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    Who are the NERD fund donors Mr Snyder?

    Raise the curtain.

    The Northern Light of the Republican Party

    By Chazwald, Section News
    Posted on Tue Sep 30, 2008 at 11:56:08 PM EST
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    Amidst this `political crisis', I originally intended on writing about the history of Freddie and Fannie along with an explanation of  why we are in this mess. But while doing my research and reading through numerous articles I was filled with a feeling of sadness. Gloom, Doom, and despair are all we have been hearing for the last few days. So in an effort to change such emotion, my attention and my focus turned to Governor Sarah Palin.

    The announcement of Governor Palin nomination for Vice-President brought excitement to the party, a fresh face to politics, and optimism to the average citizen. Her acceptance speech brought refreshment and a sense revitalization. We as a party were recharged.

    About two weeks ago she even made her first Town Hall appearance while visiting Grand Rapids. I had the wonderful opportunity of meeting Governor Palin and even was warranted the rare opportunity to speak with her. And I have to tell you, Sarah's personality is contagious! She is genuine.

    The media has been flooded with stories, rumors, and pure hatred for the woman. But do they truly know who she is? So I thought it would be pleasant to highlight her history, her beliefs, and a couple issues on her platform.

    Sarah Palin was born in Idaho and as a child her family migrated to Alaska. She grew up on the frontier and was taught how to hunt, fish, and play sports. In 1987, Sarah graduated from the University of Idaho with a Bachelor of Science degree in journalism. Fresh out of college she worked as a sports reporter in Anchorage, Alaska.

    Sarah Palin, in 1992 and again in 1995, was elected to the city council of Wasilla. She entered into the political arena after she grew concerned that the revenue from Wasilla's sales tax was not being spent wisely. Then from 1996-2002 Palin served two terms as the Mayor of Wasilla. In 2006, Sarah was Palin was elected the first woman Governor of Alaska and her popularity among Alaskans has soared as high as 93%.

    Married to Todd Palin, they together have five children: Track, Bristol, Willow, Piper, and Trig. Their family attends Wasilla Bible Church and Sarah has described herself as a "Bible believing Christian."

    Her son, Trig, was born with Down syndrome and early pregnancy testing had shown that this was to come. Her steadfast Christian faith and her pro-life stance unquestionably kept her from ever considering terminating her pregnancy. Sarah told the "Anchorage Daily News" that she and Todd "feel blessed that God chose them" to raise Trig. The press statement from the Palin family explains in more detail:  

    Trig is beautiful and already adored by us. We knew through early testing he would face special challenges, and we feel privileged that God would entrust us with this gift and allow us unspeakable joy as he entered our lives. We have faith that every baby is created for good purpose and has potential to make this world a better place. We are truly blessed.

    As I alluded to earlier, Sarah Palin is pro-life. She opposes embryonic stem cell research; she believes adoption is the best plan for permanency for foster children and she opposes the use of public funds for abortions.

    When it comes to the economy and the budget she has been steadfast in controlling spending and remaining fiscally conservative. In March of 2007, as Governor, Sarah Palin reduced the general fund spending by $124 million and she remains a firm believer in free market capitalism.

    One of Governor Sarah Palin's biggest draws deals with her stance on energy and oil. As Governor she has introduced the Gasoline Inducement Act. She believes we need more of our own oil and gas for national security. Sarah has commercialized Alaska's northern slope for natural gas and believes we need to lift the moratorium on offshore drilling along with drilling in ANWR. Under Palin's leadership a gas pipeline was approved to meet Alaskan needs.

    Sarah's accomplishments have led to a better Alaska. Now think of what she can do as Vice-President.

    I know this narrative scratches the surface of Sarah's personal life and beliefs but I hope it has offered you brief relief from the media chaos that has been ever present.

    Chaz Oswald

    < Democrat County Commissioner says: "Bikinis are my favorite thing to wear" | Keeping the MSM Honest: "Life long Democrats" are NOT Swing Voters >

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    Palin (none / 0) (#2)
    by Rougman on Wed Oct 01, 2008 at 09:06:07 AM EST
    Gosh, no wonder they hate her so much.

    Palin (none / 0) (#3)
    by Brady on Wed Oct 01, 2008 at 09:10:26 AM EST
    I believe it was a mistake for Obama not to pick Hillary for his running mate.  I had believed it was brilliant for McCain to pick Palin until I saw the Katie Couric interview.  This interview seems to confirm what all her detractors have been saying about her.  She'll have one chance to redeem herself on Thursday.  If she doesn't clearly come out on top, she'll do more harm to McCain than Dan Quayle ever did to Bush.

    • C'mon now... by Nick, 10/01/2008 09:29:54 AM EST (none / 0)
    Absolutely agree (none / 0) (#5)
    by Brady on Wed Oct 01, 2008 at 09:34:38 AM EST
    I absolutely agree with you about Palin's impact on the McCain campaign.  Without her, there wouldn't even be much of race.  Many liberals have been dissing Palin over the past six weeks while I have been arguing it was a very smart pick by McCain.  But if she handles herself in the debate like she did in the Katie Couric interview that base she rallied will fall apart almost as quickly as it came together.

    Debates (none / 0) (#6)
    by Rougman on Wed Oct 01, 2008 at 11:46:37 AM EST
    Debates have become very important on our political landscape but I think that this is unfortunate.  

    We have years to evaluate people like John McCain and Joe Biden.  By this point in time, we should be able to regurgitate every point of political minutiae that could ever have applied to them.  With Obama and Palin we have a shorter period of time in which to familiarize ourselves, but it is easy to get the facts with only a little digging.  

    We can see how these people have voted under fire.  We can read of the foundation of their philosophy, and we can see quite plainly how well both their personal and political lives reflect what they supposedly stand for.  This, however, isn't enough for many to base their votes on.

    No, custom dictates that the candidates must go in front of cameras so that some voters can make their ultimate decisions based on off-the-cuff responses and postures to questions specifically designed to elicit off-the-cuff responses and postures.  Maybe if the questioner is really good she can trip an opponent (preferably the conservative one based on the make up of today's media.)

    "Oh no! He used a double negative."  Or, "He looked so stiff and uncomfortable."  

    I twist my own words every day.  I'd hate to be held accountable for errant words delivered in front of 50 million viewers instead of the way I've proven to live my life, as imperfect as that is.  Of course we hold those people running for President and VP to a high standard, and they should be able to communicate effectively, but their positions should count for much more than their eloquence.

    I could not care any less about whether an avowed socialist presents in very eloquent prose why he should be placed into power.  A national health care plan advanced in good grammar and poetic words is still socialized medicine.  Nor do I care if a proven fiscal conservative seems ill at ease when asked whether or not an unqualified home seeker should be offered a government backed mortgage. In a smokey back room office, I want the candidate to pull the plug on the loan!

    People who wait to watch these debates to make their voting decisions are making them based on the tip of the tip of the iceberg.  We might as well just go and vote for the tall guy.

    Debates (none / 0) (#7)
    by Brady on Wed Oct 01, 2008 at 12:18:09 PM EST
    Debates, unlike campaign rallys or speeches, don't rely on scripted responses or throngs of partisan crowds.  And unlike measured votes, debates really show how a candidate can hold up under fire when challenged.  They're the best medium we have to understand what our candidates are really made up rather than just made to appear to be.  Take out the teleprompter and you're get a better measure of the true person behind it.

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