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    Who are the NERD fund donors Mr Snyder?

    Raise the curtain.

    Talking around town

    By Rejoice39, Section Events
    Posted on Wed Feb 14, 2007 at 09:06:15 PM EST
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    It is amazing what mentioning the name Granholm does to people...

    While in downtown Lansing today, I got to talking with an individual about Granholm's budget proposal. One thing led to another..and I was being told how there is a certain state department (surprisingly not corrections) that operates with no corrective or over-sight measures: 1. $8.95 a day for lunch-even if a lunch is brought in from home. 2. State vehicles to utilize-even when the employee is pulled over by the police in the state property, across state lines committing a crime-end result still working for the state. 3. Being paid by taxpayers to spend most of the work day-not working..at Sam's Club, The Lansing Mall..etc. More research is to come on this...I will get to the bottom of it. It is sad that Granholm continues to create task forces and administrative oversight positions...when they produce or help her very little. Why are state employee's getting $8.95 a day for lunch when they brown-bag it! Granholm and her task force teams need to open their eyes and cut from within before they make the tax payers pay even more to increase the governments weight problem.
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    Budget problems (none / 0) (#1)
    by Quality Weenie on Fri Feb 16, 2007 at 12:20:38 PM EST
    I maybe ignorant of the ways of the Dept of Corrections but why in gods name are they getting money for their lunch?

    Nobody pays me money for my lunch, I either have to buy it myself or bring my own lunch made with food paid for by myself.

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