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    Who are the NERD fund donors Mr Snyder?

    Raise the curtain.

    Broken Promises

    By DanaP, Section News
    Posted on Fri Sep 28, 2007 at 10:07:39 PM EST
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    (Promoted by Nick... Great work MIR!)

    I have literally spent my entire day on the phone and computer talking to Representatives, Senators, Human Resources, Unemployment, Unions, Employees, etc.  I have been posting hard and fast as the information has become available without offering much commentary.

    Throughout the entire day, I really have been chewing on what is going on, and I wanted to share a few of my thoughts/observations with you.

    1.  As much as I would like to say that this budget has the potential to be balanced without tax hikes, the grim reality that we are facing is that there will more than likely be a tax hike - probably through a combination of income tax, and alternative tax (i.e. tax on services).  While there are those out there (citizens) that are convinced we must have a tax hike in order to dig ourselves out of this mess, the truth is, the vast majority of our citizen's believe we can do this without tax hikes.  I have received numerous emails saying just that, in addition to MIGOP stating the exact same thing.  The more money you make, the more money you are going to spend, and money isn't the problem here folks, it is the spending.

    2.  Broken Promises.  It saddens me to know that our employer is breaking their promises once again.  A few years back (2003, I believe), the State was in financial straits, and they asked the state employees for sacrifices in the form of Furlough Days, Banked Leave Time, etc.  We willingly did so.  No one forced us, really, we knew that by sacrificing a little, it would benefit a lot.  At that time, we were told that never again would we have to face this.  Back when contract negotiations were being done, we were promised, contractually, that there would be no layoffs.  Another broken promise.  Now, here we are.  Most employees have been put on notice not to report to work on Monday.  The Governor, and her administration, swept in, and completely disregarded what was voted on by the Civil Service earlier today.  This just goes to show that no matter what it takes, Aunt Jenny will do what she must to gain what she wants.  If she is willing to lie, to break a promise to her very own colleagues, then tell me what is stopping her from lying to YOU?

    Ladies & Gentlemen, we do not need to have a tax hike in order to balance our budget.  As I stated to each and everyone of our representatives - in your own life, when you are facing budget shortfalls, most of us immediately look to trim the fat, even if it mean eating Spagettio's for a time.  Our government has proven that it cannot be fiscally responsible with what it has, so why give it more?

    If only they would step up as real leaders, and do what they must - even at the sacrifice of themselves - we would have such a great example.  

    And, ask yourself - if the Governor, and her Democratic colleagues are so set on the need for raising taxes, then why on earth have they already spent that money needlessly on a new State Trooper building?  

    I urge each and everyone of you to get on the phone, or email ALL Representatives and let your voice be heard.

    edwardgaffney@house.mi.gov <edwardgaffney@house.mi.gov>; lamarlemmonsjr@house.mi.gov <lamarlemmonsjr@house.mi.gov>; bettiecookscott@house.mi.gov <bettiecookscott@house.mi.gov>; colemanayoungii@house.mi.gov <colemanayoungii@house.mi.gov>; bertjohnson@house.mi.gov <bertjohnson@house.mi.gov>; marshacheeks@house.mi.gov <marshacheeks@house.mi.gov>; virgilsmith@house.mi.gov <virgilsmith@house.mi.gov>; georgecushingberry@house.mi.gov <georgecushingberry@house.mi.gov>; shanellejackson@house.mi.gov <shanellejackson@house.mi.gov>; gabeleland@house.mi.gov <gabeleland@house.mi.gov>; morrishood3rd@house.mi.gov <morrishood3rd@house.mi.gov>; stevetobocman@house.mi.gov <stevetobocman@house.mi.gov>; barbarafarrah@house.mi.gov <barbarafarrah@house.mi.gov>; edclemente@house.mi.gov <edclemente@house.mi.gov>; ginopolidori@house.mi.gov <ginopolidori@house.mi.gov>; bobconstan@house.mi.gov <bobconstan@house.mi.gov>; andydillon@house.mi.gov <andydillon@house.mi.gov>; richardleblanc@house.mi.gov <richardleblanc@house.mi.gov>; johnpastor@house.mi.gov <johnpastor@house.mi.gov>; marccorriveau@house.mi.gov <marccorriveau@house.mi.gov>; phillajoy@house.mi.gov <phillajoy@house.mi.gov>; hoon-yunghopgood@house.mi.gov <hoon-yunghopgood@house.mi.gov>; kathleenlaw@house.mi.gov <kathleenlaw@house.mi.gov>; jackbrandenburg@house.mi.gov <jackbrandenburg@house.mi.gov>; stevebieda@house.mi.gov <stevebieda@house.mi.gov>; mariedonigan@house.mi.gov <mariedonigan@house.mi.gov>; andymeisner@house.mi.gov <andymeisner@house.mi.gov>; lisawojno@house.mi.gov <lisawojno@house.mi.gov>; timmelton@house.mi.gov <timmelton@house.mi.gov>; toryrocca@house.mi.gov <toryrocca@house.mi.gov>; fredmiller@house.mi.gov <fredmiller@house.mi.gov>; danielacciavatti@house.mi.gov <danielacciavatti@house.mi.gov>; kimmeltzer@house.mi.gov <kimmeltzer@house.mi.gov>; brendaclack@house.mi.gov <brendaclack@house.mi.gov>; paulcondino@house.mi.gov <paulcondino@house.mi.gov>; repbrianpalmer@house.mi.gov <repbrianpalmer@house.mi.gov>; aldovagnozzi@house.mi.gov <aldovagnozzi@house.mi.gov>; craigderoche@house.mi.gov <craigderoche@house.mi.gov>; davidlaw@house.mi.gov <davidlaw@house.mi.gov>; chuckmoss@house.mi.gov <chuckmoss@house.mi.gov>; martyknollenberg@house.mi.gov <martyknollenberg@house.mi.gov>; frankaccavitti@house.mi.gov <frankaccavitti@house.mi.gov>; franamos@house.mi.gov <franamos@house.mi.gov>; johnstakoe@house.mi.gov <johnstakoe@house.mi.gov>; johngarfield@house.mi.gov <johngarfield@house.mi.gov>; jimmarleau@house.mi.gov <jimmarleau@house.mi.gov>; joehune@house.mi.gov <joehune@house.mi.gov>; richardhammel@house.mi.gov <richardhammel@house.mi.gov>; leegonzales@house.mi.gov <leegonzales@house.mi.gov>; tedhammon@house.mi.gov <tedhammon@house.mi.gov>; davidrobertson@house.mi.gov <davidrobertson@house.mi.gov>; pambyrnes@house.mi.gov <pambyrnes@house.mi.gov>; rebekahwarren@house.mi.gov <rebekahwarren@house.mi.gov>; almasmith@house.mi.gov <almasmith@house.mi.gov>; kathyangerer@house.mi.gov <kathyangerer@house.mi.gov>; KateEbli@house.mi.gov <KateEbli@house.mi.gov>; dspade@house.mi.gov <dspade@house.mi.gov>; brucecaswell@house.mi.gov <brucecaswell@house.mi.gov>; rickshaffer@house.mi.gov <rickshaffer@house.mi.gov>; robertjones@house.mi.gov <robertjones@house.mi.gov>; jackhoogendyk@house.mi.gov <jackhoogendyk@house.mi.gov>; mikenofs@house.mi.gov <mikenofs@house.mi.gov>; lorencewenke@house.mi.gov <lorencewenke@house.mi.gov>; martingriffin@house.mi.gov <martingriffin@house.mi.gov>; mikesimpson@house.mi.gov <mikesimpson@house.mi.gov>; chrisward@house.mi.gov <chrisward@house.mi.gov>; barbbyrum@house.mi.gov <barbbyrum@house.mi.gov>; joanbauer@house.mi.gov <joanbauer@house.mi.gov>; markmeadows@house.mi.gov <markmeadows@house.mi.gov>; judyemmons@house.mi.gov <judyemmons@house.mi.gov>; rickjones@house.mi.gov <rickjones@house.mi.gov>; glennsteil@house.mi.gov <glennsteil@house.mi.gov>; tompearce@house.mi.gov <tompearce@house.mi.gov>; daveagema@house.mi.gov <daveagema@house.mi.gov>; robertdean@house.mi.gov <robertdean@house.mi.gov>; speakerprotemsak@house.mi.gov <speakerprotemsak@house.mi.gov>; kevingreen@house.mi.gov <kevingreen@house.mi.gov>; nealnitz@house.mi.gov <nealnitz@house.mi.gov>; johnproos@house.mi.gov <johnproos@house.mi.gov>; tonyaschuitmaker@house.mi.gov <tonyaschuitmaker@house.mi.gov>; phillippavlov@house.mi.gov <phillippavlov@house.mi.gov>; johnstahl@house.mi.gov <johnstahl@house.mi.gov>; johnespinoza@house.mi.gov <johnespinoza@house.mi.gov>; terrybrown@house.mi.gov <terrybrown@house.mi.gov>; richardball@house.mi.gov <richardball@house.mi.gov>; rephildenbrand@house.mi.gov <rephildenbrand@house.mi.gov>; briancalley@house.mi.gov <briancalley@house.mi.gov>; fultonsheen@house.mi.gov <fultonsheen@house.mi.gov>; arlanbmeekhof@house.mi.gov <arlanbmeekhof@house.mi.gov>; billhuizenga@house.mi.gov <billhuizenga@house.mi.gov>; maryvalentine@house.mi.gov <maryvalentine@house.mi.gov>; dougbennett@house.mi.gov <dougbennett@house.mi.gov>; paulopsommer@house.mi.gov <paulopsommer@house.mi.gov>; kennethhorn@house.mi.gov <kennethhorn@house.mi.gov>; andycoulouris@house.mi.gov <andycoulouris@house.mi.gov>; jeffmayes@house.mi.gov <jeffmayes@house.mi.gov>; timmoore@house.mi.gov <timmoore@house.mi.gov>; johnmoolenaar@house.mi.gov <johnmoolenaar@house.mi.gov>; billcaul@house.mi.gov <billcaul@house.mi.gov>; goeffhansen@house.mi.gov <goeffhansen@house.mi.gov>; davidpalsrok@house.mi.gov <davidpalsrok@house.mi.gov>; Darwin Booher <darwinbooher@house.mi.gov>; joelsheltrown@house.mi.gov <joelsheltrown@house.mi.gov>; howardwalker@house.mi.gov <howardwalker@house.mi.gov>; kevinelsenheimer@house.mi.gov <kevinelsenheimer@house.mi.gov>; matthewgillard@house.mi.gov <matthewgillard@house.mi.gov>; garymcdowell@house.mi.gov <garymcdowell@house.mi.gov>; tomcasperson@house.mi.gov <tomcasperson@house.mi.gov>; stevenlindberg@house.mi.gov <stevenlindberg@house.mi.gov>; mikelahti@house.mi.gov <mikelahti@house.mi.gov>

    < In from Representative Jack Hoogendyk | Movement in Lansing? >

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    11th Hour (none / 0) (#1)
    by Calhoun Kid on Fri Sep 28, 2007 at 11:43:16 PM EST
    As we rightfully predicted weeks ago, at the 11th hour, the elected and self-serving Republican leadership will fold and permit the enactment of a major tax hike.  Fortunately, due to the hallowed former GOVERNOR JOHN ENGLER, the tax hike will only be a regression to our tax liability in the mid-90's.  While we shall concede the hour to Two Penny Jenny and the Democratic hoardes, we must quickly regroup at Mackinac or Grand Rapids and plan a strategy to retake our beloved Peninsulas from this new socialism.

    • Calhoun Kid by Reagan, 09/29/2007 08:03:19 PM EST (none / 0)
    Broken Promises (none / 0) (#2)
    by WadeHM on Sat Sep 29, 2007 at 01:09:42 AM EST
    Since this whole issue came up I have been contacting at a furious rate my sentor (Garcia) and my representative (Richard Ball). It has been two weeks now and I have not even received so much as an acknowledgement that I even contacted them (email and snail mail).

    I know these guys are busy, but still...

    What can be learned from this budget experience? (none / 0) (#3)
    by Wes Thorp on Sat Sep 29, 2007 at 07:52:13 AM EST
    I wonder what lessons have been learned from this whole budget experience.  Has life in our state been made better?  

    The budget for 2008-09 promises to be just as tough or tougher.

    Will we have the same level of partisanship?  The trash-talking between the parties?  It seems that each side wants power just for the sake of holding power.

    What are we getting from this go-round?  A tax on services that the citizenry has had no input in.  

    Was all this worth it?  

    Do the people lose again?


    Broken Promises? (none / 0) (#4)
    by triznik on Sat Sep 29, 2007 at 08:43:50 AM EST
    WadeHM: I contacted State Rep. Ball's office and was informed that they were receiving more than 300 email messages each day, and a majority of the correspondence originated outside of the 85th District. Evidently, not only constituents but also various special interest groups are attempting to exert political pressure on Rep. Ball.

    • Ball by WadeHM, 09/29/2007 11:37:20 AM EST (none / 0)
    • I know by moderateme, 09/29/2007 07:39:21 PM EST (none / 0)
    Don't let it deter.. (none / 0) (#5)
    by DanaP on Sat Sep 29, 2007 at 09:33:47 AM EST
    you from contacting them.  I have sent emails to everyone - and I am getting some responses (even from, hiccup, Sak).

    Speaking as an Exile... (none / 0) (#7)
    by gun totin wacko on Sat Sep 29, 2007 at 11:47:59 AM EST
    ...I'd love to come back to Michigan next year when things change on my end.  But part of the reason I left a few months ago was the job market in Michigan.  At this point, with unemployment there not getting any better, and taxes about to go up, why would I want to return?

    Even a highly liberal friend of mine says he'd love to move back to MI, but at this point can't even consider it.

    Good luck.  I'm not sure I'll ever be able to return, much as I want to.

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