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    Who are the NERD fund donors Mr Snyder?

    Raise the curtain.

    If any State could use a little luck of the Irish...

    By Nick, Section News
    Posted on Mon Mar 17, 2008 at 07:54:29 AM EST
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    Happy Saint Patrick's Day, lads and lasses.  I guess.  Of all the holidays we celebrate this is one that's always sorta been lost on me.  Back at Brookside Elementary I used to like getting a free green bagel but that's about it.  Now, admittedly, that could be because I am not a drinker.  I've never so much as ingested a drop... it's just not for me (which, sadly, makes me an anomaly in the Michigan political world where the social component of just about everything includes moderate to large amounts of hard liquor).  Now, my friends in Lansing?  Today's a special day.  

    I've actually got one friend (who shall remain nameless) who identifies St. Patrick's day as the high holy day of the year and spends the entire three or four days surrounding the date on an extended pub crawl in a perpetual drunken stupor.  Every year (s)he goes out and the rest of us wonder, will (s)he survive and when will that liver shut down?  Got to be the luck of the Irish keeping him / her going.  OK, I'm through with the multiple pronouns.  Promise.

    But not with talk of luck and miracles.  Because there are folks all across the Great Lakes State who could use a little (or a lot of) leprechaun's luck today.  Hillary Clinton, for example.

    That Michigan re-do election that late last week was starting to look so much like a certainty has suddenly flown straight off the tracks and it might take more than the luck of the Irish to get things moving again.  And, frankly, I'm surprised it took this long for things to come unglued.

    Can anyone answer me, in a close delegate race like this where Barack Obama is hoping desperately to run out the clock with his lead in tact, what is his incentive for going into overtime?  Keeping Michigan off the books might disenfranchise a few million voters but it gives him his best chance of winning.  And who cares about Michigan issues if you can become the most powerful man in the world by only caring about 48 or 49 other states, right?  

    Here's the list of issues as they stand now:

    Read on...

  • Obama's camp won't give the go-ahead on the re-vote until they see official legislative language.  And if you listen to their unofficial Michigan spokesman you get the sense that they just plain might not give the go-ahead period.  The Detroit News reports:

    State Sen. Tupac Hunter, D-Detroit, said Sunday that allies of U.S. Sen. Hillary Rodham Clinton are bent on a do-over primary to enable their candidate to try to pull up to Obama in the presidential race. Hunter said he won't sign off on a repeat election unless he sees detailed legislation answering his concerns.

    "Clinton folks will do anything to open Michigan back up," said Hunter, who is co-chairman of the Obama campaign in Michigan.

    "She is in a hunt for delegates. Why this sudden pull out all the stops to give Hillary Clinton every opportunity to try to catch up? Guess what? It's not going to happen. This legislator is not going to facilitate it."

  • Clinton's supporters in the legislature (and the Governor's office?) won't draft legislation to make a re-vote happen until Obama's camp gives the go-ahead.

  • Obama's camp won't say "yes" until those Clinton supporters who promised to raise $10 to $15 million actually do it, either.

  • Work in the fact that as of Thursday Andy Dillon and the Democrats in the House are leaving Lansing for a two-week long Easter "recess" and time suddenly becomes maybe the most important factor of them all.

    Here's the math--the Bureau of Elections needs 60 to 70 days to get ready for an election.  The target date and really the latest date possible to hold a revote (because of DNC rules) is June 3rd .  

    60 days would be Friday, April 4.

    70 days would be Tuesday, March 25.  

    Both of those dates fall under the House's fancy little spring break.  So unless Dillon cancels his Dem vacation entirely to round up the two-thirds majority he needs to make a re-vote happen, a voting percentage that's far from certain within the Dem  caucus, let alone the House as a whole, it just plain isn't going to happen.  

    That makes this week key.  Things happen by Thursday or it'll take something less out of Ireland and more on the order of an Easter miracle to get anything accomplished.  

    Not that a four leaf clover wouldn't come in handy down in Detroit where the Associated Press reports the Downtown Detroit Partnership and Roger Penske (of NASCAR fame) will begin a new marketing campaign aimed at luring folks into the center city.  

    The project is funded with a $750,000 grant from the corporate leadership group Detroit Renaissance.

    Partnership president Ann Lang says the campaign will spread the word about the city's strong entertainment, cultural events, sports venues and other attractions.

    They might need to spend a little more than three-quarters of a million dollars, though, if they're going to counter the front page headlines on every area newspaper discussing Kwame Kilpatrick's ongoing legal saga, the potential perjury charges that might be handed down this week, his friends and partners in graft and corruption who've been arrested and charged in the past with attempted murder and the  "exotic dancers" who just happen to have had run-ins with Hizzoner's wife before winding up dead.  Toss in a healthy dose of Matt Millen and the City has a lot of obstacles to overcome.  But go Detroit!

    Thank God for the Tigers, Wings and Pistons.  

    Oh, and if the City has any of that special green luck left over they should send it on to the good folks standing outside American Axle as their strike hit's the third week.  UAW President Ron Gettelfinger has been awfully busy negotiating... a Dem primary revote... and hasn't done much to get forty-thousand-six-hundred some odd workers back on the job so maybe St. Patty can do it.

    The Oakland Press reports that:

    American Axle spokeswoman Renee Rogers (said) Sunday night that "ongoing dialogue" continued over the weekend.

    Oh, well, "ongoing dialogue..." that's reassuring.

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    reality check (none / 0) (#1)
    by whatever on Mon Mar 17, 2008 at 08:17:55 AM EST
    a) i don't agree with the original sniping in the democratic party that led to this fiasco in michigan

    b) it won't matter a hill of beans come november

    c) there will be no "disenfranchising" of voters

    d) the dem candidate will easily take michigan come november.

    can we move on already?

    We are already there (none / 0) (#5)
    by LookingforReagan on Mon Mar 17, 2008 at 03:01:21 PM EST
    In truth we who have ancestry that goes back to Eire know the "real" meaning of the phrase "The luck of the Irish". It really refers to all the bad things that have happened through the centuries to the Irish people. Therefore when we use the term the luck of the Irish it is not referring to good luck. Remember 600 years of English occupation. The potato famine that saw the contrived deaths of nearly 2 million people and the forced immigration of another 1.5 million. All the time the people of Ireland were starving food was being exported to England. The crushed attempts at freeing Ireland from occupation in the interest of self determination and freedom to make their own decisions. From what I can tell Michigan is afflicted at the present time by the Luck of the Irish. Our famine has come in the person of Jennifer Granholm. I hope that we can throw her yoke off as the Irish for the most part have thrown off the yoke of tyranny from England.

    More good news. (none / 0) (#6)
    by LookingforReagan on Mon Mar 17, 2008 at 05:07:20 PM EST
    Michigan has just been rated by CQ Press as the number tenth worst state in which to live based on crime statistics. They give ratings to the 15 worst states. I guess it could have been worse. We could be first again as we are in unemployment, dropout rate of high school students, first in home foreclosures. That Governor Granholm is just amazing. We have never had a governor like her. And I hope we never, ever have another such dolt elected in this state again.

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