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      Who are the NERD fund donors Mr Snyder?

      Raise the curtain.

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      There is no Rule of Law anymore (none / 0) (#1)
      by Corinthian Scales on Thu Aug 16, 2012 at 04:14:01 PM EST
      Howza 'bout having zero claim to your money if invested in the stock market or have a bank account?

      Full Sentinel Ruling Link
      Posted by Ann Barnhardt - August 12, AD 2012 6:51 PM MST

      A reader with a Westlaw subscription downloaded this and then emailed it to me. Many thanks for that, as it is NOT published on the internet. Until now. Mwah-ha-ha-ha.

      CLICK HERE for the Sentinel Federal Appeals Court Ruling of August 9, 2012

      This commentary came from the fellow who sent this to me. I think it is spot-on.

      Miss Barnhardt,

      I thought you might be interested in reading the actual opinion of the In Re Sentinel Group case, which I have attached in PDF. It was very hard to find for some reason, and I had to access my Westlaw account in order to get it. I think it would be well worth your time to read it, as I am afraid that it appears to confirm what you have been saying.

      The entire case reads like an after-the-fact rationalization of a predetermined conclusion. Years ago when I was with a different firm, I worked on numerous major institutional fraud and auditing cases, and I cannot recall a ruling even remotely similar - let alone from a federal court of appeals.

      Please pay particular attention to the section on equitable subordination, on pages 6 through 8. Unbelievably, the court acknowledged in that section that even though some of the bankers  lied under oath during the trial, that fact did not prove "sufficiently egregious" actions on the part of the bank.

      I will quote the opinion: "Instead of finding that their testimony [i.e. their lies] justified a finding of egregious bank behavior, the district court essentially found that the bank officials were such artless liars that they couldn't have been concealing deliberate wrongdoing." See page 7, column 2.

      So in other words, a U.S. Court of Appeals has found that if a banker lies under oath during a trial, that fact proves that the bank was innocent of any misconduct with respect to the subject matter of those lies. Did we get transported to bizarro world without knowing it?


      There is no Rule of Law anymore.

      OABTW, Wiz...

      I have appeared before Judge Kelly on numerous occasions, and I know her from our work together on the State Bar Civil Procedure Committee. She has an excellent mind and judicial temperament. She carefully applies the law as she finds it -- there is no legislating going on from her bench. Given the current tidal wave of reversals emanating from our current Supreme Court, understanding the proper role of a judge is crucial. Mary Beth Kelly gets it, and she lives it every day on the bench.

      Mary Beth Kelley sucks too.

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