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    Who are the NERD fund donors Mr Snyder?

    Raise the curtain.

    Good Morning Monday

    By JGillman, Section News
    Posted on Mon Jan 17, 2011 at 07:38:30 AM EST
    Tags: Power, Schuette, Welfare, Monday, Michigan (all tags)

    Just a couple small things.  Going to be a busy week I think.

    It seems there are a lot of questions looking for answers as we begin the new week.  Jenkuz brings up a valid issue with yesterday's post and how we are going to proceed as a state if our 'Republican' defenders are sticking us as the Democrat destroyers did. Schuette though elected, has a part of his responsibility the obligation to give the administration's opinion in court.  However, he can also advise and encourage the abandonment of such actions as the appeal.

    I'll be talking with the AG about the selection of Brian Zahra for the Michigan Supreme Court this week, and see if I can get some light shed on this issue.  We WILL need expansion of power generation in the future.


    Corinthian Scales is correct in suggesting 4 years is too long a welfare stint.  My own solution?  Outsource it.


    Contract for DHS management with the contracting company receiving a percentage of what is left. Crazy huh? I have talked about it before, and there are ways it could work.
    "Imagine if you will, a "for profit" interest contracting for the care of indigent, poor, hungry Michigan citizens.  They would agree to operate on a fixed amount.  Anything left over after providing the minimums established would belong to the contracting entity. The needy would be cared for by "professionals."


    Would they?  What if the minimum care was not established for the needy?  What if the operation did not meet the standards?  It would cease to be able to contract.  Instead, what if they decided it would be advantageous to instead of providing broad based "welfare,"  to instead provide a means for the needy to provide a better life for themselves?  It would save the "company" money, and the remaining pot would be greater.  The next contract could be negotiated perhaps at a lower level, and at a lower cost to Michigan taxpayers.  Result oriented operations work.

    This is hardly a cure all but along the lines of anything that is truly market based, it offers a possible solution to a perpetually failing process.  It might address the reasons people are poor.  The possibility that the brightest entrepeneurial minds would be at work solving our states greatest problems is certainly one to consider as a potential.  Profit is exceptionally motivational, and finds solutions in nearly ANY situation.  Profit seekers would benefit richly by creating wealth for all of us, whereas the current set of hands managing our down trodden is dependent on them staying that way."

    Real motivation would be to get folks off the rolls, because it would mean more in the pocket of the providing firm.  They might provide job training that is realistic and actually provides work skills that can be used.  Perhaps with a 'workfare' element that pays the contracting firm back in other ways as well.  EVERYBODY who receives benefits could give back in some way.

    More so than is happening now.

    Concern on whether or not the firm would be cutting folks off unnecessarily, could be answered with a review designed to look  at particular metrics associated with the process.  
    BILLIONS could be saved, and more of Michigan's needy would be doing productive work.

    But what the heck..  This is just Monday morning..  Lets get the week started.

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    When you have (none / 0) (#1)
    by grannynanny on Mon Jan 17, 2011 at 09:11:32 AM EST
    data entry specialist (secretary with a high school education) making $58,000 a year plus benefits, what makes you think they would sub out DHS?

    The unionized workforce of the Peoples Republic of Michigan will not tolerate such common sense solutions.  

    The question I haven't heard asked yet. (none / 0) (#2)
    by KG One on Mon Jan 17, 2011 at 09:35:52 AM EST
    Back in the 90's, one of the reforms that Gov Engler implemented to get his budgets in order was a total ban on all able-bodied individuals from receiving welfare in Michigan.

    When was this policy ever reversed?

    I don't recall hearing about it as one of the "accomplishments" of Hurricane Jenny, so how/when did this change?

    Unless I am mistaken (none / 0) (#3)
    by LookingforReagan on Mon Jan 17, 2011 at 04:38:22 PM EST
    There is no residency requirement to draw welfare benifits in Michigan. Something that I have always wondered about. This has led to abuse of the system. I won't go into details about the scams but surfice it to say they exist.
    You must live in Michigan for 6 months in order to get a drivers license issued by this state and you must purchase a non-resident fishing or hunting license until you have established residency and that is 6 months in duration. Why not demand a residency requirement for the drawing of welfare benefits. If you come to Michigan, you need to have a job or a means of support rather then have the already overstressed citizens of this state support you. It would help to keep some of the pilfering down I think. But yes, I also agree that four years drawing welfare is too long. Didn't the Czarina sign a welfare reform bill limiting drawing welfare to three years per person per lifetime? Anything that can be done to do away with the professional dependent class is okay by me.

    RE: my above post (none / 0) (#4)
    by grannynanny on Mon Jan 17, 2011 at 06:15:08 PM EST
    The $58K state employee I speak of is a liberal friend of mine.  She has a daughter who is now 32 yrs. old, has had 2 babies out of wedlock, one at the age of 15 which she gave up for adoption and the 2nd at the age of 17 which was born with disabilities.  The daughter has been on some form of public assistance since the second child was born.  She has attended some form of educational classes in that time to remain on assistance.  She also gets SSI disability payments for the child and makes up the rest of her income by selling pot and moving from residence to residence not paying her rent or finding a boyfriend to supplement her income.  

    All the while this friend complains that her daughter does not have access to "quality health care" (she is on Medicaid), she does not have access to good housing (deadbeat renters usually have a history), she does not like the available public school special ed programs for her son (so she cajoled a Catholic school into admiting him on a free scholarship).  It never ends.  It is everyone else's fault that her daughter made bad life choices (right under her nose and control)and we must pay the consequences for her bad choices.

    And this friend just retired from the state and is now complaining about the benefits.  It really never does end.

    This was a very dear friend at one time but I try to avoid her at all times now because I cannot stand the old whoast me stories every time I see her or talk to her.

    • And..... by grannynanny, 01/17/2011 06:34:04 PM EST (none / 0)
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