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    Who are the NERD fund donors Mr Snyder?

    Raise the curtain.

    Fight Hard, Finish Strong!

    By gregmcneilly, Section News
    Posted on Sat Nov 01, 2008 at 10:35:42 AM EST
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    (Promoted by Nick...)

    Note: This is cross-posted from my AOL column.  Since then, we've seen the Drudge Report's Zogby post. Take a few hours and get to your local Victory Center. We can be the ones to make history!

    Since September 22nd, national polls suggest John McCain is in a free fall. The mainstream media's message has been clear, this election is over. If conventional wisdom were reality, the Democrats already run the White House, the U.S. Senate, have expanded their domination in the U.S. House of Representatives and extended their reach at the state and local level.

    The 2008 Presidential contest will have had more public polls in its last 40 days than the entire election of 2004. We are awash in polls. Many are mere flotsam promoting themselves rather than an accurate snap shot of the people's choice.

    One problem. It's not November 4, yet.

    We have 120 hours to make a difference.

    Readers may have read my affirmative case for John McCain.

    This isn't a post about McCain's opponent, rather it's a follow-up argument to turn one's online angst into action. We have a phenomenal opportunity to stand up and take our country back. We can show the media, academic snobs, out-of-touch special interests, and big-wig know-it-alls that freedom may be challenged but it's not dead; democracy can be difficult, but it still works.

    We have 5 days to make history.

    We have 120 hours to make real change happen.

    We have 7,200 minutes to make a difference.

    We have 432,000 seconds to win for our ideas.

    Election Day is not over until November 4th at 8pm.

    Political science research has always shown, time and again, direct personal persuasion for candidates or a cause has the highest impact. When you make the affirmative case yourself to family, friends and neighbors, it prevails more strongly than paid TV, radio, mail and even blogs.

    Election success and political power is fleeting. Very fleeting. Just ask Republicans who after 2004 believed media hype suggesting they had a generational re-alignment granting them the privilege to create public policy for decades. The hype was false, the opportunity squandered and voter's responded. Now, the pundits are trying to push the pendulum back left. It will, if we don't act.

    Freedom isn't easy. Others have said it with more eloquence. Our common experience informs us it's tough to keep. Much of our human experience has shown us when sloth, entitlement, and collectivity creep forward, Freedom is sent packing. The insidious seep against liberty is like the proverbial vine strangling the life out of a tree. But it need not win. Human action can halt its choke and allow the flourishing and growth that occurs only amongst a spontaneous order.

    If we see this election, not as a partisan struggle - not as Red or Blue - but as Up or Down, Forward or Back; we have an obligation to lend a strong hand.

    Now is the time make a mark for Freedom. If you believe in a republic free, independent and democratic, act now. If you believe in opportunity for platoons of hard working families to create economic prosperity and preserve social justice, engage now. If you believe in a community where the human person is the center and not government, enlist now.

    120 hours remain.

    Join the fight. You're not alone. From battleground states, like Michigan, where the grassroots leaders have not given up to the western front in Nevada and New Mexico, Freedom can win.

    Let's fight hard and finish strong.

    < BTW I'm Voting For McCain / Palin | 'Education Action Guy' vs. the MEA >

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    I made (none / 0) (#2)
    by apackof2 on Sun Nov 02, 2008 at 01:32:15 PM EST
     30 calls to Ohio last night at home using the Phone Bank on McCain's site http://www.johnmccain.com/PhoneBank/?guid=0A517F03-C3ED-4A24-A14A-3BD9D5F32F2F

    Most were bad numbers, I got a few hang ups but 98% of those I talked to either voted or are voting McCain

    Those called, I was told, are mostly independents

    I also believe that letters by Catholic bishops to their flock made in the last week have brought
    more Catholics to vote for McCain/Palin

    I am not Catholic but as a pro-life Protestant I certainly agree with the article below and sent it to my Catholic friends;

    U.S. Bishops Come out Swinging against Abortion, Pro-Abort Politicians
    Finn says, "A significant new attack on innocent human life will likely send us into a moral freefall that would rival any financial decline"

    By Jonquil Frankham

    Friday, October 17, 2008 (LifeSiteNews.com) - In these final weeks before the American election, many US bishops are working hard to leave Catholics no doubt of where they must stand on the abortion issue when it comes to the ballot box.

    Bishops Robert W. Finn of Kansas City, Robert Hermann of St. Louis, and Edwin O'Brien of Baltimore have all penned strongly worded columns on abortion in the last few days, calling on their flocks to vote pro-life and to support the pro-life cause more generally, describing the November election as one that comes down to "saving our children or killing our children." "This," says Bishop Hermann in the St. Louis Review, "is the overriding issue facing each of us."

    The letters provide no room for equivocation or rationalization. "All other issues ... have to take second place to the issue of life," writes Bishop Hermann, whose article particularly targets "so-called good Catholics," regular church-goers who receive the Eucharist but "are quite ready to vote for a pro-abortion candidate under almost any circumstance."

    The bishops agree that everything is on the line.

    They are unanimous in their approach to the coming election. "Do some of our so-called good Catholics, who may go to Mass every Sunday and receive the Holy Eucharist, really believe that voting for a pro-abortion candidate, when there is a clear alternative and therefore no justifiable reason for so doing, is really not voting to have children killed?" questions Bishop Hermann. "This election is all about saving our children!"

    Bishop O'Brien, whose column did not specifically address the question of voting, nevertheless had strong words for those who would support abortion. "Those who claim we have a 'right' to take innocent life usurp God's dominant claim on every human being," he said.

    O'Brien urged professedly pro-life politicians to begin putting their beliefs into action. "To our elected officials who value innocent human life in the womb, a reminder and a plea: there are any number of ways within our Constitution to advance the protection of innocent human life. Is it not reasonable and honorable to take some steps, however small, to pursue that goal?" he said.

    Some Catholics have expressed concern that neither John McCain nor Barack Obama are worthy candidates, due to the former's support for intrinsically evil embryonic stem cell research, and the latter's support not only for embryo research, but also for abortion. Bishop Finn responds to the concern by declaring that, when faced with two "imperfect" candidates, "we should choose the candidate whose position will likely do the least grave evil, or whose position will do the most to limit the specific grave evil of abortion."

    It is the duty of all members of the Church, writes Bishop O'Brien, to fight "in defense of innocent human life." The Church "has no choice, but with love and compassion for all, to speak out" because "she sees the right to life as the basis of all other rights."

    Bishop Finn tells Catholics firmly that to vote for a candidate for whom the unborn child is not to be protected under law is to disregard "the lessons of history by which African Americans ... were once regarded as non-persons; or the Jews in Europe were once marked for genocide or racial purification." Bishop Hermann also drew the comparison of abortion to past genocides.

    "Our country," warns Bishop Finn, "is at the edge of the precipice concerning the protection of the life and dignity of the human person. A significant new attack on innocent human life will likely send us into a moral freefall that would rival any financial decline. The price for such a 'walk over the cliff' is millions more human lives for many more years to come."

    To read the three columns see:

    Archbishop Edwin O'Brien of Baltimore

    Bishop Robert Hermann of St. Louis

    Bishop Finn of Kansas City

    February 3rd, 1982 (none / 0) (#3)
    by Kevin Rex Heine on Sun Nov 02, 2008 at 08:04:10 PM EST
    "I, Kevin Rex Heine, do solemnly swear to support and defend the Constitution of the United States against all enemies, foreign and domestic, and to bear true faith and allegiance to the same . . . so help me God."

    I have posted elsewhere on this site that I consider a politician (and a presidential contender, no less) whose intention is to pervert that sacred founding document of our country into the instrument of its own destruction to be the greatest domestic threat envisionable.  I am duty bound before God and Man to oppose that threat with the last drop of my blood and my dying breath.  If that American Nazi wins on Tuesday, then it most certainly shall not be because I didn't do my job on the field of battle.

    That's right; I just called Barack Obama a pervert.  Quote me.

    Over the past two days I've "papered" almost the entire Second Precinct of Wyoming for Harold Mast and G/R's 3rd Ward, 31st Precinct for Nadine Klein . . . by myself.  My back, knees, and ankles are demanding mercy or they'll go on strike.  (Anyone know where I can find a good massage therapist?  Seriously, I'm going to need one.)

    And when I'm here at KCRC-HQ (and not either prepping for or debriefing from a paper walk), I'm researching / writing posts for RM, assisting with any random grunt work that needs to be done, phone banking, or providing the mutual support, encouragement, and steady calm that helps everyone here take a round turn on their efforts and batten down for one more salvo.  (The other experienced hands here do it too.)  We're in the endgame, and this civil war we call a presidential election is still winnable for the good guys.

    Don't believe me?  Check out this article in today's Grand Rapids Press.  Yup, I said it, this election is still winnable, and what I see on and from the front lines supports that.  By the way, here's the picture that didn't get run in the "dead tree" version of the Press:

    That's a cavalry-style hat, for those of you not familiar with western wear.

    I've already cited the example of John Paul Jones at Flamborough Head as an example of just how far refusing to surrender can get you; allow me another personal hero as a like example, this one inspired by the fact that this is Reformation Weekend.

    Just about everyone who's even a casual student of history can correctly identify Martin Luther as the matchstick that started the Protestant Reformation, and as the founder of Confessional Lutheran Theology.  But only the true history buff can correctly identify either the Catholic Pope or the Holy Roman (read: German) Emperor who opposed him and demanded that he either recant his teachings wholesale or be excommunicated and branded an outlaw for life.

    That "outlaw's" teachings survive today in the Confessional Evangelical Lutheran Conference.  For what it's worth, Luther's genealogical lineage survived at least as far as Paul von Hindenberg - the 2nd President of Germany (and the guy who at least tried to stop Hitler's rise to power).

    I'll also mention the Prophet Elijah, who was rebuked by the Lord and told that there were yet seven thousand faithful in Israel.  Elijah was not alone, just the guy out in front, taking the heat so those seven thousand would have a tangible example to encourage their faithfulness.

    Likewise, we know the truth about Barack Obama.  (Hey, my pieces on the Presidential Candidate Issue Positions and the Audacity of Socialism show up on the first page of the respective Goodle searches.)  And regardless of consequence, we all realize that the truth is our most powerful weapon against the American Nazi scourge; the best thing we can do is to keep it out in the open.  Tnd those of us who aren't afraid to "go public" with our preferences are making life easier for the "closeted republicans" - which is fine with me, as long as they're out of the closet when they're in the voting booth.

    Just my take.  Let's "git er done."

    I mean it . . . where's that massage therapist.

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