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    Who are the NERD fund donors Mr Snyder?

    Raise the curtain.

    Making the tough, RIGHT decisions (and telling the devil where to go)

    By Nick, Section News
    Posted on Thu Jun 25, 2009 at 07:34:38 AM EST
    Tags: Senate, stimulus, Satan, Democrats (all tags)

    Financially this decision might have been one of the easiest.  But props, this morning, go out to the Senate Republican Majority for taking yesterday what many members likely considered one of the toughest stands politically they've taken all session year.  

    With Michigan's budget deficit ballooning to cartoonish proportions and tax revenue plummeting every time analysts dare peek, there's still a move afoot, championed in the liberal media, created by Congressional Democrats and carried out locally by Lansing Lefties (whoa! Alliteration!) to dramatically increase spending in the now and over the long term.

    Yesterday in the Michigan Senate the Democrat Minority acted like children, stamped their feet and threw a proverbial hissy fit in an attempt to convince the Republican Majority to buy them something they knew the taxpayers couldn't afford.  Thank goodness the Republicans acted like the adults in the room and rejected the Faustian exchange.

    At issue was $140 million in new federal "stimulus" cash targeted at increasing unemployment payments for everyone who has lost his or her job during six-plus years of the Granholm-Cherry economy.  And free money is always a good thing, except of course when it isn't free.

    According to the Associated Press there's one whopping string attached to that cash.  Had the legislature accepted it we'd get that nice fat check to cover this year's rate spike but we'd specifically and intentionally be on the hook for the increased payments into perpetuity.  

    That's the genius (and the sickness) of Congressional Democrats "stimulus" plan.  They are attempting to bribe state legislatures into making radical long term policy and spending changes with giant sums of short term cash.  It's a familiar scheme... I think it's what folks refer to as "selling your soul to the devil."

    Amazing benefits now in exchange for an eternity of service to the dark lord.  

    And just like Satan, if you turn down Democrats they're going to try to make your life a living hell.  

    By blocking the Dems' attempt at woefully irresponsible spending Mike Bishop and the Senate Republicans expose themselves to the inevitable fiery slings and arrows of the campaign trail.  'They turned down free money,' the Dems will proclaim.  'They don't care about the unemployed,' they'll continue.  'Cruel and heartless,' the FREEP will inevitably opine.

    Listen, it always stinks to say "no" and to admit we as a state can no longer afford to do every nice thing we might like but that's part of that whole "leadership" and "responsibility" thing.  And believe me... a little more pain now is better than a whole lot of perdition later.

    Now, if you'll excuse me, I've suddenly got Stryper on the brain...

    < Contact Your Representative: Stop Cap And Trade | Thursday in the Sphere: June 25 >

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    If they really cared (none / 0) (#1)
    by maidintheus on Thu Jun 25, 2009 at 07:50:08 AM EST
    they would give up some perks, extra offices, and take a pay cut.

    The Republicans should do whatever it takes to be able to throw this 'take a cut' option at them when falsely accused...

    Great shades of Bill Clinton's... (none / 0) (#3)
    by KG One on Thu Jun 25, 2009 at 11:13:12 AM EST
    ..."police/public safety" bill from the 90's!!!

    Everything that's old is new again.

    And maidintheus is correct, some leadership by example needs to be done here.

    Cutting office budgets so that Republican office budgets are in line with democratic office budgets is not too much to ask.

    No, this won't solve the budget crunch, but it's a start in the right direction.

    And Nick, "Stryper"?!?

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