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    Who are the NERD fund donors Mr Snyder?

    Raise the curtain.

    Bureacrats attack House GOP Refund to protect the status quo while all eyes shift to Michigan

    By Nick, Section News
    Posted on Fri Jan 11, 2008 at 06:34:44 AM EST
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    That certainly didn't take long.  No sooner did Craig DeRoche and the House Republican caucus hold a press conference formally announcing their plans to return $350 million stolen from the taxpayers by Jennifer Granholm and her lackeys in the House Democrat caucus than the chief bureaucrats started crying `NO, WAIT!  WE HAVE TO SPEND THAT!'  And they're carrying some pretty compelling numbers to attempt to muddy the water and convince you that maybe you should let the government spend $350 million more than the already massive, record breaking, biggest in history $43 some odd billion state budget.

    The non-partisan Senate Fiscal Agency says we're going to be short over $400 million this coming year and we need this money to plug the gap.  Their counterparts in the House are less pessimistic about the budget forecast and think we'll only be facing a $330 million "deficit."  They'll meet with the Governor's Treasurer today and iron out a final official number to help panic the masses.  

    Mitch Bean, the top dog at the House Fiscal Agency told the Detroit News:

    "The U.S. economy, which some say is in recession, will hurt us on auto sales," he said. "And Christmas retail sales were slower this year than they have been in a very long time."

    Car and truck sales will dip from 16 million in 2007 to 15.8 million this year, according to the Senate Fiscal Agency report. Unemployment in Michigan will ratchet up from 7.2 percent in 2007 to 8.2 percent this year and 8.5 percent next year, according to the Senate Fiscal Agency's report.

    What's worse, the fiscal agencies say tax revenues will drop again in the fiscal year that starts Oct. 1.

    As a result, receipts to the general fund, the state's main checkbook, will fall, while taxes that feed the school aid fund will increase a bit.

    And next year, the state likely won't start with a surplus.

    Well why didn't they just say that from the start?  The economy is in trouble?  Well sure, spend an extra $350 million on the same old tired programs.  Build another unneeded (and unwanted) building or two like the Governor's Triangle Project.  Hire a couple extra staffers for the Office of the First Gentleman.  Or take the cash and instead of giving ever member of the House a $2,000 bonus in their office allotments, make it $4,000.  No, $6,000!  That'll make all the difference in the world.  It'll kick-start our economy for sure.

    Or... and you should probably be sitting down right now because what I'm about to say could be shocking... (ready?) You could reinvest that money into a struggling economy by giving it back to taxpayers who will use it to buy goods and services for their families from Michigan businesses who will turn around and use the money to pay wages which helps more people buy goods and services which... you get the idea.  It's called economics and it always works since the beginning of free markets.  It's been put to great use in 49 other states and a few countries around the world.  Maybe someday we'll try it here in Michigan.

    Read on...

    And even though we're stuck with Jennifer Granholm and her legitimately tragic job killing economic policy for three more years help may come sooner rather than later.  If anyone happened to catch the GOP Presidential debate last night from South Carolina they may have noticed something.  Even when the Republican candidates aren't in Michigan asking for our votes personally they're talking about us and focusing the attention of the entire nation on how to solve our jobs crisis.  Even the highly biased, lefty Ivory Tower noticed, though they couldn't get through the introduction to the article without tipping their hand about who they favor (so much for the supposed wall between editorial content and news reporting):

    Former Massachusetts Gov. Mitt Romney staked a strongly worded claim as the Republican presidential candidate best suited to solve Michigan's deep-seated economic woes at a debate Thursday night, saying he would fight "for every single job" in the state.

    "We're going to have to do the hard work of rebuilding our economy, strengthening it," said Romney, who blasted his main rival here -- Arizona Sen. John McCain -- for suggesting that some jobs lost in Michigan as Detroit's automakers have downsized are gone forever.

    McCain refused to back down, living up to his reputation for straight talk and saying it's time to think about how to retrain Michigan's workers, and use Detroit's strength in research to solve energy problems of the future.

    I guess Todd Spangler (the author of the column) is a McCainiac.  I'll try my hardest not to pass judgement on the candidate based on the editorial AND "news" endorsement of that particular candidate but admittedly, that's going to be hard.

    And I won't let that detract (much) from the fact that for the first time in six years, if only for a few hours, fixing Michigan's economy occupied the minds and became the sole focus of men, one of whom very well could become the next leader of the free world.  And that, ladies and gents, is a heck of a lot better than "out of sight, out of mind" which continues to be the stand taken by Barack Obama, John Edwards and Jennifer Granholm's BFF Hillary Clinton.  

    I'd be doing a disservice, though, if I failed to mention that Michigan, yesterday, saw her first Democrat candidate in the State since they all flipped us the two-fisted bird low those many months ago.  The Associated Press reports:

    Dennis Kucinich is kicking off several days of stops in the state as the only Democratic presidential candidate who plans to campaign in Michigan ahead of next week's primary.

    The Ohio congressman was scheduled to speak to the Troy Democratic Club on Thursday night. Other scheduled stops include a Friday evening rally at the University of Detroit Mercy.

    All of the Democratic candidates had pledged not to campaign in Michigan because it broke party rules by moving up its primary to January 15.

    No word on whether or not Denny saw any UFOs in the cold, night sky while he was visiting.  

    I give the little guy a hard time but I actually appreciate him.  He cares enough about Michigan to defy the fat cat party bosses in the smoke filled cloak rooms on Capitol Hill and actually come to ask for our votes.  Funny, though, that he'll still wind up garnering only single figures next Tuesday.  I guess when all those folks in the regressisphere say they care about putting Michigan first they're lying.  Can't really say I blame them though... you lie long enough and about everything in your life I suppose eventually it just becomes habit.  Must be difficult not knowing up from down.

    < Dem's Gumming up the Works in Michigan | Friday in the Sphere: January 11 >

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    Boilerplate Pandering (none / 0) (#1)
    by DMOnline on Fri Jan 11, 2008 at 09:06:34 AM EST
    Never wanting to lose a single potential vote, last night Mitt Romney continued his pander-fest by telling Michigan John McCain was BAD because he spoke the truth about industrial jobs that are not coming back to our state.  This morning, Romney told Fox News when asked SPECIFICALLY what would he do to bring those jobs back, he said  he'd work with the union bosses and auto execs.  There.  Issue solved.  Wow.  That sounds remarkably like a "Granholm Plan."

    Now I'm not a McCain supporter but the one thing I respect about the man is he does tend to tell you how it is - whether you want to hear it or not.  I personally disagree with McCain on his previous stance on illegal immigration, taxes, closing Gitmo, water-boarding, etc.  But at least I know where the man stands.  And I respect him for it.

    Romney by contrast?  Well, where do you want him to stand?  Just let him know and he'll be there for you - at least until the next special interest group wants him to take the opposite stand, which he'll gladly accommodate.

    Objective: Become governor of Massachusetts.  Okay, I'll be pro-gay rights, pro-abortion, anti-Reagan/Bush, government-run health care for all.

    New objective: Become President of the United States.  Okay, I'll be Mr. Conservative.  Reagan clone.  Suddenly hate the gays.  Pro-life.  Born again supply-sider.

    Mitt's not fooling anyone.  After his loss here come Tuesday, he'd be a fool if he spent one more dime of his family fortune on his lost cause.


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