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    Who are the NERD fund donors Mr Snyder?

    Raise the curtain.

    VIDEO: Who is going to pay for DRIC?

    By GovtWatchdog, Section News
    Posted on Tue Apr 12, 2011 at 08:14:08 AM EST
    Tags: Governor Snyder, DRIC, Snyder, International Trade Crossing (all tags)

    Americans for Prosperity launched a campaign yesterday to raise awareness about the real cost to Michigan taxpayers if the proposed Detroit River International Crossing, commonly referred to as DRIC, is built.

    Politicians on both sides of the border are claiming that it will not cost the taxpayers a single dime. You can watch Michigan Governor Rick Snyder boast about Canada's generous offer to loan Michigan $550 million dollars so Michigan can then receive matching Federal dollars. Then the video cuts to Canadian Transportation Minister Chuck Strahl, claiming that the bridge will not cost the Canadian taxpayers one dime. Watch the video here:


    How can a bridge be built and not cost the taxpayers? The truth is that Michigan is going to have to repay the $550 million and on top of that there is the cost of federal tax dollars.
    Politicians have always told people what they want to hear and it sure sounds like a great deal; a "free" bridge combined with job creation. If you believe that, then you probably believe that Charlie Sheen is really "winning" on his tour across the country.

    < Are we going to have to do this? | And By The Way, Lansing Rally Tomorrow. >

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    This story really must be hitting too close... (none / 0) (#1)
    by KG One on Tue Apr 12, 2011 at 08:49:54 PM EST
    ...to home for some people.

    The "non-partisian" Michigan Truth Squad (ha ha ha hahahahahahahahahahahahaha, sorry) , enforcer for The Center for Michigan, recent did an entry on the whole DRIC/NITC/Gordie Howe Bridge debacle.

    (the above link is tricky, try here if it doesn't work)

    Long story short, they're calling the Canadian "loan" statement in the ads into question and calling the entire ad campaign a "foul" on that basis.

    It's a shame that those people don't read the trades just a little bit more often.

    "Snyder revealed that last week he'd reached an agreement with the Obama administration to count the Canadian contribution of $550m to the project as if they were a Michigan match for other federally supported projects. (NOTE: We have referred to this $550m as a loan and so have most other reports. However on checking it is better characterized as a Canadian contribution they hope to recoup - on terms as yet undefined -editor)"

    Another thing that the guv and his puppeteers have overlooked: Canada has eco-nuts, too!

    "Sierra Club Ontario Director Dan McDermott addressed the environmental cost of DRIC, noting that WEP construction would damage the Ojibway Complex, Canada's largest remaining tall grass prairie ecosystem and threaten at least eight Species at Risk."

    And those eco-nuts can mess things up just as well as they do here.

    Money To Burn (none / 0) (#3)
    by grannynanny on Wed Apr 13, 2011 at 09:35:18 AM EST
    This article popped up in the Lansing State Journal on Monday.  $500K for a park restoration.  This state is supposed to be broke yet they have 1/2 million for a park that no one even misses.  Less than a mile down the road is a brand new park - what the hell is the state thinking?

    http://www.lansingstatejournal.com/article/20110411/NEWS01/104110333/-1/7daysarchives/-500-000-help- Lansing-s-once-polluted-Crego-Park-reopen-public

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