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    Who are the NERD fund donors Mr Snyder?

    Raise the curtain.

    Politics of Intimidation in the Workplace

    By Ed Burley, Section Multimedia
    Posted on Fri Oct 10, 2008 at 12:59:04 PM EST
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    I work for a small non-profit agency in Traverse City. I am very proud of the work we do, although I am one of only a few Republicans (and the ONLY libertarian) in the agency of 70 or so people.

    For quite some time, a co-worker had a bumper sticker displayed in her office which read "Liberals treat dogs like people, conservatives treat people like dogs." It bothered me, realizing that no one at the agency really understood that I was a Republican, but I didn't complain about it; mainly because I can't stand whiners.

    Well, the situation has heated up. Obama bumper stickers on employee's vehicles have become prevalent in our parking lot - that isn't even a problem, in my opinion. Recently a young man who works for us wore his MoveOn.org Obama T-shirt to work, but covered it up realizing that it may be inappropriate for the workplace. Today, however, after the encouragement of other Obama supporters in the agency, he wore the shirt again - prominently displayed. Other co-workers are beginning to wear Obama election pins. This is all happening in a workplace where people of all kinds come to do business - lawyers, biological parents, foster parents, children, social workers, donors, politicians, etc.

    The straw that broke the camel's back today was the bumper sticker that popped up today; it read: "Strike a Blow for Democracy: Smack a Republican." This is about as much as I can take. It's time to fight back.

    I am tired of self-righteous windbags who brag about being "anti-war," and "for peace," while supporting people like Bill Ayers, who BOMBED the Pentagon to protect war. How ridiculous is that?

    Treating people like dogs? Smacking Republicans? These are peaceful things? These promote goodwill among the masses? Hardly.

    I will be talking to the supervision in our agency about banning political bumper stickers and election pins in the workplace. Outerwear should not reflect any political position in order to respect, not only co-workers who may disagree with that position, but others who come into our agency on business.

    I am mad as hell, and I'm not going to take it anymore. Just wanted everyone to know.


    < Obama paid ACORN for voter registration | RM Exclusive: Stem Cell committee exporting Michigan jobs, hundreds of thousands of dollars >

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    GOOD (none / 0) (#1)
    by apackof2 on Mon Oct 13, 2008 at 07:41:37 PM EST
     for you and if they don't go along with an elimination of all politicio gear than I guess you
    start wearing your Republican gear loud and proud!

    If I lived closer I would stop in wearing my Sisterhood of Sarah T-shirt  ;-)

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