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    Who are the NERD fund donors Mr Snyder?

    Raise the curtain.

    Anyone else noticing a pattern here?

    By Nick, Section News
    Posted on Wed Jul 16, 2008 at 12:13:32 PM EST
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    If you think there isn't a difference between the two major political parties here in Michigan you're crazy.  Put aside all of the politics and the public policy issues... for the love of Magnum P.I., just take a look at the slate of candidates the House Democrats are fielding this fall in their attempt to strengthen their strangle hold on the Michigan legislature.  It seems like every single day we learn about another candidate's criminal history, pesky residency problems and / or a troubling inability to actually pay their personal and business taxes.

    One after another become the latest in an increasingly esteemed list of upstanding lefty citizens hoping the voters put the big "D" before personal integrity.  Consider a few of the paragons of liberal virtue on the ballot right here in Michigan:

    We've got Bernard Jocuns, "criminal lawyer turned lawyer criminal." (Name that Michael Mann movie!)  Jocuns first made headlines a few years ago while he worked as the defense attorney for convicted torturer and mass murderer Patrick Selepak. Swell, right?  Bernie hasn't killed anyone himself but that alone doesn't make him a boy scout.  In fact, he'd have a hard time earning his integrity merit badge.

    That right there is an official State of Michigan Attorney Discipline Board Notice of Reprimand.  Jocuns took it home last Halloween after pleading no contest on charges he'd forged a client's signature and failed to notify the Attorney Grievance Commission he'd been tagged with the misdemeanor.

    In other words, the man is the kind of defense attorney who gives other lawyers a really bad name.  Forging signatures on legal documents?  That's serious business.  But hey, it's tough to get anywhere in Michigan Democrat politics without having your record stained by some sort of major ethical black mark.  I'd say a criminal conviction fills that line on the MDP candidate application pretty well.

    But Jocuns story doesn't end there... it gets downright strange.  After the Michigan Republican Party yesterday drew the state media's attention to his tiny little legal problem I'm told the man literally picked up the phone and called MRP demanding they tell his "side of the story."  

    Not sure if that means he expects an MRP press release offering his excuses for his no contest plea or the questionable idea that he's really really sorry he's a criminal. Either way, the Party said they'd be happy to expand their discussion of Bernie's past and released new documents, tax liens from the Michigan Department of Treasury and the IRS showing that the big-time defense attorney has refused to pay nearly $30,000 in back taxes.  Because nothing says "responsible enough to create tax policy" like a long-standing refusal to pay one's own tax bill.


    Careful what you wish for, Bernie.  Of course, the list of shady Dem characters goes on... Other Michigan Democrat House candidates include:

  • Andy Neumann, who didn't forge anyone's name but did sign his own name to an affidavit of identity after lying about his residency status.  He lives in Lansing but claimed on official state documents to live in Alpena.  The address turned out to be his married sister's place.  Four hours away.  Each way.

  • Steve King, a man who'd be almost as familiar with the inside of a courtroom as Mr. Jocuns if he ever bothered to show up for court dates.  Instead he became a regular no-show... sort of like his legally-mandated spousal support payments.  His ex-wife continues to look for those checks while the judge issued a warrant and asked the nice men in blue to find Mr. King and... politely compel him to make an appearance.

  • Judy Truesdell, a Dem candidate in Berrien County's 78th District looks like a saint by comparison.  All she's done since 1996 is had liens put against her and her business no fewer than fifteen (15) times for not paying, at times, more than $16,000 in overdue taxes.  On the upside, if Judy gets elected we know there'll be at least one Democrat in Lansing with a personal grudge against the tax man, even if the rest of us out here in Anytown, MI somehow manage to pay our taxes on time. Well, all of us but Bernard Jocuns.  Who'd have thought that paying your taxes alone could make the average Michigander more qualified than the typical Democrat to actually hold an office at the Capitol?

    Keep up the great recruiting work, MDP!  Your choice in candidates is pretty darn informative.

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