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    Who are the NERD fund donors Mr Snyder?

    Raise the curtain.

    Job banks, local elections and Granholm v. Kwame? I'll believe THAT when I see it...

    By Nick, Section News
    Posted on Tue May 06, 2008 at 06:51:08 AM EST
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    Looking for a little proof that the world hasn't gone completely insane?  Sorry.  Not sure there's much I can do for you.  Now if you wanted a bit of evidence that it's sliding further and further away from sanity, that I could probably handle.  With a little help from the Associated Press.

    Chrysler LLC Chairman and Executive Bob Nardelli said Monday the automaker should be able to meet its job-cutting goals without antagonizing the United Auto Workers.

    So begins the AP's coverage of Chrysler's latest efforts to survive in a marketplace beset by turbulent market forces, rising fuel costs and candidates for the nation's highest office more eager to punish the Big 3 and oil company executives than to provide even temporary or marginal relief to consumers.

    This particular auto-maker is hoping to slash 11,000 total jobs.  So how, pray tell, does one accomplish such a feet without causing additional turmoil in the ranks of organized labor?  

    As part of the efforts to trim the payroll, Nardelli said Chrysler will try to move workers currently in jobs banks into openings created at factories where large numbers of workers took buyouts or early retirement packages.

    Workers in jobs banks get most of their pay while on layoff.

    Novel idea, that.  Cut payroll without cutting jobs.  I'd have argued it wasn't possible but here in Michigan where organized labor and union bosses reign supreme... well, I'd have been wrong.  Gotta love the jobs bank concept.  Get paid to watch daytime soaps and do sodoku.  And not just paid... we're talking union paid... there's a big difference.  Who wouldn't jump at the chance?  And hey, the automakers agreed to the concept during one round of negotiations or another decades ago.  No blaming the "workers."  Just hope they'll be as gracious now that playtime is over.

    Meanwhile, many of them, Macomb County residents that they are, have a chance to head to the polls today with everyone else in the County to vote on whether or not to add one more level of government at the local level.  The Detroit News has a pretty good breakdown of what a vote for or against the creation of "charter committee" really means for Macomb County.  Vote YES and you're voting to create a County Executive.  Vote NO and you're voting... well... no.  For now at least.  (Exec. proponents have other tricks up their sleeve should this one fail.)

    Read on...

    By pushing for the creation of a charter committee, supporters have modeled their push for an executive on the Wayne County formula: committee writes a charter, the charter creates the executive position, voters elect the executive. A simpler approach might have been like Oakland County's, in which voters simply decided whether to create an executive position then elected him or her.

    Should the charter initiative fail, some county officials feel the Oakland County approach might still be a possibility.

    "That option will still be there regardless of what happens," said William Crouchman, chairman of the Macomb County Board of Commissioners. "Macomb voters might be able to better identify with the Oakland County form. It might be easier for them to understand what they're getting."

    County Exec envy.  Or something.

    Frankly, the idea of setting up a Wayne County style system of government would scare the snot out of me.  If you open your Websters and look up "Wayne County Government" you find the definition of the words "corruption," "machine (see political)," and a big giant picture of Jennifer Granholm.  (If you've got one of the old copies from the 70s, check it out... rumor is the photo in those editions is from her appearance on "The Dating Game.")

    Then you take a look at Oakland County and what Brooks Patterson has been able to do with Automation Alley and the almost total, positive transformation of the region... that particular choice isn't much of a choice at all.  

    At the end of the day the question is simple though... it's not a choice between Patterson or Ficano, the Wayne County Exec and a pretender to the Dem Gubernatorial nomination in 2010.  It's a choice between a new, additional layer of government or no new additional layer of government.  And the layer that's on the ballot today is potentially a lot more expansive than what could come from an Oakland County style system.  I hate "committees."

    And, of course, there are school board elections all over the place so make sure you hit the polls sometime today!

    There's a natural tendency to let these local elections slip away.  We're all pretty busy and it's not like it's a Presidential election or anything.  Unfortunately it's when we're not paying attention that the real fires get lit.  Or at the very least already established fires aren't snuffed out.  Set-up an ineffective, joke of a local government or local governing body and look out.

    Exhibit A is and always will be Detroit.  The Ivory Tower today implores the City Council to do some begging of their own.

    ...The council should censure the mayor, as Goodman recommends, and forward a request to Gov. Jennifer Granholm to have her oust the mayor. Granholm's authority under state law is not as murky as the council's under the charter. It's a bigger hammer to use to get Kilpatrick to go.

    Council members may fear that makes them seem weak, but in fact, it shows strength: the resolve to resist making matters worse just to make a point. The charter doesn't support a decisive council move for removal; tempting legal disaster by forcing the issue wouldn't be good for the council itself, or the city.

    Better to stay on the high road, and follow the process that will lead quickest to the end game: a Detroit without Kwame Kilpatrick.

    The question isn't whether or not the City Council wants to or should be trying to remove the mayor.  At least not in the FREEP's eyes.  Everyone outside of the regressisphere here in Michigan is pretty well convinced that Kwame is a bad guy who did bad, illegal things and needs to go, post haste.  (And even the lefty bloggers agree, they just can't say so publicly... I'm becoming more and more convinced there's some sort of chip implanted in each of their brains when they start a blog... the sort of chip that sends electric shocks coursing through their bodies whenever they begin to criticize anyone bearing the label "Democrat.")

    The immediate question is whether or not they're going to start a... ahem... spitting contest.  Kwame's shown again and again that he's not willing to do the right thing.  The man's had opportunity after opportunity and has chosen the dark side every time.  The City Council, for their part, is a joke and a bad one at that.  Two words.  Monica Conyers.

    But there's a secondary question too.  Would making a strong recommendation to Jennifer Granholm do any good?  She's got the power to oust the Mayor.  That much is certain.  But would she risk alienating half the city of Detroit?  

    Here's hoping.

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    A Choice? (none / 0) (#1)
    by Beerme on Tue May 06, 2008 at 06:00:47 PM EST
    That's rich. Two non-choices:
    Choose to elect a brand new level of government or not,
    and choose to emulate Wayne County or not...

    Hhhhmmm? Pretty easy decisions, there!

    Remember, as local elections are those that we have the most influence over, it is more important to vote them than national elections.

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