corporacracy, Central Planning, Canada, America, Mexico, United Nations, Agenda 21, Follow The Money (all tags)

    The Jenny Green Jobs push with our coerced tax dollars is alive and well.

    Michigan Democrats said Monday they want to continue specifically targeted tax incentives for advanced battery manufacturers, putting them at odds with Republican Gov. Rick Snyder and GOP lawmakers who control the Legislature.

    The industry-specific tax credits are among those scheduled to be phased out under tax policy changes Snyder has signed into law. It's part of a strategy to lower overall business taxes and leave more flexibility for economic development incentives beginning with the fiscal year that starts Oct. 1.

    Democrats say that's a mistake when it comes to the advanced vehicle battery business, which has begun growing in Michigan with the help of federal grants and state incentives. The Democratic plan also would include tax credits for buying electric vehicles and charging stations.

    This is at odds with Governor Snyder?  I doubt it with him sitting at 10.9% unemployment and a dwindling labor force that his bassackward 'reinvention' scheme of 'too divisive' Willy Milquetoast leadership has yielded.  Besides, Snyder and his cronies from Ann Arbor SPARK are going on a junket to commie China for a reason.

    Don't ever discount anything that the 'One Tough Nerd' once said.

    < Buddy, have you got $327-million? | And Now A Word From The Fat Guy Pushing Snyder's NAFTA Bridge... >

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