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    Who are the NERD fund donors Mr Snyder?

    Raise the curtain.

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    I don't really understand (none / 0) (#5)
    by PTurner on Tue Sep 11, 2012 at 03:07:46 PM EST
    What separates Justice Markman from Justice Zahra such that judicial conservatives should vote for the former but not the latter?

    And why should judicial conservatives be content to lose the Michigan Supreme Court (i.e. by voting only to retain Justice Markman)?  The Rule of Law majority is currently 4-3, which means that if the other side flips only one seat, we are back in the minority.  The flip side--if we pick up the seat of retiring Justice Marilyn Kelly by electing O'Brien--makes more secure the ROL majority with a 5-2 split for the first time in decades.

    In my mind, both Justices Markman and Zahra have a strong judicial record and both deserve reelection to the Court.  I don't know a ton about Judge O'Brien, but she was the candidate chosen by the delegates, I trust when she says she is a Rule of Law judge, and at the very least she will almost assuredly be better than either of the other choices being proffered by the Democratic side.  I recognize that this last argument may be a bit unseemly, but listen to the other side's candidates talk for a few minutes about how they want to make the law more "fair" as they subjectively understand that phrase, and that should scare the pants off of anyone committed to the Rule of Law.  For the reasons I mentioned in the main article, judicial conservatives cannot afford to sit this eleciton out.


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