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    Who are the NERD fund donors Mr Snyder?

    Raise the curtain.

    Leadership Update

    By HouseStaffer, Section News
    Posted on Wed Nov 12, 2008 at 11:18:15 AM EST
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    (Promoted by Nick...)

    A lot has happened this week in the House GOP leadership race.  Representative Green has decided not to run for Leader, instead he intends on trying to retain his position as whip.  

    Representative Meekhof has likewise withdrawn from consideration.  He has thrown his support behind Rep. Elsenheimer and is now the leading candidate for Assistant Leader.

    I have also heard uncomfirmed reports that Rep. Proos will not run for leader but will instead try to retain his position as caucus chair.

    So at election time tomorrow the race for leader will be between Elsenheimer and Rep. Calley for sure, with Rep. Proos as a possible third candidate.  With Rep. Meekhof throwing his support behind Elsenheimer it looks as he will have enough votes to secure the position.

    Rep. Meekhof seems to have locked up enough support for the position of Assistant Leader, but he is facing challenges from two incoming House members, Jase Bolger and John Walsh.

    Representative Hildenbrand is running for re-election as Floor Leader.  Rep. Meltzer had been considering a challenge for this position, but I don't know if she has made a final decision.

    If Rep. Proos does not run for Leader he will surely run for re-election as caucus chair.  He faces a challenge from incoming Representative Eileen Kowell, and possibly from Rep. Goeff Hansen, but that is unconfirmed.

    The race for Minority Whip is between Rep. Green and Rep. Marty Knollenberg.  There is also a possibility of one or two incoming House members running for this position.

    If there are any candidates that I missed let me know in the comments.  I've been talking to a lot of people around the House Office Building about these elections, but I'm sure I don't have 100% of the information.

    < Wednesday in the Sphere, November 12 | Breaking and Exclusive: Dick DeVos announces intentions for 2010 >

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    Criteria... (none / 0) (#1)
    by RightMacomb on Wed Nov 12, 2008 at 11:34:34 AM EST
    Hopefully the few remaining representatives are looking at who is capable of fighting rather than just who gave them money.  

    I dont remember a worse showing by House Republicans.  And from local experience, some of the carnage could have been avioided.

    First rule of the new leader, ignore the lobbyists, stop paying overpriced consultants and pollsters and listen to the people.

    A new broom. (none / 0) (#2)
    by LookingforReagan on Wed Nov 12, 2008 at 12:00:04 PM EST
    That is what is needed. Sweep out the old and bring in some new blood that has some guts. Anyone that has been in the leadership in either house needs to step aside in favor of some new folks with fresh ideas. We also need a house cleaning at the MGOP. Saul needs to go and go now. And not as Mr. Newt voiced yesterday to the head of the RNC. If that happened we would be in store for a third losing election cycle. The party didn't support many of the candidates at all. Jack Hookendyke is a prime example. I was told by a member of his staff that the state party, the RNC and the Republican Senate Election Committee never gave a nickle of help to Jack's campaign. Nothing like wanting to lose. Why would anyone want to run for any office knowing they would be on their own with no support from the Republican establishment. If the Party wants to win they need good candidates and they aren't going to get them unless they are willing to support them and give all the help they can to insure victory. Why spend thousands of your own dollars and months away from home and hearth if you are just going to lose. We are all in this together and we need to get together and plan where it is we intend to go.

    About Experience... (none / 0) (#6)
    by RightMacomb on Wed Nov 12, 2008 at 03:19:53 PM EST
    When you lose almost 20% of your membership in one election cycle AFTER the majority raised taxes, there is not a single leader that is worth keeping.  To use a football analogies, when the old coach and playbook dont work anymore, throw them out and bring in the new coach and the new playbook.  That's whats needed.  

    Losing 9 out of 52 seats when greater than 60 of the seats had lines drawn to favor Republicans.  To be down to 43 is an absolute disgrace considering the amount of ammunition that has been given to use by the Dems.

    They RAISED taxes on income and businesses costing us jobs and WE are the ones that lose 9 seats???  Throw out all the leaders and bring in the new playbook.

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