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    Who are the NERD fund donors Mr Snyder?

    Raise the curtain.

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    Just in from my Republicrat spinmeister (none / 0) (#3)
    by Corinthian Scales on Tue Aug 02, 2011 at 09:47:16 AM EST
    WASHINGTON, DC:  Congressman Dan Benishek (MI-01) today released the following statement:

    "The bill passed by the House this evening is by no means perfect, but it begins changing the way Washington borrows and spends money.  There is plenty to dislike in this bill from all sides, but this compromise will put the brakes on America's exploding debt problem.

    cough BULLSH!T cough

    This legislation--while not containing the level of spending reductions I would like to see--prevents a national default and begins to move the country's ship in the right direction.  The bill contains dollar-for-dollar spending reductions and contains none of the job-killing tax increases the Administration promoted.

    cough DOUBLE BULLSH!T cough Riiiiight... Like Republicrats that brokered deals with the Neocommunist DNC never resulted in tax increases in the past.  Read my lips!

    Moreover, this measure continues the government's commitment to Social Security and Medicaid beneficiaries.


    Northern Michigan citizens are rightfully frustrated with the way Washington spends their money.

    And that frustration ends with your one term of spinelessness.

    With passage of this bill, Congress will enact policies that begin to reverse downward the spiraling debt curve.  This bill may not be the solution I was hoping to see, but it puts in motion the reforms needed to get this country's fiscal house in order and encourage job creation."

    Hello!?!?!  Doctor Dan, you weren't sent to DC to vote for crap legislation.  Excuses are indeed like assholes.  Everyone has them.  We'd all been ahead of the game with Stupak still in Office instead of creating another Federal gummint pension.

    I can now officially wipe my ass with The 4 R's page.

    Dan's not a career politician. He doesn't really have a political bone in his body. But when Congress passed a nearly trillion dollar stimulus bill in the middle of the night that no one had read, he shocked his wife, his friends and everyone who knew him: he declared that he could either shout at this TV set for the rest of his life, or he would run for Congress. So look out Congress.
    The 4 R's

    Dan thinks the three R's are great for schools. But Congress need's 4 R's:

    1. Read It. Dan actually thinks it's crazy that this should even need to be said, but the biggest change you could make to Congress is to make them all read the bills they're voting on. Washington's biggest messes are coming from legislation no one has read.

    2. Reduce It. We're $13 trillion in the hole, and on the brink of a financial meltdown that will ruin the nation because Congress won't stop spending. Dan will. It will be hard. It will take lots of sacrifice. But we can't leave this debt for our kids to pay back.

    3. Repeal It. The health care bill is a mess. It needs to be repealed, and replaced with real reforms to put patients - not bureaucrats - in charge of health care.

    4. Reform It. Out with the career politicians. Out with the special interests. And in with the voices of taxpaying American citizens who agree that enough is enough.

    Enough is Fluff.  Between the GOP Nerd and Doctor in this state, who needs Brewer's Democratic Party?

    Oh! ...and, Uncle Joe, ya thieving, backpedaling parasite, Go F#@% Yourself!

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