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    Who are the NERD fund donors Mr Snyder?

    Raise the curtain.

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    Now maid . . . (none / 0) (#7)
    by Kevin Rex Heine on Thu Jul 02, 2009 at 12:57:40 PM EST
    . . . let's not carry this too far.  I'm not avoiding the obvious at all.

    Certainly someone in this mess is evil (that is, operating with clearly evil intent), but The Almighty hasn't seen fit to empower me to read the minds and hearts of others.  So until the individual who's operating with evil motivation is clearly identified in a definitively provable way, I'm going to keep things simple and assume that all whom Nick's idenitifed in this article are merely possessed by an advanced affliction of stupid.  That we are dealing with about eight brassieres worth of high-quality boobs is easily established, and it keeps my blood pressure down.

    I mean, take our mason troll (. . . please . . .) as an example.  This clown is up well past the hour when most civil people are in bed for the night posting half-thought-through commentary (when it's thought through at all) that, quite frankly, could be easily countered by my fifteen-year-old son.  I suspect, based on a recent reply of his, that he is an undergraduate student at Central Michigan, which would explain his ready availability of neo-lib philosophy and talking points.

    But to ascribe to stevie evil motivation goes further than I have evidence to support.  (At a minimum, this would require the presence of a functioning brain in his case, the existence of which has not yet been entered into evidence.)  The pup has clearly been subjected to somewhere in the immediate vicinity of 14 or 15 years of statist-libertine indoctrination under the guise of public education.  That tends to firmly cement a thought-process paradigm that will not be changed easily, if it is ever changed at all.

    However, clue-by-four therapy has been known to jump-start that process.

    In like manner, I can say with certainty that someone in this mess (or any other big-government mess of late) is obviously evil.  But what I cannot say with any certainty whatsoever is precisely whom the evil party is.  That would require more knowledge than I currently have at my disposal.

    The upside is that both evil and stupid have the same remedy:  Neither can be fixed; both must be removed.  Therefore, by removing the idiots, we likely also get rid of all of the villains.


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