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    Who are the NERD fund donors Mr Snyder?

    Raise the curtain.

    Its official.. Another baby ruth in the pool

    By JGillman, Section News
    Posted on Mon Mar 01, 2010 at 03:01:21 PM EST
    Tags: Michigan, Politics, Andy Dillon, Tax Hikes, Governor (all tags)

    How could the day slip by without the mention of RMs favorite tax raiser, and his ambition to be top executive of the state of Michigan?  Certainly would we not be forgetting to talk about the one, the man, the only speaker EVER to be recalled for removal in Michigan, Mr. Andy Dillon.

    It seems as though it was only Months ago, that we were praising the House Speaker for his stand on a state employee health purchasing option. In fact it WAS only months ago, that Dillon (contrary to the position of his union supporters) rang the bell, leaving little wiggle room for speculation that he would abstain from the governors race in this upcoming cycle.  He expressed a relatively "conservative" position on the matter, and set the tone for what will now follow as an slightly more than interesting primary race for the Michigan Democrat party.

    But he is still a tax raiser.

    In 2007, Michigan was winding down the Single Business Tax, and the revenues were not going to be enough for a state which has spendaholic tendencies.  First, a straight out service tax extension was tried, and after the dispensation of favors to the friends and colleagues of our legislators, it was discovered to be somewhat.. for the lack of a better word.. unacceptable.

    Then, the MBT,(Michigan Business Tax) which was designed as a replacement for the SBT turned out to be more complicated than requested by the voters of the state. But hey..  what the heck.. Dillon and company crafted some nifty complications to enhance its ludicrousness and make it all better.

    They made the complications bigger.

    They added a surcharge to the MBT that would cover the loss of the projected service tax revenues.  Certainly there is no better place to go when the coffee jar is getting empty than the pockets of those rich business owners of Michigan.  Indeed an additional 23% on top of the complicated features and high cost of the MBT is "Just desserts" for those greedy SOBs who make things and hire people in the state.

    But its all good! Dillon has a sense of humor about it to be sure.. As a part of the package, the surcharge can go away if things get better.

    "The MBT Surcharge is eliminated on January 1, 2017 if Michigan personal income growth exceeds 0% in 2014, 2015, or 2016."

    What a kidder!  I wonder if THAT language was added after Dillon returned to the legislative process after a few lunchtime toddies - Just speculating to be sure, as its serious as serious can be in Lansing for the big spender.

    Indeed he has a serious side.  Andy Dillon, when announcing his candidacy (on a slow news days.. strange) would like to point out that partisan politics need to be set aside:

    "It's not about Democrat versus Republican. It's not about management versus labor. It's not about Detroit versus the rest of the state. It's about moving our entire state forward," Dillon said at a news conference at the Detroit Diesel engine plant in his hometown."

    Psst Andy?

    Its about all of that.  To varying degrees, but trust me, you better believe its ALL about those specific things you mention.

    Let me point out..
    You Democrats have failed the state.  Yes, some Republicans have gone along with you, and we are now dealing them out in some areas, but bottom line is that the Democrat exec has tarnished your shine.  There is a difference between shinola and.. well.. you get the picture?

    And.. management cannot compete unless they move their operations out from under the thumb of unions and the puppets the unions use to craft legislative slavery on the people of a state. When they go out of state or overseas, what do you expect?

    Further.. Detroit has become the ANCHOR of the state as a result of the moronic meddling of Lansing and guys who make a career out of rewarding failure.  I'll admit there is a ray of hope though.  The guy (Democrat) in charge there now is doing more for Detroit and the state than the legislature has in 7 years, but I don't see you backing him up much. Even a rhetorical back pat would likely help his efforts.

    No now that I think about it.. It seems to be more about Andy Dillon than about the state.

    Heck, you can't even be original in how you will fail the state even more.  You insist on the same old tried and FAILED methods of the current loser who holds the office:

    "His plan includes increasing a research and development tax credit to help businesses create new products; more funding for the No Worker Left Behind program; and creating new jobs by requiring public utilities to generate some of their power from renewable sources."

    Somehow that looks familiar doesn't it?  Special incentive and picking winners.. Check.  No worker left behind training that already costs more per hire than the job will pay in ten years.. Check.  More green MANDATES  Heck Check Yeah!

    Even Cherry knew he wasn't going to get by on THAT..

    Mind if I eat that?

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    God forbid (none / 0) (#1)
    by LookingforReagan on Mon Mar 01, 2010 at 04:45:26 PM EST
    If Andy Dillion-ger is elected as Governor of this state all bets are off. It is over and the Fat lady will sing loud and clear that the end of Michigan is at hand. After 8 years of incompetent admistration by the feckless, uninspiring Sister Jennifer Granholm of the Holy Sisters of Money Laundering another four years of a Democrat in that office will spell the absolute end of this state. We are tottering on the brink as it is. Let us hope and pray that the people of this state have had enough of Hoax and Chains.

    Unions (none / 0) (#2)
    by grannynanny on Mon Mar 01, 2010 at 05:59:00 PM EST
    Can't wait till the unions try to convince us that their favorite turd is going to spice up the soup pot in Lansing.  The ruination that they are forcing on us is beyond comprehension.

    What we need is someone with a back bone and a pair of gonads that will slash the unneccesary expenses and waste and attract business to once again do business in this state.  That person is going to have to be able to run the unions out also and that won't be easy but it can be done.

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