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    Who are the NERD fund donors Mr Snyder?

    Raise the curtain.

    Enough is Enough: Governor Granholm Should Repent or Face Ex-Communication from the Catholic Church

    By Andrew Shirvell, Section News
    Posted on Thu Apr 17, 2008 at 01:07:57 AM EST
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    This week's historic visit by Pope Benedict XVI to the United States has once again focused the spotlight on the scandal of certain left-leaning American "Catholic" politicians' loud, and oftentimes, enthusiastic support for abortion "rights."  

    As the Holy Father made his various appearances in and around our nation's capital, the usual parade of pro-abortion hypocrites was on display:  House Speaker Nancy Pelosi kissing the Pope's ring; Massachusetts Democratic Senator John Kerry praising His Holiness for the Pope's commitment to combating the "global issues of poverty, disease and despair;" etc.  (See: http://ap.google.com/article/ALeqM5hHnd03OonVIyIk2yvWoMXVvhbtIwD9037ITO1)

    Unfortunately, Pope Benedict is not scheduled to come to Michigan during this trip - his first visit to the USA as Supreme Pontiff.  But no doubt, had he done so our state's most high-profile - and most hypocritical - "Catholic" politician would be the first to welcome him with open arms at the airport.  

    Indeed, Governor Jennifer Granholm, who converted from Presbyterianism to Catholicism as an adult, is in many ways just like her cradle-Catholic brethren who support abortion on demand: a disingenuous show-boat who plays-up her Catholic faith when she sees a political advantage to do so while at the same time remaining committed to spitting in the face of one of the Roman Catholic Church's core social teachings, respect for the dignity of all human life.    

    Thus far, in her public role as governor, Jennifer Granholm has been an absolute disgrace to her fellow Catholics.  In terms of the abortion issue, Governor Granholm's worst moment came perhaps one Friday afternoon in October 2003 when she cowardly vetoed Michigan's third attempt to ban partial-birth abortion - the cruelest form of abortion ever devised.

    Read on. . .

    Governor Granholm vetoed the 2003 Legal Birth Definition Act because she is beholden to the abortion lobby in Michigan and beyond.  During the 2002 gubernatorial election cycle, the national radical pro-abortion rights group EMILY's List gave Granholm the edge in her August 2002 Democratic primary fight by supporting her with a breath-taking amount of blood-soaked campaign contributions.  In 2006, EMILY's List and other wealthy pro-abortion groups were only too eager to reward their sock-puppet with a massive infusion of cash for her successful re-election bid.

    So, despite the governor's pretense of being a devout, Mass-attending Catholic who lectors on Sundays, it seems that Granholm's actions show her to be more of a believer in the Gospel of EMILY's List than the Gospel of Christ.  

    Governor Granholm should voluntarily leave the Catholic Church.  

    Or she should be disciplined by Church authorities - up to and including the ultimate form of punishment, ex-communication.  

    Enough is enough.  

    Earlier this year, Pope Benedict named Detroit Auxiliary Bishop Earl Boyea as the fifth Bishop of the 10-county Diocese of Lansing.  He will replace outgoing Bishop Carl F. Mengeling, who, as Granholm's bishop since 2003, has - to put it charitably - "ignored" the scandal of Granholm's active pro-abortion position.  

    It is time for the Church to practice some tough love with the governor - whose love of money and power has allowed her to buy into the fantasy that abortion on demand is a "right" guaranteed by the U.S. Constitution.  

    When Bishop Boyea takes over from Bishop Mengeling in a short while, he must make it clear to Governor Granholm that being "personally opposed" to abortion is not good enough for a Catholic public official and that she must not cooperate in a moral evil via her public acts as governor.  It's that simple.

    In fact, if the state House ever gets around to passing Michigan's fourth attempt to outlaw partial-birth abortion at the state level, like the state Senate did back in January of this year, Governor Granholm may have a chance to redeem herself.

    Will she or won't she sign this bill, if it crosses her desk in the upcoming weeks (or months)?  

    The new bishop's strong lobbying of Granholm on this bill could make a difference.  But will he be any different than Bishop Mengeling?

    As one can see, there are a lot of unanswered questions hanging in the air.  But perhaps God has provided an opportunity for Granholm to repent and follow ALL of the teachings of her Church - a church whose membership includes approximately 1 in 4 Michiganders.

    Lord knows, we do not need any more pictures of the Nancy Pelosis of this world kissing the Pope's ring while embracing an agenda that is in direct opposition to what that ring symbolizes - the Pope's teaching authority on matters such as the right to life.

    I am really praying that Granholm seizes the moment and does the right thing by signing into law Michigan's fourth attempt to ban partial-birth abortion, if such legislation reaches her desk.

    If she chooses not to seize such an opportunity, though, it is time that the Church's leadership finally shows her the door - and slams it in her face.

    Choose wisely, governor.

    About the author: Andrew Shirvell, Esq., is a pro-life citizen activist who writes a weekly column that is published every Thursday for RightMichigan.com in which he focuses upon Michigan pro-life issues. Shirvell attended Ave Maria School of Law - Ann Arbor, where he served as president of the school's Bioethics Society, from 2004-2005.  He also served as president of Students for Life at the University of Michigan - Ann Arbor, from 2000-2002.

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    hypocrites (none / 0) (#1)
    by maidintheus on Thu Apr 17, 2008 at 11:52:19 AM EST
    The Catholic Church has ignored the behavior of its priests and other egregious actions down through history. It is developing quite the reputation for this willfulness. They too appear to be more interested in power and money and risk alienating many due this hypocrisy.

    "Individual Catholics are obligated to determine if they are fit for Communion, not priests, bishops or cardinals."  Even when "it" is public knowledge? Hypocrites and liars!! It would behoove people to make a strong stand against this instead of perpetuating the problems eroding credibility.  Otherwise change the basics of said doctrine as has been done in other areas of said church.

    Who will care about how much proof they have of being the first church of churches. The living stones will prefer being a member of a last church, as it were, with this lack of credibility.

    willing suspension of disbelief and kissing (none / 0) (#2)
    by maidintheus on Thu Apr 17, 2008 at 11:57:40 AM EST
    Kissing off America and the three documents of our republican democracy. Thanks Nancy for bitterly clinging to Carter and a failed foreign policy.

    Not being Catholic, unlike many of my relatives,  I digress.  The point is, we should not stand for picking apart these three precious documents anymore then The Church should pick which things they stand up for from the basics of their doctrine. Why go to a church that preaches hate and racism if you profess to be (strongly) against these things.  Why actively and unchallenged promote things that the church of your choice purports to be against.

    To believe the demoncrat party requires the willing suspension of disbelief.

    Bogus Conversion (none / 0) (#3)
    by Victor Laszlo on Fri Apr 18, 2008 at 06:51:25 AM EST
    Not surprisingly, the only reason Governor Granholm converted from Protestantism to Catholicism was for political reasons.  Once again, Governor Granholm has proven that she is the most deceitful governor in Michigan's history.

    But Darwin is their God. (none / 0) (#4)
    by LookingforReagan on Fri Apr 18, 2008 at 01:53:16 PM EST
    Here we have several Liberal Socialist politicians proclaiming to be a member of that faith or this faith. Yet when we look at the efforts of these people to forcefully exclude God and Religion from the daily lives of the American people one has to question their dedecation to that faith. No prayer in schools, no posting of the Ten Commandments on public property,no Nativity Scenes on public property which in itself is a lie. Public property does not belong to the people it is the turf of the Government and the professional pencil pushers most of whom are Liberals. The very idea of seperation of Church and state is a lie. There is nothing in the Constitution that draws a line between the two. This idea was first broached in a series of correspondence between Thomas Jefferson and one of his contemporairies. Nothing in the Constitution gives footing to Supreme Court decisions that have enforced this seperation. By the very nature of the political ideas that Liberal Socialists embrace it would stand to reason that these people in truth are atheists. If we look at our Liar and thief Granlarceny and others like Thug Master K and Ted Kennedy they do not follow Gods teachings. They live their lives like pagans. In truth their religion is like many other of their lies, it is only a cover to garner votes.They are in fact Atheists and Godless heathens.

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