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    Who are the NERD fund donors Mr Snyder?

    Raise the curtain.

    Portrait of a Tax Hiker: Kathy Angerer (D-Dundee)

    By Nick, Section News
    Posted on Tue Oct 16, 2007 at 02:00:40 PM EST
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    "Basically, this entire package was delivered by Democrats." - Andy Dillon, Detroit News, October 2, 2007.

    This is the ninth in a series of looks at specific members of Dillon's tax hike caucus.  The Democrats hold a 58-52 lead in the House.  A shift of just four seats returns control to the Republicans, a caucus, for what it's worth, that held the line in impressive fashion against the Democrats' tax and spend gambit.  According to Andy Dillon anyways.

    Four seats is more than doable.  A move to a common sense approach that protects jobs and Michigan families is doable.  Just a matter of getting rid of a few bad apples.  Today we take a trip down US 23 and visit with special interest shill Kathy Angerer.


    What is it with Michigan Democrats promising to do one thing before they get elected then turning around and doing just the opposite after they've taken the oath of office?  Is it a chronic case of the old bait and switch?  Is something in the water in the House Democrat Caucus chamber?  Or should voters stop taking Democrat candidates at their word?

    South-east Michigan Representative Kathy Angerer represents a perfect conundrum for voters, and, I think, presents an opportunity to learn two very important lessons.  Assume nothing and follow the money.

    The first lesson can be learned from a look at Angerer's campaign website.  Now, she's let it expire and tried to wipe the last vestiges of her campaign pledges out of the public record but through the wonders of the internet and Google's web cache we're able to see what she doesn't want you to see by clicking HERE.

    The second-term Democrat talks about her hopes and plans and dreams for the economy and states:

    My plan involves: Offering a tax credit for companies that create jobs in Michigan. - AND - Offering a manufacturing jobs tax cut.

    These weren't hidden promises buried somewhere on the page.  They're prominently displayed in bold face right on top.

    Surprisingly, a quick check of the Representative's sponsored and co-sponsored legislation comes up a little bit short on the tax-cut end of the scale.  But that's not to say Angerer hasn't established a reputation on the tax issue throughout 2007.  

    Democrat Kathy Angerer voted YES on the House plan to raise the sales tax on services by over $600 million a year, crippling small businesses and forcing them to cut jobs.

    Democrat Kathy Angerer voted YES on the House plan to spike the income tax by nearly $800 million a year, swiping cash directly from the pockets of working moms and dads struggling to make ends meet amongst Michigan's nation-worst unemployment rate and skyrocketing poverty and foreclosure rates.

    Those, of course, were the cornerstone of the Democrat's budget "solution," asking taxpayers to wipe out the projected 2007-08 fiscal year deficit without touching the state's structural budget imbalance.  But they weren't the only taxes Angerer wanted to raise.

    In fact, earlier in September Kathy Angerer cosponsored Democrat legislation to raise various other taxes by over $332 million!  House Bills 5252 through 5256 tax everything from periodicals to free meals (yeah, you read that right) to vending machines to tax payments themselves!

    Because it's important to tax FREE MEALS but it's not important to prevent the MEA from stealing $400 million a year from taxpayers for providing ZERO in the way of goods or services.  

    Probably not what the people of the 55th District thought they were getting when they first granted the Representative a 319 vote victory (one of the closest in the history of the State of Michigan).  

    But should we have expected it all along?  You don't win that close an election in that competitive a district without massive amounts of cash flowing into your campaign coffers.  And when I say massive I mean massive.  The sort of cash that comes with strings attached.

    According to official reports filed with the Michigan Secretary of State Angerer has accepted over $142,000 from the Michigan House Democrat Fund, over $10,000 from the Granholm Leadership fund and Mark Brewer / MDP and tens of thousands from big labor including the Michigan Education Association.

    The House Democrats needed her vote to raise your taxes.  They paid a lot of cash to get her into office and she was all too eager to repay the favor.  And when the MEA and big labor endorse you and fill your war chest with tens of thousands of dollars they expect "results."

    Where Kathy Angerer is concerned you get who you pay for.  And Michigan job makers, moms and dads, those who decide to stay, will be paying because of her for years to come.

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    Atrocious Hair (none / 0) (#1)
    by Victor Laszlo on Tue Oct 16, 2007 at 07:11:31 PM EST
    Gawd, her hairstyle is atrocious!

    Nick, you missed a big tax in there... (none / 0) (#2)
    by RightMacomb on Tue Oct 16, 2007 at 07:54:18 PM EST
    As apart of the bills, she would also tax equipment being used to control water and air pollution.  This is a two-fer...raising taxes and hurting the environment in one shot.

    Can Campaign Finance Fraud be added to the List... (none / 0) (#3)
    by RightMacomb on Tue Oct 16, 2007 at 09:03:48 PM EST
    Its amazing what you will find when you try to un-weave the Democrats Campaign Finance Statements.  Now wonder they want public financing of campaigns...its alot easier than doing a bunch of secret transactions to cover up where the money is coming from.

    Angerer is a perfect example.  The law is that any Candidate Campaign Committee is limited to giving another candidate campaign committee $100.  But Angerer didn't like that law so she cooked up a way to bypass it, using a "leadership fund" to break the law.  Here is how it goes:

    Step 1:  Raise $262,000 for a job that pays under $80,000... Post General Campaign Statement

    Step 2:  Create a "leadership fund" in your own name (nice job covering the tracks) and transfer $20,000 to the fund... Post General Campaign Statement

    Step 3:  Use the leadership fund to give $5,000 checks to Candidate Campaign Committees (for those Libs out there that struggle with math, $5,000 is about 50 times greater than $100)... Leadership Fund Statement

    Large transactions only 2 days apart...oh yeah, the mail normally takes 2 days to deliver a letter or in this case a big illegal check.  The mob normally refers to this a money laundering.  But in the Michigan Democratic Party, this is the normal course of business.

    You are just sad (none / 0) (#4)
    by Communications Guru on Tue Oct 16, 2007 at 11:10:36 PM EST
    There is no one in the House that doesn't respect Kathy Angerer, and that includes Representatives on both sides of the aisle. It just makes your baseless attack look sad. Your ridiculous claim about campaign finance is just asinine. What she did is not limited to Rep. Angerer or the Democrats.

    • I agree by Ed Burley, 10/17/2007 08:37:02 AM EST (none / 0)
    I agree, Ed (none / 0) (#7)
    by John Galt on Wed Oct 17, 2007 at 11:53:19 AM EST
    It's a shame that our local Democrats (CommieGuru and NoviDemo) can't find the time to condemn their Democrat offenders like they can with Republicans.

    Their goal isn't cleaning out the slime.  Their goal is purely partisan politics.

    For what? (none / 0) (#8)
    by Communications Guru on Wed Oct 17, 2007 at 05:29:19 PM EST
    What is it I'm supposed to condemn Rep, Angerer for? I don't see where she did anything wrong.

    Give up some names... (none / 0) (#9)
    by RightMacomb on Wed Oct 17, 2007 at 05:40:39 PM EST
    If you believe that Republicans do this type of money laundering that Angerer did, then name some...I have laid out a pretty clear case where she used her leadership fund to VIOLATE the STATE LAW that prohibits contributions of greater than a $100.  If you think Republicans dod it too, then name some with the evidence to back it up.

    • Here's one by Communications Guru, 10/17/2007 11:31:51 PM EST (none / 0)
    • Forgot the link by Communications Guru, 10/17/2007 11:42:11 PM EST (none / 0)
    Man oh man. (1.00 / 1) (#12)
    by John Galt on Thu Oct 18, 2007 at 07:54:53 AM EST
    Talk about "not knowing what you're talking about".

    Not only does CommieGuru not know how to read (the "two day" difference was between receipt of a large donation and then an expenditure to a campaign committee).  But that's just a minor infraction.

    The larger infraction is the accusation the Bureau of Election only processes complaints against Democrats.  Hardly true.  They don't act on baseless accusations of Chairman Mao Brewer, but I think you'd be hard pressed to find any other examples.

    Neither do you (none / 0) (#13)
    by Communications Guru on Thu Oct 18, 2007 at 09:55:07 AM EST
    Well, as I said, I admitted I don't know that much about campaign finance laws, but neither do you or the guy who attacked Rep. Angerer on campaign finance.

    For review, he said, "Step 1:  Raise $262,000 for a job that pays under $80,000." Ward raised similar funds.  

    "Step 2:  Create a "leadership fund" in your own name (nice job covering the tracks) and transfer $20,000 to the fund." Ward, and elected officials in a leadership role, did the same.

    "Step 3:  Use the leadership fund to give $5,000 checks to Candidate Campaign Committees (for those Libs out there that struggle with math, $5,000 is about 50 times greater than $100)." Ward did the same. The illegal thing he is accusing Rep. Angerer of is the "50 times greater than $10."

    I have no idea about timing being illegal; if the two days is illegal, he certainly did not make that clear, but he did make the $100 rule clear.

    I have been over this before, and it probably a waste of time. But it seems ironic that I spent 20 years in the military fighting against communism, but someone like you who just sat on his ass can call me a communist.

    As for the SOS only going after Democrats, here are a few examples, and that's the only two I can find for any one from any party.

    In December former Democrat Rep. LaMar Lemmons, III was found guilty of the misdemeanor of failing to file campaign finance reports. Following a two-day jury trial he was ordered to pay fines and fees of $1,095. What a waste of time.
    According to a Dec. 22, 2006 Detroit News article, "Lemmons' case was the first campaign finance violation to go to trial in the 30 years since the laws were written." Funny, 30 years, and isn't it ironic.

    Flushed with that success they went after Rep. George Cushingberry, but a judge saw through the ploy and threw out the charges.

    For a Communications Guru, you dont do... (none / 0) (#14)
    by RightMacomb on Thu Oct 18, 2007 at 04:08:15 PM EST
    good research.  First, great job calling out Chris Ward, Two-Penny Jenny's new BFF.  The guy gives you the tax hike you all wanted and then you rat him out for violating campaign finance law like Angerer did.  One problem, he didnt transfer a large chunk of change from his campaign account and then turn around and give it to others.  Using the contributor analysis section of the Michigan.gov website shows that "Chris Ward for State Representative" didnt transfer money to "Chris Ward Majority Fund".

    Representative Ward, if you happen to be reading these postings...these are you new best friends...enjoy.

    Back to the Guru, I love your last part...it was only violating Campaign Law, who cares about that...what great rationale that is.  I thought the Dems since 2000 always cared about the integrity of elections (you probably still believe AlGore won Florida).  Oh, I forgot only as long as a Dem wins, everything is okay.  

    Please (none / 0) (#15)
    by Communications Guru on Thu Oct 18, 2007 at 05:21:04 PM EST
    First I am not "ratting out" Chris Ward because he did not do anything wrong or illegal, and neither did Kathy Angerer. If you think she did, please file a complaint.  I have been one of the biggest Chris Ward critics in the past, but when he does something right, the first time in five years, it should be highlighted. Especially when his fellow Republicans all agreed taxes needed to be raised, but didn't have the balls to vote for it. If you want to talk about the budget, fine. The Senate Republicans passed these drastic cuts that would have laid off more than a 1,000 workers and closed prisons, but it still left more than half $500 million short of balancing the budget. Then, the House Republicans refused to vote for the cuts. What the hell was your solution to the budget deficit? Again, I do not know all the ins and outs of campaign finance, but neither do you.

    When did I ever say ".it was only violating Campaign Law, who cares about that?" The answer is never. BTW, Al Gore did win Florida, but he lost 5-4.

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