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    Who are the NERD fund donors Mr Snyder?

    Raise the curtain.

    Romney could be our next governor, but is he interested?

    By A2 Conservative, Section News
    Posted on Sat Feb 09, 2008 at 01:11:00 PM EST
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    (Promoted by Nick... interesting discussion...)

    Unfortunately for those of us who would have liked to see Mitt Romney be the standard bearer for the national Republicans in November, he saved his best speech for last when he was withdrawing from the race. His speech at CPAC established him as the true conservative voice who would have been our best choice as nominee.

    That did not happen, so it's important that we now focus on where he goes from here. Larry Di Rita on NRO suggests that a logical next step for Mitt would be to become MICHIGAN Governor Mitt Romney:

    "By returning to his home state of Michigan and running to succeed term-limited Democrat Jennifer Granholm in 2010, Romney has the chance to be elected and govern as a solid conservative in a state in which conservatives have excelled. The electorate remembers the 1990s as one of low and falling taxes, economic growth, and conservative leadership under three-term Governor John Engler, who left office in 2003."

    This is certainly an intriguing possibility and I believe that the nomination here would be Romney's for the taking. He'd be Dick DeVos without the negative Amway background. He's also from a part of the state in SE Michigan and specifically Oakland County that Republicans need to do significantly better in to win statewide races. Mitt Romney could put Oakland County back in the Republican column in 2010. (It should be noted that Republicans are in good shape there anyway because of what Kwame is doing to the Democrat name in greater SE Michigan.)

    If Mitt Romney was elected and able to clean up the disaster area known as Jennifer Granholm's Michigan, I believe he'd be in great shape going into 2016. This time, he'd also have to run for a second term in 2014 unlike in Massachusetts.

    While some people wouldn't like the fact that we'd know going in that he wouldn't be committed to serving this state for two full terms, I still believe we'd reap many benefits. Romney would have plenty of incentive to govern this state like a true conservative, championing lower taxes and smaller government in order to lock up the future nomination for President.

    < The Weekend in the Sphere | The Urban Conservative Movement Can Begin Through Alan Keyes by Akindele Akinyemi >

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    Delusional (none / 0) (#1)
    by NoviDemocrat on Sat Feb 09, 2008 at 02:55:09 PM EST
    Mitt Romney's connections to SE Michigan are marginal to say the least. According to the bio on Wikipedia, the last time Romney was in Michigan for any significant amount of time was in 1960s. The idea that Oakland County voters are going to swing over to Romney based on such a connection is crazy. Each election, the Democrats continue to show greater and greater strength in Oakland County. 10 years ago, Republicans controlled places like West Bloomfield and Farmington Hills. Now both are firmly moving towards the Democratic column. A conservative in the tradition of Mitt Romney (anti-abortion, anti-gay rights, etc.) is exactly the kind of Republican that L. Brooks Patterson has said is taking down Republicans in Oakland County.

    Happenings at CPAC2008 (none / 0) (#4)
    by jrfoleyjr on Sun Feb 10, 2008 at 08:15:57 PM EST
    I heard that there was a straw poll at CPAC and that McCain did not fare well in it???

    I found two references-in-passing around the net but nothing solid. Do you know of it and if so where I might be able to get a little more solid info?


    • Here you go by motorcity, 02/10/2008 10:23:22 PM EST (none / 0)
    Mitt Romney won the CPAC Straw Poll... (none / 0) (#6)
    by Michigan Redneck on Mon Feb 11, 2008 at 01:33:33 AM EST
    ...after he announced he was suspending his candadicy.  I don't recall all the exact numbers.  But I do know that he beat John McCain by a few points.  The Huckster's and Ron Paul's numbers were severly lower than John McCain.  
    I think that would be great to have Mitt Romney run and then of course be elected as our new governor.  If anyone could bring our economy to true prosperity, it is Mitt Romney.  Plus he will have better "street cred" if he were to run for national office in '16.

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