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    Who are the NERD fund donors Mr Snyder?

    Raise the curtain.

    Governor's silence on Levin "terrorism" charge sending a disastrous signal loud and clear

    By Nick, Section News
    Posted on Mon Jun 11, 2007 at 10:29:27 AM EST
    Tags: (all tags)

    Two and a half weeks, seventeen days now, since Michigan Department of Labor and Economic Growth Deputy Director Andy Levin claimed employers who support the Employee Free Choice Act are guilty of waging "terror campaigns" against workers and still not a peep from DLEG or Jennifer Granholm denouncing the statement or defending Michigan job makers.

    But that's not to say everyone's quiet on the subject.  The Right Michigan troll community has been actively backing Levin's comments and their friends at the state's most radical blogging community have jumped to Andy's defense now too.  

    It's not a big deal, they say, that one of the state's economic development officials accuses Michigan job makers of being terrorists (and you can pick words apart all you want, anyone who engages in a "terror campaign" is, by that same definition, a terrorist).  In fact, they argue, he's right and "should be promoted!"  Because, after all, as one post on another site last week tried to explain, the Employee Free Choice Act is just as bad as persistently violent and occasionally deadly union busting tactics from the rise of America's industrial revolution.  Why, passing it would send industrial society right back to "The Jungle!"

    Or, maybe, just maybe, it'll spur economic growth, protect employees from would-be union task masters with partisan political agendas and prevent another factory or two from shutting it's doors and moving to Mexico.  Maybe.  

    But no matter the topic that led to Levin's accusations, there's a deeper issue now at work here.  A senior job recruiter on the state's payroll is on record calling job makers terrorists.  The liberal media might not be paying attention but investors and employers certainly are.  Sticks and stones may break my bones but words can and do hurt us in the job recruitment game.

    Is it right?  Is it just?  Fair?  I don't know.  But it's reality.

    One need look no further for evidence of the potency of words in economic development decisions than 2005 and the Delphi debacle.  The Troy based auto supplier, to refresh everyone's memory, was in the process of restructuring and preparing to do some serious downsizing.  They were going to eliminate thousands of jobs and consolidate operations somewhere here in the States.  

    While Governor Pataki in New York jumped on the phone and started lobbying the company on behalf of his state, Indiana Governor Mitch Daniels got in the car and drove north to visit execs at their headquarters... right here in Michigan.

    And Governor Granholm?  Here in the company's home state?  She issued this statement:

    "I am angry that this action occurs one day after headlines blared that Delphi employees were being asked to accept brutal, draconian pay cuts while upper management is being offered golden parachutes.  Globalization is ravaging Michigan's manufacturing job base."

    All of the action prompted this reaction from the Washington Post:

    Indiana likes having the nation's highest portion of workers -- 20 percent -- in manufacturing, so five days before Delphi, the Michigan-based automobile parts maker, entered bankruptcy, Gov. Mitch Daniels, a Republican who believes "conservatism can be active," called Delphi and praised Indiana as a paradise for even more Delphi operations than are already there.

    Michigan's Democratic governor, Jennifer Granholm, responded to Delphi's travails differently, denouncing Delphi's executives, Washington and globalization. In the game of entrepreneurial federalism -- states competing to lure businesses -- score one for the Hoosier State, which in the four years before Daniels became governor had a net loss of jobs.

    Worse than the scolding the governor took in the press was the evisceration the state took as a result of her rhetoric.  Delphi consolidated alright, to Indiana.  Thousands of Michigan jobs and all of the spin-off jobs they created and supported, gone, up in smoke, because of words.  Because of angry rhetoric.  

    Fast forward to today.  The same governor continues to stand alongside a Deputy Director of DLEG who's accused job makers of being terrorists in an appeal to her radical union base.  And in the quiet of private boardrooms, strategy conferences and planning sessions across the United States investors are shaking their heads and once again scratching Michigan off the list for their next expansion.

    Is it right?  Is it just?  Fair?  I don't know.  But it's reality.

    It's time for the governor to prove she learned from her Delphi disaster.  Doing the right thing once in five years isn't too much to ask.

    < Long-time Saginaw County GOP activist, Lorraine Corl, laid to rest today | Brian Dickerson and feminism >

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    Making things up again? (1.00 / 1) (#1)
    by NoviDemocrat on Mon Jun 11, 2007 at 11:32:51 AM EST
    "And in the quiet of private boardrooms, strategy conferences and planning sessions across the United States investors are shaking their heads and once again scratching Michigan off the list for their next expansion."

    Really? Show us the proof. I can point to a number of companies locating and expanding here in Novi and surrouding communities. There's two major new buildings going up on M-5 being built for companies that could have gone elsewhere but are staying here in Michigan.

    But why??? (5.00 / 1) (#2)
    by MollyB on Mon Jun 11, 2007 at 11:37:43 AM EST
    The Governor, although a lame duck, continues to bend over backwards to accomodate her union and MEA base. Because she plans to run for Levin's seat? Or because her husband habors his own political ambitions?

    a great example (5.00 / 1) (#3)
    by Nick on Mon Jun 11, 2007 at 11:52:22 AM EST
    is Delphi.

    Consolidated AWAY from Michigan because of words.  You think they're the only ones?  

    We have a reputation across the country as being hostile to employers... this isn't helping change it.

    Misinformation (1.00 / 1) (#4)
    by Communications Guru on Mon Jun 11, 2007 at 01:32:35 PM EST
    That is the worst case of misinformation and downright lies I have ever read. If you want to read the truth instead of this guy's lies and distortions visit my blog and read it for yourself. If you want to make an argument for your warped view, fine, but why lie about my position? That's pathetic. I have no problem with you posting about this non-story, and I hope you keep writing about it. Just try some truth for a change. I also hope the governor does stay silent on your rant because she should not stoop to your level.


    On Trolls: (5.00 / 1) (#5)
    by Nick on Mon Jun 11, 2007 at 01:59:16 PM EST
    Commie Guru states:

    "That is the worst case of misinformation and downright lies I have ever read."

    What lie?  What misinformation?  Show me one.

    "If you want to read the truth instead of this guy's lies and distortions visit my blog and read it for yourself."

    What lie?  What distortion?  Show me one.

    "If you want to make an argument for your warped view, fine, but why lie about my position? That's pathetic."

    I never referenced your position.  I didn't refer to you, to your website or any of your postings.  And don't take this personally, but I read a lot of liberal blogs every day and yours isn't one of them.  Sounds like maybe you carried some assumptions about me with you when you read this story.  Sorry for any misunderstanding.

    "I have no problem with you posting about this non-story, and I hope you keep writing about it. Just try some truth for a change."

    Truth?  Implying again that I lied.  What did I lie about?  Show me one example.  But I'm glad you have no problem with me posting about this story.  Your approval really completes me on a cosmic level.

    "I also hope the governor does stay silent on your rant because she should not stoop to your level."

    The difference between a rant and an argument is that one is reasoned and supported by facts.  The other is just piss and vineager.  As examples please view my original post (an argument) and your subsequent reax above (a rant).

    Has anyone ever seen the old Bass and Rankin animated production of The Hobbit?  Remember when the dwarves have all been captured and put in bags by a group of mischevious trolls when Gandalf comes to the rescue... and the trolls scream... "The SUUUUUUUUN!!!!  How did it come so soooooooooooooon!  We're done fooooooooooooor!!!!"

    Somehow that always runs through my mind when I see this guy leave a post.

    • More BS by Communications Guru, 06/11/2007 03:26:04 PM EST (none / 0)
    Feast or Famine (5.00 / 1) (#6)
    by biff the undertaker on Mon Jun 11, 2007 at 02:08:59 PM EST
    Communications Guru, while I'm certain there's no bias or factually questionable information on your blog, a case can most certainly be made that this governor continues to operate in a void, despite a nationally robust and questionably healthy economy. Doubt me? None other than the New York Times online today cites that some 40 states have discovered a healthy budgetary surplus on their hands. Why not Michigone? Perhaps instead of casting blame and dispersion on the past, the governor and Mr. governor should have followed the example of Indiana's LEADER in taking a proactive "how can I help my state" stance. Rather, unfortunately, the finger pointing continues. Perhaps Mrs. Mulhern can use that finger to "turn out the lights" when she, being the last person remaining in this state, flips the switch to shut them off.
    "If a nation expects to be ignorant and free, in a state of civilization, it expects what never was and never will be". Thomas Jefferson
    • Mitch Daniels by NoviDemocrat, 06/11/2007 02:57:44 PM EST (none / 0)
    Attitudes Toward Business (5.00 / 1) (#7)
    by Rougman on Mon Jun 11, 2007 at 02:51:42 PM EST
    I can point to a number of companies locating and expanding here in Novi and surrouding communities. There's two major new buildings going up on M-5 being built for companies that could have gone elsewhere but are staying here in Michigan.

    And the point on this comment is what, exactly?  

    From a statistical standpoint, many more jobs are leaving this state than are being created here.  This point is consensus and uncontestable. By you pointing out the exception to the rule you do nothing to change the rule.  

    The fact of the matter is that the governor and Levin have adversarial relationships with job creators in this state, and this poisoned attitude has done nothing to improve the jobs outlook here.  Rather than adopt an attitude that might actually help to stem the loss of jobs, they have hardened their stances and dug in their heels.  

    This is not encouraging.  

    he sure as heck (5.00 / 1) (#9)
    by Nick on Mon Jun 11, 2007 at 03:02:35 PM EST
    got Delphi to Kokomo.  

    That's the discussion here... the Delphi situation.  Pataki isn't a hardline conservative either and he put on a better show than Jennifer Granholm.

    Despite their potentially numerous faults they both blew Michigan away.  Pardon the obvious reference.

    you don't like (5.00 / 1) (#11)
    by Nick on Mon Jun 11, 2007 at 03:08:47 PM EST
    Republicans?  I'm shocked!

    So no trolls on MichiganLibel? (5.00 / 1) (#13)
    by John Galt on Mon Jun 11, 2007 at 04:07:25 PM EST
    So your contention is that you can't troll if you have to register?

    So why am I considered a troll on MichiganLibel?

    Quit trolling and at least answer the questions.  You have to register, yes.  Quit begging to be deleted, so you can "prove" to your Liberal buddies how intolerant the Righties are.

    just one last note (5.00 / 2) (#14)
    by Nick on Mon Jun 11, 2007 at 04:14:20 PM EST
    on this thread for me... JG, it should be stated that we've never deleted ANYONE here at RM and give the bad guys free reign to say whatever silly thing they want to say so long as it's not in remarkably bad taste.

    Unlike other sites where conservatives get deleted regularly.

    Long live the free exchange of ideas and backing them up with the facts.  The truth will set you free.

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