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    Who are the NERD fund donors Mr Snyder?

    Raise the curtain.

    New Forum Launched for Citizens & Representatives!

    By DanaP, Section News
    Posted on Mon Jan 14, 2008 at 02:31:18 PM EST
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    Today, "The Michigan SoapBox" launched as an online forum community for both politicans and citizens alike.

    The forum was created in the hopes of facilitating open discussions of news & ideas between citizens with an opportunity given to all senator's and legislator's to use the forum as a "base" to let their constituents know what is going on in their respective districts.

    Citizens may come to post information, ideas, frustrations, etc. as it pertains to the State of Michigan.  There is even an area on there specifically for state employees.

    So, come on over and get registered!

    < At Bill Milliken's Funeral | MICHIGAN PRIMARY 1/15/08 >

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