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    Who are the NERD fund donors Mr Snyder?

    Raise the curtain.

    'Education Action Guy' vs. the MEA

    By EducationActionGroupdotOrg, Section News
    Posted on Sat Nov 01, 2008 at 11:01:04 AM EST
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    Cross-posted at Thug Watch

    The MEA and their local leaders often try to portray us as a lone guy because of EAG's single staffer.  It's their attempt, we believe, to belittle the effort to reform spending and hold the union accountable.

    Thursday, when we hosted Dick Morris for a series of events across Michigan, Grand Rapids union president Paul Helder offered this analysis, according to the Grand Rapids Press:

    "It's interesting that Mr. Morris believes that Kyle Olson, the `Education Action Guy,' is considered a grassroots group," he said after Morris' talk.

    Tell that to the nearly 250 people who heard the EAG message yesterday alone and responded with their checkbooks and offers to help.

    Tell that to the groundswell of support for our efforts to stand with the Reed City school board members facing recall on Tuesday.

    Tell that to the communities from Southfield to Gladstone that are putting their foot down to the MEA's attempt to control school boards, spending decisions, and efforts to stifle reform.

    Tell that to the former teachers we met yesterday who told us to keep up the good work and continue getting the word out about the union they're required to financially support.

    The reality is we're having an impact by addressing the issues that are indefensible and demanding reform.  Instead of addressing the issues, the MEA and their local leaders use diversionary tactics to distract and cloud the point, and Helder's reaction is a perfect example.

    They don't want to acknowledge the fact that MESSA sends millions of dollars to the MEA every year.  In fact, one union leader lied to the Detroit Free Press about it.

    Mr. Helder does have a point: unlike the MEA, no one is compelled to support us.  Therefore, we don't have the resources of the MEA-we have to fight for every penny.  Regardless of whether EAG has one employee or 100, citizens are demanding reform.  We're simply harnessing that outrage to produce productive, responsible school spending reform.

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