Al lot of things could be said for Monday. It was hot (up here) and the news cycle was on full tilt boogey. But no good news as far as I could tell.
Some lowlights:
Kwame is free.
Tea Partiers are now "terrorists" according to our VP.
The balanced budget amendment no closer to reality.
Unchecked US debt further cemented
Republicans have once again lost credibility
And the credit rating will now be worsened BECAUSE the congress cannot stop itself.
Obama is one step closer to his goal of wrecking this country.
And candidates supported by those aforementioned "terrorists", in the one vote that probably mattered most so far, blew it.
And I am considered to be over-reaching in my analysis of the situation as it relates to the debt. Some "extreme" "moderates" might think that saving 1 penny per every 43 overspent (adding to debt) is a winning result. Those out of there "terrorist" instincts fostered by a deep respect for the constitution and its purpose surely get the hackles up on some who think that losing is winning.
"Its ok billy, its not if you win, but rather how you lose."