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    Who are the NERD fund donors Mr Snyder?

    Raise the curtain.

    House Republicans agree with the Right Roots: Time for a Refund!!!

    By Nick, Section News
    Posted on Thu Jan 10, 2008 at 02:20:53 PM EST
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    Remember last week when the news broke that the State miraculously found a $350+ million "surplus" that had somehow, mysteriously gone unnoticed during that whole, minor, slightly inconvenient government shutdown before the Democrats passed a pittance of a...what was it... oh yeah, $2.4 BILLION tax hike on Michigan families?

    Right Michigan and other blogs asked (kindly, I might add) that instead of rolling that cash over into more wasteful government spending the people of Michigan be given a REFUND!

    Fresh off their holiday and raring to get back to work the House Democrats kindly took our advice and ignored it.  Thank goodness for the House GOP.  This afternoon the caucus held a press conference to introduce their plan to give the entire "surplus" back to the taxpayers while cutting wasteful government spending.  But "refund" wasn't the only thing they had to say.  Representative Kevin Elsenheimer, ladies and gentlemen:

    "Budget deficits continue because we have a structural spending problem.  Spending these funds would only be a band-aid, allowing Lansing to avoid the spending reforms essential to turning Michigan around."

    But the best came from House Minority Leader Craig DeRoche:

    "Taxpayers continue to get raked over the coals as lawmakers race to spend their money.  This $353 million windfall should not be used for a Democrat spending spree to celebrate raising your taxes. The excessive increase on taxpayers should be immediately put back where it came from - in taxpayer hands. As unemployment continues to grow and people continue to leave the state, taxpayers certainly aren't finding a $353 million surplus under their pillows."

    Ahem... AMEN!  And better yet, he wasn't finished.  He had some appropriately tough words for Governor Granholm on the whole shady business of phantom surpluses following a year after phantom, unreported deficits.

    "These actions are either an arrogant abuse of power or utter incompetence."

    Lets go back over the facts.  All summer we heard deficit, deficit, deficit.  The administration pegged the number at a combined $982 million between the general and school aid funds.  We find out now that several departments weren't in as bad of shape as they seemed to indicate.  We went from a $982 billion deficit to a $353 million surplus.  That's a $1.3+ billion swing for those of you who weren't math majors.

    My friends in the donkey colored sunglasses will tell you that the surplus is a direct result of the $2.4 billion tax hike their Democrat heroes in the legislature foisted on the people of Michigan.  It wasn't that Granholm was lying.  Nah, she never lies. The tax hike was just a little more than we actually needed.  To which everyone more concerned with the health of Michigan's economy than the health of the bureaucracy shouts: REFUND!  If you taxed more than you needed it's time to make that right.  

    Without the refund that cash just gets rolled back into the trough and the big government pig keeps on feeding.  Props to DeRoche and team for getting this one right.  Now it's time for Andy Dillon to prove he's not entirely brain-dead by following the Republicans' lead.

    < Thursday in the Sphere, January 10 | Dem's Gumming up the Works in Michigan >

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    I've said it before and I'll say it again... (none / 0) (#1)
    by KG One on Thu Jan 10, 2008 at 02:30:13 PM EST
    ...if the GOP wants to score points with the voters, introduce the legislation now so that every Michigan Taxpayer will receive a REFUND on their '07 tax returns.

    Timing it before next week's elections should also be a huge plus at the polls as well PR-wise.

    Can you imaging the democrats attacking a refund during a recession???

    Okay, they've had a press conference... (none / 0) (#3)
    by KG One on Thu Jan 10, 2008 at 03:13:12 PM EST
    ...and announced a plan, great.

    Now when does that bill go into the hopper?

    Or if it's in there right now, what's the bill number?

    Thanx. (none / 0) (#5)
    by KG One on Thu Jan 10, 2008 at 03:29:44 PM EST

    When is enough enough? (none / 0) (#6)
    by LookingforReagan on Thu Jan 10, 2008 at 06:21:55 PM EST
    When are the people of Michigan going to get fed up enough with Sister Jennifer Granholm of the Holy Sister's of Money Laundering and give her a well deserved pink slip? I have had enough about three years ago. She needs to go and go now and she can take her idiot brother Andy Dillion-ger with her.

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