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    Who are the NERD fund donors Mr Snyder?

    Raise the curtain.

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    School project eh? (5.00 / 1) (#2)
    by JGillman on Thu Jun 28, 2012 at 09:26:27 AM EST
    Nothing like a government class to make you an expert.

    I wonder how much of the "facts" presented were spoon fed to you.  In fact none of the "reporting" you present here has any backing facts.  Where are the links?  Where is supporting documentation? Proof?

    So while you are digging that out, lets talk about FRED.


    The EPA could have been dismantled along the way by MR Upton in nearly any one of his prior terms.  The Congress could have de-funded the EPA, which now has incredible destructive power over our lives. Thorns suck, but an axe frenzy to all that supports the EPA would be more apropos.

    And MR Upton banned the incandescent light bulb.  Chasing away the last of the bulb factories in the country.  Can you say hello Chinese curlycue?

    He voted to enhance harvesting of the unborn for research before Bush vetoed the bill. He voted again to try to overturn the veto.

    He voted for TARP.  Take OUR Money, give it to other people. Check.

    He voted to continue funding other nations who used the funds to fund abortion. Check.

    He voted to fatten the UAW by giving in to the GM bailout, providing the basis for Obama's later actions.  And do NOT tell me it was necessary.  A bankruptcy was in order, and would have been healthier an outcome.

    He voted to allow our debt to increase.

    Look, there have been good votes in Upton's record, but is he a stalwart?

    Two issues of litmus for me:

    Life, and Property.

    He isn't so good there, ok?

    • Campaign fund contributions by albaby, 08/04/2012 10:54:58 AM EST (none / 0)
      • Why? by jgillmanjr, 08/04/2012 11:28:51 AM EST (none / 0)
      • Also by jgillmanjr, 08/04/2012 11:37:23 AM EST (none / 0)

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