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    Who are the NERD fund donors Mr Snyder?

    Raise the curtain.

    Leftist Dems seeking their brothers in arms..

    By JGillman, Section News
    Posted on Wed Mar 24, 2010 at 10:48:36 AM EST
    Tags: Democrats, Felons, Voting (all tags)

    Or Legs..  shackles I mean..

    Michigan representative John Conyers along with other Democrats in congress are trying to make sure that Democrat leaning felons (and themselves) will never lose their voting rights permanently.  The contemptible miscreants who are attempting to subvert the constitution on matters of personal health and liberty, now want to make sure they have as many like minded individuals pulling the election levers as possible.

    Conyers has said:

    "The United States may have the most restrictive disenfranchisement policy in the world. Such prohibitions on the right to vote undermine both the voting system and the fundamental rights of ex-offenders." ` Congressional address, Mar. 16, 2005

    Huh.. Pretty tall statement.  In the world?  Really??

    Indeed, as we in Michigan have a reasonably forgiving election law with regard to felons, is it not yet another state's right issue being attacked?  In fact, even the bill itself acknowledges that there are procedures in most cases to petition for the return of the voting responsibility and privilege.  There ARE ways..

    Under Michigan's election law:

    MCL 168.492a reads: "A person confined in a jail, who is otherwise a qualified elector, prior to trial or sentence may, upon request, register under section 504. The person shall be deemed a resident of the city, township, and address at which he resided before confinement. A person while confined in a jail after being convicted and sentenced shall not be eligible to register."

    MCL 168.758b reads: "A person who, in a court of this or another state or in a federal court, has been legally convicted and sentenced for a crime for which the penalty imposed is confinement in jail or prison shall not vote, offer to vote, attempt to vote, or be permitted to vote at an election while confined."

    Given the above restrictions, a Michigan resident confined in jail or prison that is awaiting arraignment or trial is eligible to register and vote. A Michigan resident who is serving a sentence in jail or prison after conviction cannot register or vote during his or her period of confinement. After a Michigan resident who is serving a sentence in jail or prison is released, he or she is free to participate in elections without restriction.

    All qualified Michigan residents can vote... Even if they were convicted felons.  In fact, for Conyers, having a state that allows voting post confinement is a sweet deal.  Given his geographic representation, it seems would act as a mecca of sorts, drawign them in to his district.  Cheap housing, ability to vote.. huh it might even keep the state Democratic long enough for the union leadership here to drive us deeper into the hole..

    But if H.R. 3335 passes, the incentive to find a home where they can vote is gone, and perhaps even the criminals might not have enough reason to want to be here.

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    Not Surprising (none / 0) (#1)
    by restricted on Wed Mar 24, 2010 at 11:07:03 AM EST
    Conyers is just another Progressive / Marxist placing another "straw on the camel's back" to create chaos and collapse the system. But, on the other hand, he might be trying to do his wife a favor.

    Well (none / 0) (#2)
    by LookingforReagan on Wed Mar 24, 2010 at 12:00:47 PM EST
    This coming from the guy that uttered the statement that Obamacare was Constitutional because of the "Good and Welfare clause." I guess maybe the Congressman is old enough to have an origninal copy but mine doesn't include the "Good and Welfare clause.
    The Progressive Democrats in this state have made us a laughing stock in the same way as California has been for decades. Conyers and wife, Dingell and wife, Granholm, Stabs-us-now and the droll and unexciting Karl Lenin. For God's sake people, is this the best we can do here in Michigan anymore? It is no wonder we have lost millions of residents over the last twenty years. We need to wake up or the entire state will look just like Detroit. Nothing but a wasteland.

    Circular logic... (none / 0) (#3)
    by rdww on Wed Mar 24, 2010 at 04:15:53 PM EST
    "All qualified Michigan residents can vote... Even if they were convicted felons."

    The issue here is those who are currently NOT qualified to vote.
    IMHO, this seems like one of those dead-end causes that we on the right too easily wander into, like flag-burning amendments and such.  If we take the proper perspective of how pernicious government is, we see that it's definitely in the government's interest to keep former felons from voting.  That gives terrific incentive to create ever-more felons.
    As to Michigan's policy of not allowing those currently in the slammer from voting, there seems little to worry over one way or the other.  Is there some mass movement among current jailbirds to vote?  And who are we afraid they're going to vote for, anyway?  Overall, I'd say we should be doing all we can to encourage more, rather than less, suffrage.

    You don't suppose, (none / 0) (#4)
    by RushLake on Wed Mar 24, 2010 at 04:45:34 PM EST
    since his wife Moronica is likely to fall into the category of convict that he's just trying to make sure she can still vote for him?

    I knew that JGillman (none / 0) (#6)
    by RushLake on Thu Mar 25, 2010 at 06:05:41 AM EST
    it was more an attempt at irony as regards the CONyers family.

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