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    Who are the NERD fund donors Mr Snyder?

    Raise the curtain.

    Call it like we see it...

    By Wendy Day, Section News
    Posted on Wed Jan 28, 2009 at 02:11:06 PM EST
    Tags: GOP, Abortion, Responsibility, Health Care (all tags)

    Words count; we know that.  Advertisers spend millions crafting brands and slogans to get their message across.  Republicans have the right ideas, but the public isn't buying it.  After listening to the perceptions of many who are on the fence or on the left, here is some language that transcends political parties.

    What I believe in:

    Compassion- Institutions can't provide compassion, only individuals can.  Politians and Bureaucrats can't provide compassion.  They are far removed from the needs of the average person.  Only by neighbor helping neighbor can we really make a difference in our communities.

    Freedom- We should all have freedom to make decisions that don't harm others. With freedom comes responsibility for the consequences of our decisions.

    Personal Responsibility- Each person must take responsibility for their own choices. We all have choices and choices have consequences.  If you give away your responsibility, you give away your power.

    Health Care- Politicians and Bureaucrats should not decide who gets medical care, when they get it and how they get it.  Just because you are granted a right on paper does not mean you will have access to it.  For a reference check, research the VA Hospital system. Not pretty.

    Environment- Decisions about the environment should be made using facts and not emotion and unproven theories.  Environmentalists need to be honest about the impact of the policies they propose.  Every environmental choice we make affects other aspects of our environment.

    Abortion- Abortion is a sexist and racist practice.  Fathers should have a say in whether their babies are aborted.  They are responsible if the woman keeps her baby, they should have a say in when she chooses to end that baby's life.  Surgical abortion, where a baby is cut up with a scalpel without anesthetic, is torture and should be outlawed.

    Families- Children should be valued.  If possible, they should grow up in two-parent homes.  Every adult has the right to marry another adult of the opposite sex. If they choose not to exercise that right, that doesn't mean they don't have it.

    Politians and Bureaucrats- There are very few, if any, things Politians and bureaucrats do well.  If you can find it in the phonebook, Politians and bureaucrats shouldn't be doing it.

    What do you think???

    < MEA pension plan will increase financial pain | The Origin of "The Acceptence of Abortion" >

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    love it, mostly. (none / 0) (#1)
    by thejmfc on Wed Jan 28, 2009 at 03:29:42 PM EST
    In my (not at all humble) opinion, all abortion violates the most basic of human rights.  No human should have the right to take the life of another, no matter how small, no matter how vulnerable, no matter if they can't vote yet.

    The fact that some abortions (might) cause no pain doesn't make them right, any more than a painless murder in other circumstances.

    I do agree that the complete lack of a father's rights to object to the abortion of his offspring is a terrible thing.  Giving a father the right to insist on his child being born alive would be a good step in the right direction.  It would not go far enough.

    Keeping abortion legal under any circumstances flies in the face of the previously mentioned "Freedom" and "Personal Responsibility" clauses.  Freedom, because abortion certainly does harm the aborted fetus, and absolutely denies it the freedom to live.  Personal Responsibility, because abortion is generally used as a way to avoid the consequences of being irresponsible with one's body; it's too inconvenient to be saddled with a baby, so we abort it.  This is completely at odds with any notion of personal responsibility.  

    Softness on abortion aside, I really do agree with most everything.

    Agreed (none / 0) (#2)
    by Wendy Day on Wed Jan 28, 2009 at 07:16:41 PM EST
    I agree with you. My stance was based on attacking abortion like they worked on ending slavery.  We have to start somewhere, and it needs to be on what we can agree on. I want to vomit when I think about what happens to babies in our country.  But Roe vs Wade isn't going away and we need to find somewhere to start the disucssion.

    • Makes sense by thejmfc, 01/29/2009 01:15:55 PM EST (none / 0)
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