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    Who are the NERD fund donors Mr Snyder?

    Raise the curtain.

    Time for a general election campaign

    By Nick, Section News
    Posted on Fri Sep 05, 2008 at 12:16:02 AM EST
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    And we have ourselves a horse race.  60 days between now and election day and it is now, officially go-time.  

    Sure, you could make the argument that they've been "going" for two years now but it wasn't until tonight that each major political party had their officially nominated Presidential and Vice Presidential candidates verified, validated and turned loose on Undecided America.

    The last piece of that puzzle was snapped into place this evening when Arizona Senator John McCain officially accepted the nomination of the Republican Party, with Michigan's delegation not twenty feet from a newly redesigned stage.  

    Gone was the wide platform used the previous three evenings, replaced with a narrow wedge that shot directly into the audience, offering observers the opportunity to examine their candidate face to face, eye to eye.  Politics is perhaps more than any other, a discipline rooted and dependant on symbolism and the message conveyed by this stagecraft was clear; here is John McCain and here is what he's proposing, up close and personal.

    The assembled delegation buzzing endlessly by the historic, groundbreaking and riveting keynote performance the night before, the final session of this 39th Republican National Convention began in earnest with speeches by Senator Lindsey Graham and the hero of Minnesota politics, Tim Pawlenty, each thought to have been seriously considered for the position Sarah Palin has now so inspiringly made her own.  

    Graham sounded the call on the difference between Obama and McCain in their approach to the surge in Iraq while Pawlenty made the case that John McCain will put "Country First."

    Then came Cindy McCain.  She might not be popular with the gals on The View (a badge of honor if ever there was one) but she was pretty well received here in St. Paul.  Mrs. McCain introduced herself, talked about her humble roots and her family's commitment to the defense of home and Country and then introduced the man everyone in the building believes the best equipped to continue that defense for the next four years.

    Senator McCain did not stride up to the podium like a colossus of old or ascend to his platform like an ancient Greek deity.  He walked to the podium like the man that he is... an individual absent false bravado and showmanship but with the confidence that only comes from baptism under fire and a lifetime spent staring the enemy in the eye and refusing to blink.

    People a lot smarter than me will spend a week dissecting his speech.  He talked about his economic plan.  He talked about his plan for energy independence.  He talked about his running mate.  But more than anything he talked about his willingness and track record of taking on the entrenched special interests, even among his own party, in Washington, D.C.
    "The constant partisan rancor that stops us from solving these problems isn't a cause, it's a symptom. It's what happens when people go to Washington to work for themselves and not you," he said.

    "Again and again, I've worked with members of both parties to fix problems that need to be fixed. That's how I will govern as President. I will reach out my hand to anyone to help me get this country moving again. I have that record and the scars to prove it. Senator Obama does not."

    And McCain's tenacity has earned our trust on this one.

    After all, this man is a genuine war hero, a survivor who refused to quit, refused to give an inch during five-plus years of solitary confinement and torture.  His body has been beaten, his body has been broken and his body has been crippled.  His spirit, determination and willingness to do for the United States of America what was... what is required in the most difficult of times?  Well that never wavered.  Never retreated.  Never gave an inch.  The man is a genuine hero who has lived the fight.  That other guy?  The pretender?  Strictly Tropic Thunder.

    < Convention Day 3: Meet Michael Medved | S.O.S. says recall has signatures . Dillon desperate! >

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    "I was no longer my own man, (none / 0) (#1)
    by apackof2 on Fri Sep 05, 2008 at 12:29:21 AM EST
    I was my country's"

    I just finished listening to John McCain's acceptance speech. Of course I wondered if he could possibly complete with the awesome speech of his running mate Sarah Palin.

    Although his delivery wasn't as charismatic as his running mate, John McCain delivered a thoughtful speech of fighting for America and Americans with an emphasis on selfless service for country.

    The story of his imprisonment and abuse in Viet Nam and the maturity and deep love of country that came of that makes Obama in comparison a pampered, petulant man-child.

    For those of those who are not familiar with John McCain, this speech presented him as an experienced, mature, tested man committed to shaking up the status quo of Washington (including chiding his own party as an appeal to independents) with a return to integrity,cutting pork barrel, cutting taxes with an Reaganesque unabashed pride in America.

    But equally important he was.... likable.... to me and judging by the reception to his speech other conservatives as well.

    Together with Sarah Palin's speech, tonight I believe John McCain has brokered a peace within the party and brought all Republicans together for a common cause, defeating Barack Obama.


    The World According to Me

    Keep on it (none / 0) (#2)
    by NoviDemocrat on Fri Sep 05, 2008 at 12:53:08 AM EST
    You forgot to mention the things that McCain didn't speak of like drilling in ANWR and illegal immigration and he couldn't even use the word "torture" to describe his own experiences because the conservative base loves torture and to even speak the word might alienate them. These are the contradictions in the Republican Party that John McCain left unsaid in his convention speech.

    McCain is desperately trying to swerve to the middle, to capture those voters who have no interest in the party of the right-wingers like Sarah Palin (or the rest of the wingers here at RM). But they're not going to be fooled by McCain's rhetoric. The moderate middle isn't going to be fooled by McCain's claims of reform when he's hitched his wagon to the Party of DeLay and Abramoff and years of corruption and incompetence both in Congress and in the White House ("Brownie, you're doing a heck of a job"). McCain may believe that he's a reformer but he's surrounded by those who are in allegiance to the corporate interests and the K Street Lobbyists.

    That's why his attacks on those interests and the corruption with the Party fell flat in the convention hall. At his core, McCain's a conservative, just one who's out-of-step with the base on the key issues of the day of his Party. I'm sure as the weeks go on and McCain thrashes back and forth trying to shore up a base that remembers that McCain's not really one of them and a moderate middle that has no interest in a country run by cultural conservatives, the base will start their planning for Palin in 2012 after the Republicon defeat that is just 8 weeks away.

    And who (none / 0) (#6)
    by apackof2 on Fri Sep 05, 2008 at 10:26:30 AM EST
     surrounds Barry NoviDemocrat?

    America haters like unrependant terrorists Bill Ayres,racist anti-Seminites like "Rev." Wright, convicted felons, Tony Rasko

    Or how about "ACORN (the Association of Community Organizations for Reform Now)the left wing organization that Barry touts as his "community organizer" service and also was the legal representative.

    "This left-wing group takes in 40 percent of its revenues from American taxpayers -- you and me -- and has leveraged nearly four decades of government subsidies to fund affiliates that promote the welfare state and undermine capitalism and self-reliance, some of which have been implicated in perpetuating illegal immigration and encouraging voter fraud.

    A new whistleblower report from the Consumer Rights League documents how Chicago-based ACORN has commingled public tax dollars with political projects."

    The only desperate people right now are the liberals who now know that Barry screwed up big time by not picking Hillary and that McCain scored a brillaint tactical move in picking the real candidate for change, Sarah Palin who by the way has not only solified the base but is brining in millions, over $12 million so far and even more importantly, grass roots workers

    Add McCain's speech last night and liberals are having panicky meetings behind closed doors today

    Pro-Life, Pro-Family,    
    2nd Amendment, Supporting our troops & their mission,Always Proud of our country, American Conservative women...

    • I'm in by nammeroo, 09/05/2008 11:14:00 AM EST (none / 0)
    A Thought . . . (none / 0) (#8)
    by Kevin Rex Heine on Fri Sep 05, 2008 at 11:46:55 AM EST
    . . . via some humor.

    Too new to troll (none / 0) (#9)
    by El Grillo on Fri Sep 05, 2008 at 12:32:24 PM EST
    ...whatever that is.

    Hopefully the fever will subside and the shallow, mean-spirited, attacks will be replaced with some earnest discussion about the real issues facing our country and the vast range of options available for solving our many problems.

    Whichever candidate gets the most electoral votes will not change the challenges that are in front of the American people. You have the list memorized by now, and not checking them off as "solved" is no longer an option for us.

    We no longer live in an isolated vacuum, protected by the hardship of sailing ships across oceans. Any options considered must first pass the litmus test of being a global neighbor. The luxury of "my rooster can lick your rooster" was a fun diversion, but the reality is that we all have stock in all the roosters. When one bleeds, we all bleed.

    Nick (none / 0) (#13)
    by rdww on Fri Sep 05, 2008 at 02:26:14 PM EST
    "That other guy?  The pretender?  Strictly Tropic Thunder."

    Brilliant analogy, Nick.  Obama is a "dude playing a dude, playing a dude."

    Which brings up (none / 0) (#14)
    by apackof2 on Fri Sep 05, 2008 at 03:01:08 PM EST

    amother comment McCain made last night,"We are going to stop sending $700 billion a year to countries that don't like us very much."

    Proud (none / 0) (#15)
    by kayf06 on Fri Sep 05, 2008 at 09:44:30 PM EST
    I am so pleased that Sen. McCain has chosen Gov. Sarah Palin to be his running mate. She gives me such hope! I plan to own my own business after I am done with school and one day start a family. Governor Palin proves that a woman in this country can do all of those things. She is a great roll model, showing that a woman can be strong and also be soft.

     I love seeing a woman who is PROUD to be a part of this great country. Who openly expresses' her enthusiasm to lead it. Unlike others who claim to have never had pride in America before.

    I am proud to have my vice presidential candidate be Sarah Palin! With her at the side of a great man like John McCain, I know that the future of this country and the Great state of Michigan will be at an incline to wonderful things.


    Unqualified (none / 0) (#17)
    by NoviDemocrat on Sat Sep 06, 2008 at 01:43:37 AM EST
    Rudy G said it:

    "...he has never run city, never run a state, never run a government. He has never been responsible as a mayor for the safety and security of millions of people, and he has never run a law enforcement agency..."

    Who was he talking about?  John McCain! Don't take my word for it, Rudy said it himself!

    Too Glib Palin trips up McCain (none / 0) (#18)
    by NoviDemocrat on Sat Sep 06, 2008 at 02:09:09 AM EST
    Palin's attempt to fool people into thinking she sold the state jet on eBay even fooled her running mate. McCain stepped into it by falsely claiming that it was sold on eBay and falsely claiming that the state made a profit on the sale. Palin has clearly left the impression that the plane was sold on eBay when she knows that's not the truth. For a woman who isn't from Washington, she sure has mastered the art of deception.


    Palin's Incompetence (none / 0) (#22)
    by NoviDemocrat on Sat Sep 06, 2008 at 10:43:46 AM EST
    Maybe Palin needs to stop talking about her years as Mayor. As the Wall Street Journal has discovered, she wasn't such an adept administrator:

    "The biggest project that Sarah Palin undertook as mayor of this small town was an indoor sports complex, where locals played hockey, soccer, and basketball, especially during the long, dark Alaskan winters.
    The only catch was that the city began building roads and installing utilities for the project before it had unchallenged title to the land. The misstep led to years of litigation and at least $1.3 million in extra costs for a small municipality with a small budget. What was to be Ms. Palin's legacy has turned into a financial mess that continues to plague Wasilla.

    "It's too bad that the city of Wasilla didn't do their homework and secure the land before they began construction," said Kathy Wells, a longtime activist here. "She was not your ceremonial mayor; she was in charge of running the city. So it was her job to make sure things were done correctly.""

    Ah, Novi D . . . (none / 0) (#24)
    by Kevin Rex Heine on Sat Sep 06, 2008 at 12:29:53 PM EST
    . . . at it again, are you?

    Operating on the assumption that you were referring to Rudy Giuliani's speech on Thursday night at the RNC, I did a little easy look up and fact verification (full video here) (prepared text here):

    Pay attention to what Mayor Giuliani says starting at about the 08:48 mark.  Are these the comments that you refer to?  Perhaps I'm not making the same connection, but these comments are about Barry Obama!

    Now, I would love to not take your word for it and see where Mayor Giuliani applied that same reasoning to John McCain.  Would you be so kind as to provide a usable link, or even traceable reference?

    While I'm at it, which Wall Street Journal article are you referring to about Sarah Palin's mayoral incompetence?  Could you at least provide the article title?

    Ed Burley, Novi's a drive-by pooper who seems to get his kicks doing random mud-slinging and name-calling.  I guess that he figures that he can do here what he does on leftist-statist sites; the key difference is that he doesn't go unchallenged here.  My teenage daughter does a better job of stringing together a logical argument.  And when he does get pinned down on a point, he shifts the argument.  (I have an ex-wife who does the same thing, and the judge calls her out on it every time.)

    The fact of the matter is that the Dems and the MSM were caught with their pants down on this one.  The media's griping about what they perceive as a sloppy vetting . . . probably because they weren't part of that process. Obama's dispatching a platoon of lawyers to Alaska to find anything that can be used to disqualify her for the ticket.  Given his history and track record, this isn't a surprise.

    The Democrats are desperate, and their behavior is making that obvious.  Novi's blatant foolishness simply keeps that out in the open for our benefit.

    Democrats Snatching Defeat from Jaws of Victory (none / 0) (#27)
    by Victor Laszlo on Sun Sep 07, 2008 at 07:32:20 PM EST
    Neo-communist liberals like NoviDemocrat are wailing and gnashing their teeth about McCain's brillian selection of Sarah Palin for VP running mate.  If the liberals had to do it all over again, they would have nominated Hillary Clinton for President and Barack Hussein Obama for Vice President to ensure winning the White House.  Now, the liberals are stuck with Barack Hussein Obama who didn't possess the wisdom to set aside his oversized ego for one minute to select Hillary Clinton as his VP running mate.  I am truly enjoying watching the Democrats snatch defeat from the jaws of victory in this presidential race.

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