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    Who are the NERD fund donors Mr Snyder?

    Raise the curtain.

    Senate Republicans REJECT Tax Hike!

    By Nick, Section News
    Posted on Wed Feb 14, 2007 at 01:40:31 PM EST
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    Great news!

    DetNews and others are reporting that the Senate Republican Majority under new Majority Leader Mike Bishop plans to vote down Granholm's executive order raising taxes on services by $1.5 Billion!

    Looks like these guys are sticking by their principles and looking for more cuts before they open their hands to ask for higher taxes!

    Click the link above or view the full story to read the coverage.


    Senate Republicans reject Granholm budget plan

    LANSING -- Senate Republican leaders said today they will turn down Gov. Jennifer Granholm's budget-balancing plan for this year because they oppose a tax hike she has proposed.

    The $800 million-plus deficit in the budget year that ends Sept. 30 can be entirely closed by making cuts, said Senate Majority Leader Mike Bishop, R-Rochester.

    "The Republican caucus has said we can get it done with cuts and we're going to put our money where our mouth is," Bishop said. He didn't specify where the cuts would be made, but said school aid reductions are on the table.

    The rejection of the governor's executive order, to be made official at a Senate Appropriations Committee meeting later today, means Granholm must propose another plan within 30 days. Republican senators will draft their own proposal for balancing the budget in the next couple weeks, Bishop said.

    "We hope we can negotiate the next executive order," said Senate Appropriations Committee Chairman Ron Jelinek, R-Three Oaks.

    Granholm's overall plan is predicated on a new 2-penny-per-dollar tax on services, among other tax hikes. The service tax would go into effect June 1 and raise $525 million toward resolving this year's deficit.

    The governor also proposed an accounting change in teacher retirement calculations that would save $278 million, a delay in higher education funding that would net $69 million and $43 million in cuts, including child care services, cooperative extension service and other programs.

    Her plan spared cuts in school aid, which is short by $377 million, a deficit that would require reductions of $224 per pupil to eliminate. Bishop and Jelinek said they hoped to mitigate school aid cuts but added education reductions will be considered.

    Senate Appropriations Committee Vice-Chairman Michael Switalski, D-Roseville, called the Republicans' rejection of the executive order "a missed opportunity."

    "I would be surprised if they can come up with nearly $1 billion in cuts. That's pretty ambitious," Switalski said. "But I'm ready to take a look."

    < Chrsyler's Project X worse than feared: 13,000 JOBS CUT! | Talking around town >

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    Thank goodness for Bishop and his saints! (none / 0) (#1)
    by narphinugan on Wed Feb 14, 2007 at 09:13:30 PM EST
    Romney had a 3 billion dollar deficit and he cut his way into a surplus. Why can't we have someone like that in the Governor's seat...oh wait, because Dick DeVos competed in the global marketplace and therefore is "against" everything American.

    yeah (none / 0) (#2)
    by Cheetorbolt on Fri Feb 16, 2007 at 03:49:47 PM EST
    Praise the Lord!

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