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      Who are the NERD fund donors Mr Snyder?

      Raise the curtain.

      What did the hand say to the Donkey?

      By JGillman, Section News
      Posted on Mon Aug 23, 2010 at 04:18:35 PM EST
      Tags: Board of canvassers, Jason Bauer, Democrats, Tea Party, Fraud, Oakland County, OCDP, Shucksters, Liars, Fakesters (all tags)

      SLAP!!  Yessiree...  That's the message folks!

      The Donkeys that have brought us the RMGN, High taxes, Granholm, Obama, and this year the FAKE TEA party, have taken a blow on the face.  The Fake Tea Party has been denied its position on the November ballot for now:

      Petition forms didn't have "The" before "Tea Party" on it, which is the proper name that the mysterious startup political party used on other campaign documents. The vote to approve The Tea Party petition failed in a 2-2 vote with the two Republican board members voting not to approve it.

      Michael Hodge, the attorney representing The Tea Party, said he expected to be in the Michigan Court of Appeals as early as Wednesday. At issues is whether the missing word on the petitions is "substantially" not in compliance with the petition gathering laws, given that there is another entity claiming the title of "Tea Party," without the definite article "The" in front of the name.

      Although forgetting "The" in the proper name was considered a technicality by Hodge, there were bigger issues presented to the canvassers during the Monday meeting, including allegations of fraud involving the creation of The Tea Party.

      But to be on the ballot... they still have an uphill battle.

      As KG One said here:

      "This story just keeps getting better and better."


      What is funny, is how the fact that an obvious case of fraud for the two sitting Democrats on the board of canvassers would not sway them from their positions of support.  As they say "where you see smoke..."  

      I suppose that would be the last best hope for the fakesters.  However, we can expect it to be fought until it is either too late, or they realize it just ain't gonna happen. There are challenges and procedures that could flip this again.   As we have discovered before, stupid things occasionally find their way through such processes in the end, and the Michigan Democrats are world class defenders of stupid.

      But right now.. there is another wild card out there..

      You know.. my newest friend Jason Bauer.

      Yo.. Jason.. Homey.. My man..  Gimme a call.  I'll help you regain some Michigan love.  I know the pressure those cheating sons - o - guns can put on you. I feel your pain!  Open up them wind pipes, its time to SING! ..And start making it right for the folks in Michigan who simply want the truth.  I'm in the book... Really, I think you can help us discover the true masterminds behind this..  The ones who "don't care much about a hack political director" (their words not mine I am sure) who is considered expendable.

      And don't believe Brewer or McGuiness when they say you're protected.  They tossed you man.  Tossed like a spoiled turkey sandwich.  

      Hook me up with the info, and I'll talk real nice about you for a long time.  My guess is the rest of Michigan will as well. The board of canvassers has delivered a open palmed hit to the face of Michigan Democrat politics, lets you and me give em a boot to the ..um ..donkey.

      Don't let the machine get you first though. Don't let em get you.. ..bro.

      < Democratic "Tea Party" accomplice told to hit the bricks. | Agreement >

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      And What About (none / 0) (#1)
      by grannynanny on Mon Aug 23, 2010 at 04:43:10 PM EST
      Mr. Steffeck?  I would say that between Bauer and Mr. Steffeck this would be a good criminal case of voter election fraud.  Throw Brewer in for good measure too - his hands certainly are not clean in these shennanigans.

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