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    Who are the NERD fund donors Mr Snyder?

    Raise the curtain.

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    TweedleDem or TweedleRom (none / 0) (#13)
    by Pogo on Mon Apr 30, 2012 at 05:28:17 AM EST
         As I recall, Mr. Romney selected 9 (nine) Republican nominees out of 36 judicial appointments when he was governor. Would he be the kind of "severe" conservative president that would actually appoint rule-of-law judges, or, like our non-partisan governor picking his state treasurer, do his best to be pleasingly moderate? I don't see much to choose from in that department; one has to decide whether to believe what an aspiring politician says, or what their record shows.

         Anybody who wants Obama-Lite-with-management-experience can go for it; I'm not going to send my vote to that dead end. With the current choices, I don't much care how the presidential race turns out - there are more worthwhile things to plan for. I'ts probably better to have four more years of Obama blocked by Congress than eight of the slower version with no opposition. One way or another, at SOME point the idiots in charge of the R's will learn to stop repeating 2008.


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