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    Who are the NERD fund donors Mr Snyder?

    Raise the curtain.

    The Urban Conservative Movement Can Begin Through Alan Keyes by Akindele Akinyemi

    By Akindele, Section News
    Posted on Sun Feb 10, 2008 at 10:55:50 PM EST
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    Here is someone who we never talk about in public.

    No one is talking about Alan Keyes as a Presidential candidate except my friend Felicia Benamon from Tennessee. I am glad someone is pushing for his campaign even though I am pissed off at Keyes for not doing things right.

    Had Alan Keyes entered the race at a decent time inseatd of his jolly-come-lately stunts I would have supported him. Instead, he comes in this race expecting people to vote for him when I have only heard him in one debate (the Iowa debates).

    Now do not get me wrong about Ambassador Keyes. He would be a good canddiate if he would surround himself with people who actually care about his campaign as well as his integrity and self-being.

    Now Alan Keyes is a person we need in the urban conserative movement that we are launching nationwide. We are trying to reach out to a new generation of Black conservatives and I feel that someone like Keyes could reach a new generation of conservatives that will help fuel that movement.

    Here is a man that has great ideas but bad tactics. Groups like The National Black Republican Association, Republicans for Black Empowerment, GOPAC, and others should embrace Keyes vision on America. On the flip side, the same way Sen. Barack Obama is inspiring new voters to vote for him, we need real conservatives to pump up Alan Keyes. We say Michael Steele is our Obama on the Republican side but Keyes is the person who is running for office.

    The way Alan Keyes can make himself credible and appealing to voters in the years to come is for him to start a serious grassroots campaign from the ground up. Utilize those conservatives in the inner cities to rally behind his message for change. If you read his platform it is really great. But Mr. Keyes is going to have to work smarter not harder if he want support from other conservatives, including urban conservatives.

    Even though I am supporting Gov. Huckabee for President I would like to begin our urban conservative movement from state to state by inviting someone like Alan Keyes to Michigan to speak on his platform, his vision and trying to get people inspired to think out the box through conservative principles. I feel that places like Benton Harbor and Detroit should get the opportunity to listen to him as well as use the core values that he is promoting to help reshape our families within the framework of the urban community.

    < Romney could be our next governor, but is he interested? | Mayor Kilpatrick's Failure In Office by Akindele Akinyemi >

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