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    Who are the NERD fund donors Mr Snyder?

    Raise the curtain.

    In from Representative Jack Hoogendyk

    By DanaP, Section News
    Posted on Fri Sep 28, 2007 at 07:43:44 PM EST
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     Sometime between now and midnight Sunday any number of possible votes will take place:

    • Increase income taxes to 4.6%
    • Increase sales taxes on services to 6%
    • Impose a tax on phone lines to $1.35 per month, per line
    • Enact a 30-day continuation budget
    • Enact numerous budget cuts from '08 plan.

    Media reports suggest taxes will go up between $1.2 and $1.6 billion. Now is the perfect time for you to contact key legislators who are still "on the bubble" regarding tax increase and spending cut votes. Please contact any or all of the lawmakers below.
    The best way to be effective is to tell your personal story about how any given tax increase or budget cut might affect you and your family. Please remember to keep your note brief, personal and respectful.

    To write these lawmakers, just click on the links below.

     District 70
    District 85
    District 102
    District 1
     District 104
    District 59
    District 66  

    Thank you for being a part of good government.

    < Unemployment will be allowed for SOME Employees... | Broken Promises >

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