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    Who are the NERD fund donors Mr Snyder?

    Raise the curtain.

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    Should have never gotten to trial (none / 0) (#1)
    by Republican Michigander on Thu Jul 12, 2012 at 08:36:21 PM EST
    While I question the pragmatic judgement of anyone LONG gun open carrying in a city, there's nothing illegal (nor should be) about open carry, even with a long gun. I do hope that he gets a belt holster and a pistol at age 21. That's what pistols are for.

    Open carry is not brandishing. There's no threat. It's a lawful activity. He didn't move the gun around when making a threat or gesture. All he did was have it over the shoulder, and likely didn't play ball with the cops who hate it when a "kid" knows the law better than they do.

    It's worth noting that this isn't prosecuted by Oakland County. This is done by the City Attorney of Birmingham. Usually county prosecutes. This didn't happen.

    If God forbid there's a conviction, appeal the hell out of it. Once there's an acquittal sue the hell out of Birmingham. They're rich. They can afford the judgment.

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