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    Who are the NERD fund donors Mr Snyder?

    Raise the curtain.

    Thurs-day! Thurs-day! Thurs-day!

    By KG One, Section News
    Posted on Wed Nov 19, 2008 at 10:55:51 AM EST
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    (Promoted by Nick... you forgot the most important question... what will Ms. Torrice be wearing?)

    Grab your seats, folks! Things are going to get real interesting tomorrow night at the top of Taj Macomb.
    (Continued below the fold)

    For those who don't have a scorecard, the Macomb County Board of Commissioners have decided to eliminate 250 positions yesterday.

    This is on top of the job cuts that they had approved previously at their last general board meeting, which played out more like a "Jerry Springer Show", rather than that of a group of intelligent adults.

    That being said, tomorrow night's meeting is shaping out to be a real slobber-knocker (apologies to Jim Ross).

    Will union employees wear matching pins in a show of solidarity?

    Will union employees shout out identical chants to garner their 15-minutes of fame from the media, who will no doubt be in attendance?

    Will they read from the same, tired talking points memo cajoling the commissioners into voting for an "easily affordable" tax hike for Macomb County Taxpayers (even though Chairman Crouchman said they couldn't do, even if they wanted to, until May 2009)?

    Will my tax dollars be wasted having an entire shift of Macomb County Deputies in attendance at tomorrow night's meeting to try to maintain order instead of protecting Macomb County Residents?

    Stay tuned for updates...

    < Wednesday in the Sphere: November 19 | Unemployment rate hits 9.3% (!!!) while 74,000 Michiganders lose their jobs >

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    Tax Hikes and the County Executive (none / 0) (#1)
    by RightMacomb on Wed Nov 19, 2008 at 01:19:19 PM EST
    Interesting turn of events on the tax hike idea promoted by some county executive supporting Democrats on the Macomb County Board.  State Law says that taxes must remain at the levels during the year the Charter Commission was approved, so they must remain at 2008 levels until the charter process is finished (either approved or rejected).  

    And since it was the liberal Dems on the Board that wanted the executive and its the liberals that want the higher taxes, they cant have both.  

    Hence, why the Chair of the Board said any tax increase is off the table until May 2009, which is the last possible day that the charter commission would still be in existence.

    Can't Resist... (none / 0) (#2)
    by RightMacomb on Wed Nov 19, 2008 at 01:20:49 PM EST
    Since Carey Torrice was re-elected, any speculation on when her commissioner chair is replaced with the stripper pole...just so she can "exercise" at work.

    (yeah, yeah, I know, low blow)

    {Shudder.....} (none / 0) (#3)
    by KG One on Wed Nov 19, 2008 at 02:29:52 PM EST
    Ugh! Thanks for that image, RightMacomb.


    OABTW, would you happen to have a link to that law?

    I'd like to beat several spendocrats who supported this whole county-executive boondoggle over the head with it repeatedly and severely.

    OABTW-2, Nick: If I remember, I'll take a picture of her for you tomorrow night.

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