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    Who are the NERD fund donors Mr Snyder?

    Raise the curtain.

    Congress Needs to Vote for More American Oil Drilling, Alternative Energy Sources

    By TimWalberg, Section News
    Posted on Fri Sep 05, 2008 at 04:51:03 PM EST
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    Above the Speaker's rostrum in the House chamber is an inscription from former Secretary of State Daniel Webster:

    "Let us develop the resources of our land, call forth its powers, build up its institutions, promote all its great interests, and see whether we also, in our day and generation, may not perform something worthy to be remembered."

    If Mr. Webster were still around today, he would be embarrassed by what has transpired in Washington this year.

    With gas prices hovering around $4 a gallon all summer long, Speaker Pelosi adjourned the House for five weeks in August and September without taking action to lower gas prices and break our dependence on foreign oil. The American people felt financial pain every time they headed to the pump, yet the Speaker went on a book tour and other members of Congress went on vacation.

    Throughout the last five weeks, many members of Congress have protested Speaker Pelosi's actions by giving speeches on the House floor, sometimes in a darkened chamber with large crowds of tourists looking on. I personally spent several days participating in the protest, calling for more American energy production.

    America needs legislation to immediately drill in places like the Gulf of Mexico, ANWR and the Outer Continental Shelf and to increase our refinery capacity. We need to expand the development of wind, solar and other alternative energies and build new nuclear power plants. Our country needs to put all energy options back on the table - more drilling, more alternatives, more conservation.

    There is a national movement afoot to pass a comprehensive, "all options included" energy plan that returns our energy production back to the United States and creates good paying, American jobs. Now the question is will Speaker Pelosi allow it? So far, her actions indicate she will not.

    If Speaker Pelosi ever allows an open and honest energy debate to actually occur, I believe a majority of Republicans and common sense, pro-energy Democrats could work together and develop a new energy policy that increases American production and develops alternatives sources. In the spirit of Daniel Webster, it is time for a forthright debate and action on the House floor that will give the American people a chance to have their voices heard.  We must move our nation away from high gas prices and dependence on Middle East oil.

    Michigan Needs Good-Paying Jobs
    The U.S. Department of Labor recently released its August jobs report, and the report confirms what we in Michigan already know: jobs are getting tougher to come by. The report showed a loss of 84,000 jobs in the United States during August. Our national unemployment rate is now 6.1%, and much higher in many parts of Michigan.

    During these tough economic times, Congress needs to work on policies designed to create good-paying jobs and break our dependence on foreign oil. If we can give our workers more opportunities and lower gas prices for families, America will rebound and our economy will start growing again.

    In order to do so, Congress must tighten its belt and foster a climate where good-paying jobs can be created. This is common sense. Just as you make sacrifices in your life when money gets tight, Washington, D.C. needs to do the same right now so that our economy can stabilize and grow again.

    Unfortunately, leadership in the House is pushing a massive $680 billion tax increase on families and job providers, and I am strongly fighting this ill-timed, bloated bill. Michigan's economic turnaround depends on manufacturers innovating, growing and expanding, and higher taxes will prevent manufacturers from even thinking about growing.

    < S.O.S. says recall has signatures . Dillon desperate! | Comparing Speeches >

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    More Baloney from Walberg (none / 0) (#1)
    by NoviDemocrat on Sat Sep 06, 2008 at 12:10:17 AM EST
    Walberg has never supported conservation measures that could save us oil NOW. He advocates drilling over conservation even though we know that it will be years before any new oil production might come on line. Walberg has never supported alternative energy proposals. He's even opposed funding for Amtrak, which is seeing record ridership in Michigan as people look for alternative ways to travel (rail is much more energy efficient than other modes of travel). You try to put up a good front Mr. Walberg but when it comes time to put up or shut up, you've been missing-in-action.

    Drilling: Good sound bite, small puzzle piece (none / 0) (#5)
    by mcdirt on Sat Sep 06, 2008 at 09:44:26 AM EST
    Drilling is tangible, visual, and...for politicians.....sexy because everyone understands what it is and what benefits it brings.

    But the debate over domestic drilling is hugely disproportionate to its importance in our nation's oil/energy policy. It is but one - small - piece of the puzzle.

    I fear that politicians like Rep. Walberg are satisfied to make drilling the centerpieces of their energy agendas while paying lip service to the much more complicated, more politically risky, and far less sexy policy needs that would have far greater impact.

    They include better planning, incentives and support for urban mass transit; investments in our core cities (or, at minimum, a removal of the many incentives for development in the exurbs), more aggressive research and development of alternative fuel sources like biofuels, and tougher efficiency standards for vehicles and industrial processes that consume oil. (Yes, I know we upgraded auto fuel economy standards for the first time in 30 years)

    Additionally, tough conservation measures would be a gain not only for energy independence, but for public health and natural resources as they decrease airborne pollutants and lessen greenhouse gas emissions.

    A quick perusal of Rep. Walberg's voting record seems to indicate that indeed, he has not been a supporter of mass transit and energy conservation. He does, indeed, sponsor or support legislation that provides tax credits for development of wind power; however it seems an afterthought in a bill that includes new refinery construction and drilling in ANWR and offshore.

    In summary, support for increased drilling is NOT support for increased energy independence unless it is coupled with real support - not just words in campaign literature - for more substantive policy options that reduce demand.

    If Rep. Pelosi's on a book tour when she could be at work twisting arms to try and make these tough policies reality....well then shame on her.

    And if Rep. Walberg is scoring sound bites with is call for drilling while undermining that policy by voting against transit and conservation, well shame on him, too.

    Finally, alternative fuel development and conservation are strategies that will serve our children's children well as they will be viable options when our planet's oil reserves begin to run dry. It would be heartening to see our nation move confidently in a direction that promotes a thriving economy that's not utterly dependent on a finite fuel.

    As evidence . . . (none / 0) (#16)
    by Kevin Rex Heine on Sun Sep 07, 2008 at 09:15:52 PM EST
    . . . that Barry Obama is serious about harnassing wind power, I present Exhibit A:

    confused American (none / 0) (#18)
    by wisperinthewind on Mon Sep 08, 2008 at 11:36:20 AM EST
    I do not understand the oil drilling on US territory. I understand that the belief is that it would lower the price at the pump. But did everyone forget about the liberal American give all belief. Let me use Budweiser as an example. This Was an American company, but not any longer. If we drill on our own territory how long will it be before the give all liberals decide we should sell those oil rights to other countries. Then we will be worse off because then it will cost us more to buy our own oil.

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