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    Who are the NERD fund donors Mr Snyder?

    Raise the curtain.

    One step forward and two steps back.

    By KG One, Section News
    Posted on Fri Aug 21, 2009 at 03:32:44 PM EST
    Tags: Saied Haidarian-Shahri I-75 Nine Mile Mike Cox bone-headed move (again) (all tags)

    People from around S.E. Michigan are very well aware of the fire on I-75 that took out the Nine Mile Road Bridge last month.

    The accident was determined to have been caused by one Saied Haidarian-Shahri when he attempted to whip around a clearly marked corner at least twenty miles above the posted speed limit.

    Physics 101 took over.

    His car slammed into a tanker truck carrying approximately 10,000 gallons of fuel which detached from the tractor, slammed into a support pier, ignited and engulfed the bridge in flames that could be seen for miles.

    So who do you think got the bill for this rebuild?

    The answer might surprise you, details below:


    Did you answer: Saied Haidarian-Shahri.

    Well congratulations, here's your fluffy doll.

    Did you answer the truck driver(s)?

    You might ask, "Why?!?"

    What kind of low-grade moron blames the driver who was hit for causing an accident.

    Well, meet the low-grade moron!

    Yes, according to Michigan AG (and Michigan Guv wanna-be) Mike Cox, he feels that the truck drivers were somehow to blame for this accident and should pony up to pay part of the rebuilding costs through Michigan no-fault law.

    Now I know that Lansing is hard-up for cash right now, $2.7-billion at last check, but to hit up people who were in NO WAY at fault for an accident? To say nothing about their insurance rates going up which will affect the driver's and their employers.

    Sorry, but he just lost any respect that he may have gained over the past few weeks.

    I would expect a mindset like this from a democrat. But from this republican...


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    Just because the headline . . . (none / 0) (#1)
    by Kevin Rex Heine on Sat Aug 22, 2009 at 08:07:42 AM EST
    . . . recalls a song to mind; ladies and gentlemen, I present Chris Hillman and The Desert Rose Band:

    And yeah, our current AG's stupidity on this one just cost him my vote as well.  I can think of at least two better candidates for Governor of Michigan, and I don't even have to look outside of honest Republicans to do it.

    Disgusting (none / 0) (#3)
    by Rougman on Sat Aug 22, 2009 at 12:07:55 PM EST
    How will we ever get meaningful tort reform if our own AG thinks like this?  

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