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    Who are the NERD fund donors Mr Snyder?

    Raise the curtain.

    Executive Privilege?

    By JGillman, Section News
    Posted on Thu Oct 13, 2011 at 10:14:13 AM EST
    Tags: Executive, CZARS, Michigan, Snyder, Appointees, Policy Makers (all tags)

    In a move straight out of the playbook of Dear Leader Obama, it seems Michigan's executive branch would have new wholesale hiring capabilities.

    The Detroit News reports:

    "Sen. David Robertson, R-Grand Blanc, wants a constitutional amendment that would allow the governor to appoint up to 1 percent of the state workforce. With about 50,000 employees, that would amount to about 500 appointees.

    Today, Michigan's governor is allowed only five appointees per state department, plus department heads and eight appointees in the governor's office, for a little more than 120 total.


    "What is good for me, may not be so for thee" would be a statement that comes to mind.  Republicans who would stand so against things such as a taxpayer boondoggle bridge during the last administration, and now consider it plausible should make one pause.  And in this case, we critique the worst president who has ever lived in the white house for his 'czar' list and unaccountable policy makers, yet are expected to bless the 'Republican' version of it?

    Maybe not such a good idea, huh?


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    The idea is... (none / 0) (#1)
    by HouseStaffer on Thu Oct 13, 2011 at 12:33:12 PM EST
    I think the idea is to increase accountability.  Right now state government is populated with civil service bureaucrats who's only interest is in themselves.  They have complete job security, and because they're in the union, they will retire with a pretty nice pension.

    The Governor has no ability to try to make things more efficient, because the people in the department are not accountable to him.

    Sen. Robertson's idea would be to make more employees at will and accountable to the Governor.  That way the gov could not blame the civil service system (like Granholm did) for his or her inability to reform the departments and create efficiency.

    • Interesting. by JGillman, 10/13/2011 12:38:53 PM EST (none / 0)
      • Interesting? by Corinthian Scales, 10/13/2011 02:12:22 PM EST (none / 0)
    • Hogwash by Corinthian Scales, 10/13/2011 01:31:52 PM EST (none / 0)
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