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    Who are the NERD fund donors Mr Snyder?

    Raise the curtain.

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    A Little Reminder (none / 0) (#12)
    by Shell on Thu Oct 02, 2008 at 07:22:14 PM EST
    A couple of years ago a ballot proposal was placed before voters.  Every single newspaper -- the News, Free Press, Lansing State Journal, you name it -- hammered against this proposal and hammered hard.  Lawsuits were filed against it, chairs were overturned during public hearings, violence was threatened, talking heads on TV and radio preached against the evils of it, canvassers were accused of deception, voters were accused of being misled, etc., ad nauseum.  Polls were taken and it was shown  and reported the proposal was doomed.

    In the year 2006, DeVos (who was against the proposal) lost to Granholm (who was against the proposal) by a large margin.

    The Michigan Civil Rights Initiative PASSED 58-42%.

    People knew what they were doing.  Rather than be ridiculed, beaten, badgered and guilt-tripped into voting against MCRI they voted for it, including some of those who re-elected Granholm.

    The press has been telling us from Day 1 that it's politically incorrect and racist not to vote for NOBama.  How much simmering anger and resentment is out there, univestigated and ignored by the MSM, that voters will pull the lever for McCain?  

    A NOBama win is by no means a certainty, in spite of what the press wants everyone to believe.

    The Conservatrarian

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