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    Who are the NERD fund donors Mr Snyder?

    Raise the curtain.

    Developer gave tens of thousands to Dems protecting MSP HQ boondoggle

    By Nick, Section News
    Posted on Tue Jun 30, 2009 at 12:12:29 PM EST
    Tags: Granholm-Cherry, 2010, Cherry, Ferguson, Triangle Project, state troopers, Clarke, Buzz Thomas, Deb Cherry, Irma, Martha (all tags)

    The beginning of the week ushered in a new chapter in the lives of 100 former Michigan State Police Troopers that may prove in many ways scarier than any of the experiences they ever had on-the-job.  Because now they're not.  

    Casualties of executive order budget cuts from the Granholm-Cherry administration, the troopers this week begin hunting for new jobs and new ways to provide for their families.  

    Though it would take a cynic's cynic to argue that the Democratic Governor and Lieutenant Governor explicitly enjoyed firing law enforcement officers it would also take the most stalwart Lefty loyalist to brush aside the majority Party's woefully misplaced spending priorities as anything less than highly questionable.  Especially in light of the fact that major tax dollars are being funneled away from law enforcement and into the pockets of Democrat donor and real estate developer Joel Ferguson.  

    At issue now as it was two years ago is the so-called Triangle Project, a new $117 million Michigan State Police Headquarters being constructed in downtown Lansing.  MSP doesn't want the new HQ, a building that is prohibitively smaller than their current base of operations a few miles away (and currently being leased for the paltry sum of $1 a year).  

    If anything, it is being argued, the speed and quality of service will actually decrease at the new development thanks in large part to the fact that various operations currently being handled under one roof in East Lansing will have to be split amongst multiple buildings after moving to downtown Lansing.  Then there's the rather large matter of those 100 suddenly unemployed police officers.  The $117 million being wasted on an unwanted, inefficient development represents enough taxpayer appropriations to keep 100 troopers on the street for years.  Or enough taxpayer appropriations to make Ferguson a significantly wealthier man.

    Last week the Republican led Senate held a vote to cancel the Triangle Project and protect the law enforcement officers who lost their jobs this week. Senate Democrats objected, voted against the troopers and tried to save Ferguson's money pit.  Plaster and mortar over moms and dads?  The anti-cop move makes very little sense on it's face.  Until you take a bit of time tested advice and "follow the money."

    Joel Ferguson has a long and distinguished history of big dollar giving to Democrats and Lefty organizations.  From judicial candidates to the Michigan House Democrat Fund and others, Democrats can often count on thousands of dollars from the developer.  Tens of thousands, even.  

    But today we're talking about the Triangle Project and the way it is being protected by the Granholm-Cherry administration and Michigan Senate Democrats.  What follows is a portfolio of Democrats Ferguson can currently count as a part of his development protection stable and the amount of money he's poured into their various campaign accounts:

    Governor Jennifer Granholm:

    Granholm has watched (some would say guided) the Triangle Project for years from her seat in the state's Chief Executive Office.  Faced with record shattering budget deficits and ignoring the objections of law enforcement professionals she continues to protect her donor's taxpayer funded windfall opportunity, simultaneously choosing this week to fire 100 state police troopers.

    Ferguson Cash Accepted: $11,800

    Lieutenant Governor John Cherry:

    Granholm's second in command, Cherry is considered an invaluable member of Granholm's decision making team and earlier this year told the Detroit Free Press that he is proud of the administration's record.  A candidate for Governor in 2010, Cherry also serves as the President of the Michigan State Senate.  His administration's executive order budget cuts fired 100 state troopers this week while he continues to defend the wasteful Triangle Project.

    Ferguson Cash Accepted: $5,400

    Michigan Democratic Party:

    The pool of cash used by MDP to support candidates across the state has also seen a huge influx of Ferguson cash in recent years.  Not surprisingly, when presented with an opportunity to save the taxpayers over $100 million by canceling Ferguson's development, fourteen of sixteen Senate Democrats voted NO.

    Ferguson Cash Accepted: $11,000


    Senate Democratic Fund and Senators Buzz Thomas, Irma Clark-Coleman, Deb Cherry, Martha Scott and Hansen Clarke:

    Each of these Democratic Senators has personally accepted hundreds of dollars from Ferguson in recent years.  Each of these Democratic Senators voted to protect Ferguson's taxpayer funded payday while watching 100 state troopers get the ax.  While I'd hate to think a couple hundred bucks could ever buy any real influence in this sort of hair-brained decision... it couldn't have hurt.

    Ferguson Cash Accepted: $1,375

    < Tuesday in the Sphere: June 30 | Taxing health benefits isn't a bad thing -- if it's done right >

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    Yeah, we all hate to think that! (none / 0) (#1)
    by maidintheus on Tue Jun 30, 2009 at 01:48:26 PM EST
    The facts are that a few bucks do easily influence many, as seen in the felon Monica Conyers, et al.

    I'm not a "cynic's cynic" and I don't think the recent MSP firings were enjoyed, they are obviously viewed as collateral damage. This damage, as you previously pointed out, could have been avoided. Sadly, it wasn't because the Democrat's beliefs and the 'money changers' take precedence over people, unemployment numbers, quality education, and sound economics.    

    Hanlon, Bonaparte, Gray, and these idiots (none / 0) (#2)
    by Kevin Rex Heine on Tue Jun 30, 2009 at 07:04:58 PM EST
    • Hanlon's Razor: "Never ascribe to malice that which is adequately explained by ignorance."

    • Bonaparte's Axiom: "Never ascribe to malice that which is adequately explained by incompetence."

    • Gray's Corollary: "Any sufficiently advanced incompetence or ignorance is indistinguishable from malice."

    It's not that these yo-yos are necessarily evil (though their behavior certainly is).  It's rather that they are narcissistic, self-serving, and power hungry.  Nor are they the only guilty ones.  Given what I've been seeing of voting records in both chambers of the State Legislature, very few of our elected representatives (of either party) can escape those three "laws."

    This happens to include about a half-dozen Republican Senators who are currently on my shit-list over their votes on Senate Bill 250.  (For my take on that bill, feel free to read my article on it.)  I'm not accusing them of being malicious, I'm accusing them of being morons.

    Likewise, I'm not necessarily accusing any of these Democrats of malice (absent proof); but of such a high quality of stupidity I've not seen in quite some time.

    Puleease Kev Rex (none / 0) (#3)
    by maidintheus on Tue Jun 30, 2009 at 10:42:58 PM EST
    I really agree and appreciate your comments but you've gone from way nice to avoiding the obvious. Sure, they're morons. That's easy and even p.c.

    I say screw nice. Here's the deal, if they had treated my children to this level of damage I probably would take matters into my own hands. Perhaps somewhere between the chin and collar bone area. Hey wait! They did do this to my kids! And my grand kids, and...

    Remember how vicious 'they' were during the most trying times of the Iraq war while our loved ones were over there giving there all? I sure do!!!!!! That's proof enough right there!

    Look at the Acorn crap. They don't just allow, they promote. Look at the Detroit politicians. The Democrat Party promotes this kind of crap and uses people for their sick schemes. Look what they just voted in with this recent cap and trade stab us in the wallet to our face deal!!

    Almost every single one of them is a moron. The rest are monstrous and evil and will stop at nothing, EVEN when our kids lives are at stake! They are twisted and sick in their world view, power grab, and thievery. This is worse then evil! It's sneaky, call the Constitution alive and changing, mangle the law, turn our schools into institutions of indoctrination, underhanded evil. Oh, and they will not stop...that's kinda moronic.

    I wish it was just a monster, we could go back to our favorite pass time: apathy.

    • Now maid . . . by Kevin Rex Heine, 07/02/2009 12:57:40 PM EST (none / 0)
    Where was Bishop? (none / 0) (#5)
    by stevenstmason on Thu Jul 02, 2009 at 01:01:16 AM EST
    That's right, he voted for the cut in funding for the State Police before he decided he could do some political grandstanding on the issue and hope that no one would pay attention to his previous vote. I guess we know who the suckers are who he fooled.

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