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    Who are the NERD fund donors Mr Snyder?

    Raise the curtain.

    The Social Progressives Speak

    By Wendy Day, Section News
    Posted on Tue Dec 15, 2009 at 07:04:00 AM EST
    Tags: Wendy Day, Common Sense, Education (all tags)

    Throw out the textbooks. There is no need to read the Declaration of Independence or U.S. Constitution. No need to read about the Greatest Generation or Founding Fathers. No need to learn about America tearing herself apart and putting herself back together again to right the wrongs of slavery and segregation. Nope.

    In fact, there is finally a book, and now movie, that gives the honest social progressive view of American history. The People Speak is a documentary to prove just how sexist, racist, and elitist America is.

    Howard Zinn wrote A People's History of the United States and now brings us The People Speak. He is portrayed as a revolutionary, except that now most standard textbooks mirror his view of American history. The History Channel is showing The People Speak; and it may be coming to a classroom near you. The movie is social progressiveness at its best. There is a stream of Hollywood faces, including producer Matt Damon.

    Here is one example from the movie:

    "Life, Liberty and the Pursuit of Happiness" was originally "Life, Liberty , and Property." According to Howard Zinn, the "Property" label proves the Founding Fathers were elitists. He claims that the Constitution was designed so that slave owners could run the country; also that the Bill of Rights was only added after protest, against the original intent of the Founding Fathers.

    The reality is that "Property" was changed to "Pursuit of Happiness" because the Founding Fathers didn't want further the cause of slavery by giving more credence to the terrible institution. The Founding Fathers originally wanted to include the term "Property" because without the right to own property, people cannot be free.

    Do we need to hear voices of dissension to honestly look at our Nation's history? Yes. But the history so many of our children are learning is almost entirely voices of dissention. What has fallen out of fashion is teaching about the good in our history, the heroes.

    Howard Zinn tries to bring down the American heroes and undermine the greatness of our country. Yes, America is flawed- because people are flawed. But I, like so many of you, believe that America is great. America has always held the promise of liberty. That is why so many fight to come here.

    What frightens me most about this one-sided negative view of America being taught as truth and beauty is that if we give up the will to fight for our country, we will surely fail. If we feel like offering apologies is more appropriate than fighting for freedom, we will fail. And if we believe this view of American history, we are more likely to land on the side of apology.

    What kind of stories would have been in this book if written 100 years from now?

    1. Cindy Sheehan, just a mom who wanted to stop an "unjust" war.

    2. Nidal Malik Hasan,the misunderstood Muslim who shot 13-people in Fort Hood , TX .

    3. Dr. Tiller, the great fighter for women's rights, unless of course you are a baby girl.

    Actually, lots of the dissenters he would have written about are now part of the status quo; and those who are fighting against the system are those who actually love this country. Wonder what he would do with this reality? I imagine he wouldn't be so quick to write about those who love liberty and attend tea party rallies. He would probably wait five years, for the socialist policies to show their inability to provide "social justice" and then write about how it was racism, sexism and the rest of the "isms" that prevented Eden from taking root.

    Bottom line- ask your child's teachers and your local school boards about this film. Will they be showing it? Will they be showing some counter story, like the HBO miniseries John Adams? This will be a good litmus test for the condition of our education systems and its treatment of the history of our great nation. Will your school pass the test?

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    Zinn is a kook (none / 0) (#1)
    by Rougman on Tue Dec 15, 2009 at 09:44:48 AM EST
    Zinn is a kook who believes that the United States does not have any "national interests." Given that attitude it isn't much of shock to see that he wants to diminish any fond feelings youngsters might have of that little country of theirs.

    The systematic indoctrination of our school children toward a leftist viewpoint can only be combated by parents and other citizens who will stand up to this crap.  The education establishment will not alter this course because they are collective in nature--it is up to the rest of us.  

    Indifference will result in further erosion of the situation.  Anyone who refuses to say something these days is complicit in the theft of education from our children, and in the ultimate theft of freedom from all of us.  

    Ms. Day, I must say it is a delight to see you posting here.    

    Ditto (none / 0) (#2)
    by sailingconservatively on Tue Dec 15, 2009 at 06:04:18 PM EST
    Keep up the (vital) great reporting on the state (pun intended) of our public educational system.   Merry Christmas!

    Zinn seems to be... (none / 0) (#3)
    by rdww on Wed Dec 16, 2009 at 09:07:12 AM EST
    ... one of those frustrating sorts who recognizes a contradiction, but offers a disastrous solution.  
    This issue of keeping "property" an inviolate personal right indeed clashed with slavery.  Even today, we hesitate to admit that the same concepts and arguments used to end the slaveowners' legal title to their slaves are those used today in support of broad "takings" powers by the government (Kelo decision, anyone?) Unfortunately, Zinn uses this as an excuse to attack the overall concept of private property.  Sort of like a doctor treating an inflamed appendix that threatens the health of your entire intestinal system by leaving the appendix, and removing your intestines.

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