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    Who are the NERD fund donors Mr Snyder?

    Raise the curtain.

    Happy Birthday MCRI (Aka Standing Up to the Administration)

    By amanda zaluckyj, Section News
    Posted on Tue Nov 13, 2007 at 09:18:40 AM EST
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    As most girls I have a natural affinity for remembering sentimental dates. For example, last Wednesday was November 7.  It was the one year anniversary the 2006 elections.

    Come on, you remember. It was the day that Michigan voters decided to send Governor Granholm back to Lansing and hand the majority of the House to the Democrats.

    I know, it was horrible day, so why remember it? Because it was also the day that a majority of Michigan voters decided to vote and pass an amendment to the Michigan constitution that would eliminate race and gender preferences in the state. Most of us know this as the Michigan Civil Rights Initiative, or MCRI.

    I was relieved since I knew that GVSU and countless other Michigan universities were pouring money into anti-MCRI propaganda. I heard countless times the evils of an affirmative action free state.

    As we are all aware though, Michigan universities did not stop touting this message after the election. Unfortunately for them, some students decided to take a stand against them....

    They had a birthday party.

    On November 7, 2007 the GVSU College Republicans teamed up with Team America, a new conservative group on GVSU's campus, and celebrated the one year anniversary of the passage of MCRI.

    The idea was to let the administration, who largely overlooks the conservative voice on campus (or tries to stifle free speech at all) know that not everyone agrees that MCRI needs to be repealed. In fact, some of us are quite happy that it passed -- it is just too bad universities won't give it a chance.

    This was after the Student Senate wanted to host a debate about MCRI and discuss the effects year after it passed. Who did they invite? On the one side: GVSU College Republicans. On the other: NAACP lawyers.

    I think we all know how well that would have turned out. Even though they gave the other side a venue to express their opinion, the powers that be were going to make sure that the pro-MCRI side looked like idiots. And does it surprise anyone that they were going to use tuition dollars to pay for the NAACP lawyers to come in, but not drop a dime for the opposition?

    So while it may seem silly to throw a birthday party for a constitutional amendment, it isn't as silly as pitting two inexperienced college students against trained trial lawyers and acting as though it is fair.

    And just to top it off, Team America delivered a personal invitation to President of GVSU, Thomas Haas, inviting him to the event. You see, Haas sent out an email the day after the election expressing sorrow that MCRI had passed and promising students he would use resources to fight against it.  

    Because, seriously, who would support such a thing? Certainly not a GVSU student!

    I am sure he was pleasantly surprised to see students were hosting a birthday party to the one thing he hates the most - true equality. And I'm sure he won't be too happy to receive the birthday card that event attendees signed showing their support for the amendment.

    The best possible situation is that I would be present when he opened that card. Now that would be an anniversary to celebrate.

    < Dillon kills primary, disenfranchising millions | Portrait of a Tax Hiker: Fred Miller (D-Mount Clemens) >

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    Happy Birthday, MCRI (none / 0) (#1)
    by John Galt on Tue Nov 13, 2007 at 09:51:26 AM EST
    Good job Amanda!

    I think it's dispicable that public schools whine about not getting enough money from the state... but have no problem wasting millions to fight a battle like this.  Our schools are not mouthpieces of their administrators.  They are there to teach our children.

    Keep up the great work!

    MCRI (none / 0) (#2)
    by Eric T on Tue Nov 13, 2007 at 10:53:44 AM EST
    MCRI was a step in the right direction. Equality for all. Race should not be an issue in anything. This country has people from every ethnic group on the planet, when you give certain groups a unfair advantage based on race you are promoting racism. MCRI eliminates racism.

    Ward Connerly (none / 0) (#3)
    by Ed Burley on Tue Nov 13, 2007 at 02:06:45 PM EST
    If you want an interesting, and enjoyable read; pick up a copy of Ward Connerly's "Creating Equal." He lays out his background, his history, and his fight for racial equality in America. It's enjoyable to read of his transformation from a bureaucrat to an entrepreneur. He's quite a man, who truly embodies Dr. King's vision.

    Amanda, Call me next time this happens -I'll speak (none / 0) (#4)
    by chetly on Tue Nov 13, 2007 at 08:25:41 PM EST
    Amanda, next time there is a panel out there that they try to stack, give me a buzz.  My email is on my websites, and phone is quickly available.

    I'm not an NAACP lawyer, but I've been up against a few on panels and have the issue expertise and experience on panels to give them more than they bargained for.  And if I don't like the odds, I'll bring a Carl Cohen or William Allen with me if I can.

    Chetly Zarko
    Outside Lansing & Oakland Politics

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