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    Who are the NERD fund donors Mr Snyder?

    Raise the curtain.

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    I agree with your observations (none / 0) (#15)
    by PTurner on Tue Sep 11, 2012 at 11:54:55 PM EST
    And would only add as follows:

    In 2010, more than just the tea party and conservative sweep that occurred in Michigan, much credit also has to be given to the major push made by the GOP to promote its two candidates.  The "Young/Kelly, Kelly/Young" ads were ubiquitous on TV and elsewhere--in addition to the candidates' efforts, the party put alot of time and money behind that pair.  

    In 2008, moreso than the false and absurd "sleeping judge ad," the biggest factor contributing to Taylor's loss was that he got swept up in the Obama tidal wave.  It is sad that many Michigan citizens falsely remember this great Justice as the one who fell asleep on the bench, but the Obama point is one that I have heard Taylor make in-person, and I think there is much truth to it.  When McCain publicly pulled out of Michigan, the Dems knew that they were going to run the table here, and in the final weeks before the election, Hathaway was tied in every way to the ticket, including in mailers that went out with her picture next to Obama's.

    Which, with Obama projected to do well here again (and many commentators and news outlets questioning the Romney campaign's commitment to push forward here), conservatives should be all-hands-on-deck to help prevent a loss of the Court.


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