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    Who are the NERD fund donors Mr Snyder?

    Raise the curtain.

    A Rather Unappetizing Future Awaits

    By Corinthian Scales, Section Multimedia
    Posted on Thu Oct 21, 2010 at 10:28:57 AM EST
    Tags: Snyder, Moderates, Milliken, Progressives, City of Detroit, Epic Fail (all tags)

    Is Snyder trying to snatch defeat from the jaws of victory?  After reading in today's detnews.com that Snyder is out on the campaign trail in Detroit with Bill "Passionate Moderate" Milliken, it would appear that he is.

    "Our relationship began when I was lieutenant governor presiding over the Senate and Mayor Young was a state senator," Milliken said at a campaign event in Corktown. "At that time, we didn't get along too well."

    But like the state and the city, the two realized over time "both of us needed each other," Milliken said. "We developed a warm personal relationship."

    Again, let's examine what the State of Michigan and the City of Detroit have become through moderate right and progressive left leadership.

    It all paints a dismal landscape for Michigan's future for me.

    From page 7 of "Passionate Moderate" Milliken's book linked above:

    The key to the success of the Milliken governorship lies almost equally in that unique political coalition - a union of moderate Republicans and progressive Democrats, of outstate and urban interests - and in the personality of the governor himself . . . His reputation for decency is reflected in the goodwill with which even his political enemies tend to regard him . . . a political balance that has endured for years is shaken, and perhaps upset forever.

    History repeats?  With Rick Michigan as the MI-GOP candidate, I'd wager so.  Remember some of the great policy Milliken gave Michigan?  The state revenue-sharing program that funded Detroit during troubled economic times was adopted largely through Millikens' efforts.  His administration was noted for its commitment to conservation and the passage of the Environmental Protection Act of 1970, which served as a model legislation throughout the nation and support pro-choice legislation on abortion.

    That really isn't much off base from the Bernero Platform, is it?  And Snyder is out stumping on the campaign trail with Milliken... it sends shivers up my spine.

    One last thought from me on this.  If Milliken is endorsing Snyder, then who endorsed Milliken's book that I quote?

    "Bill Milliken has always been a thoroughgoing pluralist. He cherishes diversity and differences of opinion and he shuns extremism.... My hope is that history will show he was closer to the mark than the Republican Party of today." - Congressman Sandy Levin

    Birds of a feather flock together...

    < CMNtv Gubernatorial Debate: October 21, 2010 | Don't Forget Tonight's New Media Forum >

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    Milliken is as bad or worse than Granholm (none / 0) (#1)
    by Republican Michigander on Thu Oct 21, 2010 at 02:53:54 PM EST
    Milliken gave us the Single Business Tax, raised other taxes, lead a jobs exodus, was radical pro-abort, was a gun grabber, and gave us all a ton of red tape.

    We better elect good state reps and take the house and senate, AND we need them to Dictate TO Snyder how things are going to be, and not vice versa. We also need to make sure that WE choose state party leadership and not Snyder.

    In ten days we'll see... (none / 0) (#2)
    by KG One on Fri Oct 22, 2010 at 11:36:32 AM EST
    ...if enough voters have done their homework and voted for someone who actually believes in limited government (in his defense, he also qualifies), or if people have been properly conditioned (a'la Pavlov's Dog), and pull the lever for someone just because they have a "-r" after their name?

    The problem is... (none / 0) (#3)
    by RightBloggerPat on Sat Oct 23, 2010 at 01:43:55 PM EST
    Crowder quit PJTV right after that. I heard he was not happy with the way it was presented.


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