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    Who are the NERD fund donors Mr Snyder?

    Raise the curtain.

    October 2, 2008, my football heroes and a quick team huddle

    By Nick, Section News
    Posted on Thu Oct 02, 2008 at 03:41:35 PM EST
    Tags: (all tags)

    The McCain campaign is abandoning Michigan.  

    That sucks.  Hard.

    Now let me tell you a quick story.

    On January 11, 1987 the Denver Broncos looked just about finished.  Their young gunslinger of a quarterback had led them to the AFC Championship game for the first time in decades.  The upstarts were playing the powerful Cleveland Browns and an imposing gunslinger of their own, Bernie Kosar.

    Down 20 to 13 with 5:32 to play the Broncos took the kickoff from their rival... and muffed it.  Any hope of a good return and decent field position disappeared in one of the ugliest special teams plays in NFL history.  That left a fourth-year quarterback in the biggest position of his life with 98 yards to drive and a touchdown to gain just to force overtime.  Nothing less than the SuperBowl hung in the balance.

    Fans of the NFL know what happened next.  It's lore.  It's magic.  It's the stuff of legends.  It's what happens when you give 60 minutes on the field... not 54:28.

    Apparently the McCain campaign doesn't boast a single student of the National Football League.  

    Word out of Washington, D.C. is that they're pulling up their stakes here in Michigan.  They're yanking the plug.  They're shutting her down.

    There's time left on the clock and we're only down a single score... and yeah, the way the polls have been trending the last week you can argue we've muffed the kick-off.  But "The Drive" is the reason coaches everywhere preach "sixty minutes."

    What exactly does "pulling out" imply?  You name it.  Speaking on condition of anonymity, several sources within the campaign confirm that staff, media, tv and mail are all being yanked.  The spicket of yard signs and bumper stickers is being cut-off.  While today we boast several dozen fully operational "victory centers" that number will immediately dwindle to less than ten.

    The moves are especially disappointing given Senator McCain's fantastic showings in previous Michigan elections and the heavy Wolverine State influence in the campaign's senior leadership.  Long-time Republican National Committeeman Chuck Yob is a huge McCain backer and his son, John, is the national Deputy Political Director.

    Apparently their influence wasn't enough to overcome a recent bout of rough polling.

    ALL of that said, I don't very much feel like quitting.  There are two ways we can react individually... we can pack up ourselves and reign it in or we can fight and scrap and work for the Senator like we've never worked before.  We can talk to our friends.  Call our neighbors.  Drop off yard signs.  Participate in phone banks at our County GOP headquarters.  

    And there are local races that matter in ways we can't even calculate.  Nevermind the Presidential race... heck, nevermind the state House.  We've got work to do to reelect Tim Walberg and Joe Knollenberg, a pair of incumbents who kick butt and take names and are going up against a group of the most liberal Democratic challengers the state's ever seen, including Dr. Death and the deciding vote on last year's $1.5 BILLION tax hike, Mark Schauer.

    We've got a Supreme Court to defend in Cliff Taylor.  We've got local races that'll pave the way for the next generation of candidates.  The stakes couldn't be higher.  And we've still got a Presidential battle to wage.

    We've got a little less than 5 weeks to get this thing done.  There's time on the clock.  If John Elway tought me anything, it's to play for a full 60 minutes and to leave it all out on the field.  Now let's get out of this huddle and shock the world.

    < Reminder: Right Roots Action Day TODAY | Palin Rocks the Debate >

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    Whiskey Tango Foxtrot (none / 0) (#1)
    by Kevin Rex Heine on Thu Oct 02, 2008 at 03:51:56 PM EST
    Between this and the "it's not a bailout" vote, I'm starting to take another look at Bob Barr.

    What in the hell is he thinking?

    There is another option. (none / 0) (#2)
    by KG One on Thu Oct 02, 2008 at 04:12:49 PM EST
    For those looking for a Presidential Candidate who has not abandoned Michigan, please consider looking into supporting Chuck Baldwin's Campaign for President.

    For those who are unsure of his position on the issues, feel free to see for yourself where he stands.

    Bailout John (none / 0) (#4)
    by grpundit on Thu Oct 02, 2008 at 04:26:31 PM EST
    McCain voted for the bailout, as did Obama. I can't vote for either. Bob Barr is the only real choice any more. At this point, it doesn't matter who wins.

    He's not the only option. (none / 0) (#6)
    by KG One on Thu Oct 02, 2008 at 04:56:25 PM EST
    Obama must lose (none / 0) (#9)
    by Republican Michigander on Thu Oct 02, 2008 at 06:21:28 PM EST
    By any legal means necessary. He's that bad. Bad on fiscal issues. Ban on social issues. Bad on judges. Bad on foreign policy. Horrific on life. Horrific on the constitution with his Chicago Machine goon squad attempts at shutting people up who disagree with him and his gun bans.

    McCain (none / 0) (#10)
    by goppartyreptile on Thu Oct 02, 2008 at 06:30:26 PM EST
    Was never going to win Michigan guys, sorry.

    There are two significant things about this announcement, one of which we don't have an answer for:

    1. I'm sure, with all the other bad news this week, they didn't really need this to come out.

    2. What is key is to see where these resources go.  They go to another state that McCain can play in and tie up Obama resources, good.

    They go to some state that should never even be spoken about, bad.  Very, very bad.

    Additionally (none / 0) (#11)
    by goppartyreptile on Thu Oct 02, 2008 at 06:32:53 PM EST
    I'd also add that we've lost a certain amount of morale, etc... so it more important than ever that we get involved, like Nick mentioned, in other races.

    A Little Reminder (none / 0) (#12)
    by Shell on Thu Oct 02, 2008 at 07:22:14 PM EST
    A couple of years ago a ballot proposal was placed before voters.  Every single newspaper -- the News, Free Press, Lansing State Journal, you name it -- hammered against this proposal and hammered hard.  Lawsuits were filed against it, chairs were overturned during public hearings, violence was threatened, talking heads on TV and radio preached against the evils of it, canvassers were accused of deception, voters were accused of being misled, etc., ad nauseum.  Polls were taken and it was shown  and reported the proposal was doomed.

    In the year 2006, DeVos (who was against the proposal) lost to Granholm (who was against the proposal) by a large margin.

    The Michigan Civil Rights Initiative PASSED 58-42%.

    People knew what they were doing.  Rather than be ridiculed, beaten, badgered and guilt-tripped into voting against MCRI they voted for it, including some of those who re-elected Granholm.

    The press has been telling us from Day 1 that it's politically incorrect and racist not to vote for NOBama.  How much simmering anger and resentment is out there, univestigated and ignored by the MSM, that voters will pull the lever for McCain?  

    A NOBama win is by no means a certainty, in spite of what the press wants everyone to believe.

    The Conservatrarian

    Are they crazy???? (none / 0) (#13)
    by LookingforReagan on Thu Oct 02, 2008 at 08:14:35 PM EST
    I mean with the feeling running pretty heavy against anything with a D after it's name in my neck of the woods it would seem that McCain would be able to carry the state. Nothing is impossible. But if he won't fight for us here on our own ground that doesn''t say very much about McCain as a battler. With the way this state has been dumped on by Democrats with one scandal after another and not to mention the deepest reccession in the states history McCain is throwing away a golden opportunity for victory. If he concedes this state he is saying he can't win anyplace. The last polls I saw had him up 3% in Michigan. So what are they thinking? From where I stand McCain can and would win the state by a small margin but a win is a win. So both parties think that we aren't worth their time and trouble. So it is time for Michigan to tell the rest of the country to go to hell and secceed from the Union. Let us set up our own Republic. We can do better by ourselves anyway. Thad McCotter can be our first President.

    McCain just handed the (none / 0) (#14)
    by MarkMuylaert on Thu Oct 02, 2008 at 09:34:35 PM EST
    presidency to Obama.  If he is willing to concede a state before a single vote is cast it means he or his handlers are willing to give up.

    Yes, we can still fight for McCain, but to what end.  If he wins, will he help Michigan?  I somehow doubt it if he is willing to walk away now.  

    When most of the dems including Obama gave the voters the shaft in the primaries people in this state howled like dogs.  McCain just did the same thing to republicans.

    Shame on him.

    Vote Libertarian
    Vote Bob Barr


    Never Had a Michigan Strategy (none / 0) (#15)
    by RightMacomb on Thu Oct 02, 2008 at 11:07:06 PM EST
    Unfortunately, I always felt this was coming.  Granted, I was a Romney guy in the Primary, but he had the right idea.  Bash Obama by Bashing Granholm.  McCain never did that.  He needed a message that tied Michigan's problems to Granholm and not the federal government.  With Granholm's numbers coming down below 50, the people were starting to get it that she was the problem.  All that was needed was a major media buy to point that out.  But, obviously, that is not going to come.

    This reminds me of 2002 when every one gave up on Dick Posthumus in the last days and some late needed funds didnt come in.  On election day, he did far better than anyone thought.  Michigan is strange place and one thing is for sure...you can never really trust a Michigan Poll.

    Posthumus (none / 0) (#16)
    by Republican Michigander on Thu Oct 02, 2008 at 11:41:34 PM EST
    That may be a good analogy and it pisses me off to this day. Posthumus should have won, and did better than Bush did in 2000. If we had 1/5 of the help for Posthumus that came for Bush in 2000, we would not be living through the Matt Millen of Governors.

    Michigan is a socialists state (none / 0) (#18)
    by sdogg1m on Fri Oct 03, 2008 at 12:27:10 AM EST
    A state that hasn't voted for a Republican candidate in 16 years!!!

    The state won't vote for a Republican until they realize that it is not national politicians that hold them back but their own home grown liberal ones.

    Nick keep spreading the word with your blog. You will make a positive influence. If Michigan does turn red, I am sure you will have a major part in it.

    Also, make sure you call out Michigan Republicans if they traitor on conservative values. If both Democrats and Republicans become socialists then we all lose.

    I am speechless (none / 0) (#19)
    by tenex22 on Fri Oct 03, 2008 at 08:18:51 AM EST
    After living the nightmare that is Granholm, the voters in Michigan would vote for Obama for president. The dems in Michigan want to nationalize the mired economy that Michigan has. having the option, I believe I will change my residency from Michigan, I can no longer stomach Detroit and the unions swaying the vote from this state.

    • Amazing by apackof2, 10/03/2008 10:58:01 AM EST (none / 0)
    Duh! How will it help (none / 0) (#20)
    by maidintheus on Fri Oct 03, 2008 at 09:22:35 AM EST
    to vote for anyone other then McCain if you're sure you don't want a democrat to win?

    Other then make you feel justified because you're ticked off.

    Remember your lessons from the past and don't make the same again.

    Palin is the only reason (none / 0) (#23)
    by snoopygirlmi on Fri Oct 03, 2008 at 12:49:32 PM EST
    why I'm voting McCain.  

    I had a feeling that something like this might happen because I see way more Obama signs than McCain, but I also get the feeling that more people are going to vote McCain than the polls would have us believe.  

    I know that I've never been contacted by a pollster because I have a cell - not a landline.

    I'd worry if McCain or Palin didn't show up in Michigan during the last week/weekend of the campaign.

    My e-mail to Saul (none / 0) (#24)
    by apackof2 on Fri Oct 03, 2008 at 06:24:26 PM EST
    To: sanuzis@migop.org
    Sent: Friday, October 03, 2008 3:23 PM
    Subject: Invite Palin to MI!

    She said today that she and Todd WANT to come to Michigan and visit an auto plant

    Invite her to the only 2 plants GM has built in America in the last 20 years, Lansing Grand River & Delta, right here in Lansing!

    I'll contribute some $$ for that and as a UAW member for McCain/Palin and as a Precinct Delegate I volunteer to give them a tour!!

    From a Restate Poll;

    Should the McCain Campaign Send Sarah & Todd Palin to Michigan?

    Selection   Votes
    Yes  87% 1,515
    No  13% 229

    1,744 votes total so far...

    Just Say NO! to McCain (none / 0) (#25)
    by theclassiclib on Fri Oct 03, 2008 at 11:26:57 PM EST
    It's a shame, it really is, and I certainly look forward to more Sarah Palin in the future, but voting for McCain now ... sends the wrong message.

    Michigan is a Blue state that McCain should be dominating, but he doesn't know how to send the right message to us, because he doesn't believe in the right message himself.

    McCain, over the last couple weeks, showed us who he is - a Washington Insider, part of the Political Elite.  You know, those who ignore "we the people".

    "Mr. Anti-Pork" lobbied in favor of, and voted in approval of a grotesque pork-laden bill that should be properly titled "The Fleecing of American Taxpayers Act."

    On top of that, this bill that he supported, with it's additional IRS powers, "green" garbage, Treasury authorities, and massive take-over of the private sector is an abomination that treats the US Constitution as less than a piece of toilet paper.

    Now that he's done even trying in Michigan, the reality is that the electoral votes will go to the One.  Sad, scary, but true.  And if you stop to think in light of this, it also renders your vote fruitless.

    You can continue to vote for "the team," regardless of how they act, or you can stand for the Constitution and do the one thing that might make a difference.

    Write in Ron Paul!

    Life doesn't exist in hopes and dreams.  Life exists in reality.  It's time to acknowledge the Republican party has lost the national race in MI, and rally people to vote for Paul.

    Ask yourself two questions ... If McCain gets enough votes in MI, but still loses by 2%, what did your vote say?

    But, if 25-30% of MI votes for Ron Paul, a Republican not even on the ballot, what have you told the RNC about their Big Government, socialist politics?

    America's soul, our Revolutionary spirit, is slipping away ... and if we don't work to CHANGE the Republican party, we're doomed.

    What would Thomas Jefferson do?

    My Yard Signs (none / 0) (#27)
    by StevePoling on Mon Oct 06, 2008 at 03:33:10 AM EST
    I have placed signs for Dan Tietema, Vern Ehlers and whatshisname & Sarah Palin in my yard. Since the Palin sign includes the name of the Senator from Arizona, I have taped sheets of paper over the top half of this sign.

    Are there anyone other then fakes (none / 0) (#28)
    by maidintheus on Mon Oct 06, 2008 at 09:28:18 AM EST
    on here?  I'm weary of the senseless McCain bashing.

    It's out of context in this regard.

    I can't understand how people who call themselves conservative promote this kind of crap.

    Run the numbers. The choices are clear. If you want Obama, vote for him or anyone other then McCain. If you don't want Obama vote for McCain.

    Personally, I have many reasons to vote McCain using the Constitution as my template, national security being just one.  

    You are foolish (none / 0) (#30)
    by Chris Arndt on Tue Oct 07, 2008 at 03:02:43 PM EST
    if you believe that MRP will spend that money wisely or even on campaigns.

    No, they have their own operating expenses.  If you want Tim Walberg to have money to win, give it to Tim Walberg.

    Hell, my mattress will help local candidates more effectively than money given to State Republican Party.

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