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    Who are the NERD fund donors Mr Snyder?

    Raise the curtain.

    Prominent Dem says working moms and dads are "stupid"

    By Nick, Section News
    Posted on Wed Mar 26, 2008 at 07:21:22 AM EST
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    At least now we know how they really feel.  Elitist snobs.  Lansing Insider Publication MIRS has a bit of an interview running with Mark Grebner, a guy with pretty darn solid left winger credentials.  He's the Dem's big numbers guy, crunching whatever sort of figures they want, doing fancy voter analysis studies and the whole kit and caboodle but he's also a Democrat member of the Ingham County Board of Commissioners.

    Oh, and he's one of the big brains behind the original launch of Michigan's most famous lefty attack blog.  You know which one I'm talking about.  It was his employee who launched the site a couple years back before turning it into a gig as a bureaucrat with the Department of Information and Technology.

    So the guy isn't some obscure pollster or analyst.  He almost literally represents the increasingly hostile voice of the Michigan Democrat Party.  And it turns out Michigan Democrats don't think very much of working families.  See, he's just wrapped up an analysis of geographic and socioeconomic voting patterns and was surprised to learn that folks who work hard for a living are trending further and further to the right.  

    Grebner, of Practical Political Consulting, said his numbers show the (Democrats are) gaining with the higher educated voter, but losing popularity with the blue-collar worker. The more well to do suburbs are trending Democratic and the urban cores are more blue than ever, but old industrial cities like Bay City are trending Republican and the rural communities are more red.

    "It used to be that areas that had good book stores tended to be Republican," he said. "Now they've become Democratic areas. In the meantime, the Democrats used to do well in areas where the top news of the day was what the lottery numbers were. Now those areas are becoming Republican.

    "So the Democrats are losing the stupid people," Grebner quipped...

    Just so we've got this straight... if you go to the book store to pick up the NYT and sip a latte then you're a smart person but if you go to work at the factory, put in an honest days work and support your family then you're an idiot?  Oh, and the best part, the "urban cores" are solidly Democrat and not "stupid people."  Apparently folks who make the least and depend on government the most are brilliant.  Hey, they figured out how to milk the system and make a living doing nothing, right, Mark?

    And what's with the dig at Bay City?  I've spent plenty of time in Bay City and the people there are fantastic.  And plenty intelligent.  

    Look, this opinion of his isn't a surprise.  You look at the current slate of lefty policy and talking points and you realize pretty quickly that they think everyone's stupid.  You've got to give those dumb working families one thing, though.  They've managed somehow to keep and hold a job during the disastrous Granholm / Cherry job killing tour of 2003 through 2008.  

    Oh, and the dig about the lotto numbers...  I'll let Barb Farrah address that one in her own way and time.

    But please, continue insulting working folks.  Next time maybe you can tell union workers that they're retarded.

    < Wednesday in the Sphere, March 26 | Talk about being your own worst enemy... >

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    Not surprised (none / 0) (#1)
    by tenex22 on Wed Mar 26, 2008 at 08:49:14 AM EST
    That is the view most Dems seem to have. That is why they are for big government, constituents are not smart enough to make decisions on their own. Need big brother (or sister) to make all those important decisions for us.

    Appeal of social conservatism waning (none / 0) (#2)
    by Angry White Male on Wed Mar 26, 2008 at 09:33:05 AM EST
    The electorate changes as older generations pass and new ones arrive on the stage. I think the social conservatism that worked for Repubs in 1980 is increasingly working against them. This may be an indication of that. A limited government libertarian platform has much more appeal to those under 30 today than a fire-and-brimstone one. Libertarian, except the verses must be to a communitarian tune rather than an atomistic individual one.

    OMG...Stupid people comment made my jaw drop (none / 0) (#3)
    by Michigan Redneck on Wed Mar 26, 2008 at 09:36:11 AM EST
    I is a blue coller wurker.  I is a communeity collage drop owt.  I is a prowd Conservatif.  I takes afence to being called stoopid.  

    In all seriousness though.  Now that they have lost the "stupid people" they are willing to admit that they have thought that the po' folk and blue collars for the past fifty plus years are stupid.  Now they just need to admit that they have been manipulating and lying to the working class.

    The working class people may not have fancy degrees, but we have street smarts.  And we do a lot of thinking.  I have always said if the world were bombed tomorrow, the blue collar people would be able to survive better and the elites would have to depend on the working class.  So, are we stupid?  NO!  

    Blue Collar Conservatism (none / 0) (#4)
    by Ed Burley on Wed Mar 26, 2008 at 09:50:14 AM EST
    I wrote an article awhile back. It can be found here on my blog: http://angelofliberty.newsvine.com/_news/2008/02/10/1291317-blue-collar-conservatism

    I include it in its entirety:

    I was watching Hannity and Colmes last night (Feb 9th, 2008), and they had Trace Adkins, the country singer, on the show. Colmes asked him why so many country stars lean conservative. What Trace said was interesting to me, and should have been picked up on by Hannity: "I think it's because of the blue collar values and conservativism."

    The reason I found that significant is that most people these days equate "blue collar" with liberalism. They think that blue collar means unionism and thus Democrat Party. This fails on a number of levels. First of all, a blue collar man isn't necessarily union. Secondly, union people don't necessarily back the Democrats. Third of all, the Democrat Party of 40 years ago was more conservative than the Republicans.

    Barry Goldwater was significant in the Republican Party, not because he represented the rank-in-file GOP, but because his politics flew in the face of them. He represented a more libertarian viewpoint; much like Reagan and Ron Paul. This has been the battle within the GOP for these 4 decades since Goldwater. This is also what is at stake in this coming election: does the GOP continue to find country clubbers to nominate, moderate RINOs (Republicans In Name Only); or will they nominate another Reagan? I am not holding out any hope for a real conservative to get the nod.

    The Democrat Party of 40 years ago was "the blue collar party." They represented the working man, who only wanted to provide for his family and keep his constitutional freedoms. This is a thing of the past for the Democrats. They still put forth the rhetoric of being champions of racial equality and the American worker. Yet, they are now the party of special interests, none of which represent the "rank-in-file" working man. That is unless that working man is the capitalism-hating union man that has become the caricature of the blue collar man.

    Freedom loving Americans need to find a way to change the direction of our country. Both the GOP and the Democrats respresent party interests at the exclusion of the average American. Big spending, high taxes (in spite of recent tax cuts, they remain too damn high), special rules for special groups, etc. all work against Constitutional America.

    Blue collar conservatives must find ways to run against the status quo. If you have a moderate RINO representing your district, run as a conservative Democrat, or as a Libertarian. We need to get past the party, and get back to representing the people. Control spending, cut taxes, respect private property, end corporate welfare, encourage private and family charity, and support parents' rights in the education of their children. These are just some of the values that most Americans share. Liberty-minded politicians could totally change our country for the better.

    Smart people are so smart... (none / 0) (#5)
    by leondrolet on Wed Mar 26, 2008 at 10:30:00 AM EST
    that they know exactly how other people's lives should be run. Hayek called such failing arrogance, "the fatal conceit". But Dems believe they can regulate, tax and program the economy and human behavior.

    Grover Norquist's newly released book, "Leave Us Alone" argues that the Republican Party can best win elections if it puts together a coalition which he calls the "Leave Us Alone" coalition consisting of taxpayers, gun owners, home schoolers, property rights activists, citizens who own stock, and religious citizens who want the government to LEAVE THEM ALONE.

    This coalition could beat the Democratic Party's coalition called the "Takings Coalition" consisting of government workers, labor union activists, university employees, trial layers and coercive utopians.

    For the Leave Us Alone Coalition to win, each part of the coalition must respect the other coalition members' right to be left alone. Even if different coalition members don't necessarily like or agree with each other. For example, some religious conservatives may not agree with some coalition members stands on sex before marriage or legalized marijuana. And they should be free to debate, argue or not like each other. But they should all agree that the government should leave them alone.

    The other side, the Takings Coalition, will start losing elections once the re-invigorated, more libertarian GOP solidifies the Leave Us Alone Coalition.

    I think we're... (none / 0) (#7)
    by rdww on Wed Mar 26, 2008 at 01:09:43 PM EST
    ... reading more into Grebner's remarks than was said.  However, I am insulted by the idea that, because I DO like hanging out at bookstores sipping lattes, I have an obligation to be a Democrat.  Conversely, I can (and do) think country music is crap, and remain a conservative.

    imo I think you're all correct in many ways (none / 0) (#8)
    by maidintheus on Wed Mar 26, 2008 at 03:19:03 PM EST
    So, why do these people continue to be able to hold offices from which they can run things?

    Perhaps we need to prove we're not stupid (or lazy) and stick together (play nice).  A house divided cannot stand.

    We can get this done, together.  Let us not be found capitalizing on our differences/hot button issues.  Let us concentrate on all the things we agree on and clean this mess up.

    I've found all of you so helpful, informative, and thought provoking. I'm learning from you guys.

    I'd like to help more too. I'm trying to learn how. Until then consider me your cheer section.


    Don't be too hard on Grebner (none / 0) (#9)
    by ralpho on Wed Mar 26, 2008 at 07:11:18 PM EST
    Mark Grebner is not your average politician. He has a sense of humor. I still have a refrigerator magnet he used in his campaign 15 years ago that says, "He may be a fool but he's our fool."

    He also had a bumper sticker that said: "Commissioner Grebner: No worse than the rest."

    I did a story on him around 1992-93 for the Eccentric newspapers when I worked there. Mark actually took money from candidate David Honigman to NOT sell any voter lists to Alice Gilbert. You may remember Dave and Alice sought Republican nomination for a seat just vacated by Bill Broomfield. They covered each other in mud, paving the way (if I might mix metaphors) for Joe Knollenberg.

    Mark Grebner (none / 0) (#11)
    by Victor Laszlo on Thu Mar 27, 2008 at 09:59:39 PM EST
    The best part of Mark Grebner slid down his mother's leg during his birth.

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